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CLAPCON Mafia - Currently: Day 7 - Night 7 is Sunday at 10pm EST


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So first, I'm gonna defend myself, since I'm halfway to being lynched on Day 1 for the dumbest reason ever.

So, the allegations are various.  I'll ignore squire, because I've covered his non-case already.  I'm just gonna link to the other threads, since what yall are suggesting isn't working for whatever reason.

I'm gonna go through Orca's posts accusing me of scumhood, since he actually lays out a case, and dissect why they're wrong one by one.

On 9/27/2020 at 7:36 AM, squire12 said:

Interesting vote after Daniel's scum reads.

This isn't Orca's, but it is just before Orca starts following squire.  The timing jumped out at me when I was rereading because it's right after this that Orca jumps onto my train.

20 hours ago, The Orca said:


This is logic and reason and playing well lol


Here he's quoting a bunch of Naz posts from the endgame.  I still think Naz played passably well at the end, as I said in my writeup for him in the second post of the game .  (Posted below)  Disagree if you want, but unless Dome gave me my role days before everyone else, it's hard for me to see the consistency as scummy.

17 hours ago, The Orca said:

What you saw last game is top of the line activity from Naz

Is there a reason for your posting/defense so far?

Here's where my attention was first grabbed.  I remember Counselor and Pickle both essentially leveling the same accusation at me in Black Sails day 1.

15 hours ago, The Orca said:

Why are you defending Naz?

Again, not defending.  Will vote for him if there are no better options.  But I prefer to no lynch, if there's not someone I have a good read on.

14 hours ago, The Orca said:

Just not in recent games?

He wasn't active. I posted every post from the last day. It was like 8 posts saying his role and you all dumb to lynch him

So far, you were totally and intentionally inaccurate saying he used logic and reason to sway Malf and that he was active. I also don't remember the last two games you played that you were pushing for a no lynch D1. You actually voted someone both D1s

11 hours ago, The Orca said:

Now you don't understand what's being discussed lol. No one is talking about what I posted in the game. Its about your description and defense of Naz using last game as an example with totally fake descriptions of his play 

Now we're getting into the meat of it.  I went back and looked at Black Sails to make sure I remembered right, and I was correct.  After a few lolposts, people started pushing for lynches to take place, and I actually advocated for waiting til everyone checked in.  At that point, I hadn't voted.

The other thing that caught my attention, of course, was that he was technically right.  I did vote for someone Day one in Black Sails, near the end of the phase.  In fact, it was 15 til 5 on a Tuesday, so for me (since I have to commute home, then have game nights with my brother and friends on Tuesdays) it was the end of the phase.  In fact, it was my very last post of the phase, and it was on someone that actually was scum.  Before that, I didn't vote for anyone, because I don't like lynching blindly on Day 1.  It's a dumb move that hurts town most of the time.

2 hours ago, The Orca said:


Go to this post and read every post I quoted that Naz made on the last day of your game. You said this was using logic and reason and that showed he was active. This was about equal to his entire posts to that point. Naz was none of what you described and you have posted multiple times that you will let him slide if he promises to be active later. This shows a clear defense of Naz this game using made up/clearly fake reason from last game. 

Here I'll just post my actual writeup of Naz from Lolocaust.


Naz was an Indy PGO and bomb combo who's WC was to lure someone to his tent to get dildozed.  He missed a chance on Matts because Malf motivated him, and missed another for not making the post count.  However, at the end, he finally became active, and helped push the remaining townies into finally lynching the last scum killer, and did so effectively, realizing it was better to admit that he was Indy t prove he was telling the truth.

I'm not saying anything about him that's that different from what I put in my writeup.  I'm behaving in the same way I did Day one in both of the games I played on this site.  And I was town in both on Day 1.

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4 minutes ago, Daniel said:

So first, I'm gonna defend myself, since I'm halfway to being lynched on Day 1 for the dumbest reason ever.

So, the allegations are various.  I'll ignore squire, because I've covered his non-case already.  I'm just gonna link to the other threads, since what yall are suggesting isn't working for whatever reason.

I'm gonna go through Orca's posts accusing me of scumhood, since he actually lays out a case, and dissect why they're wrong one by one.

This isn't Orca's, but it is just before Orca starts following squire.  The timing jumped out at me when I was rereading because it's right after this that Orca jumps onto my train.

Here he's quoting a bunch of Naz posts from the endgame.  I still think Naz played passably well at the end, as I said in my writeup for him in the second post of the game .  (Posted below)  Disagree if you want, but unless Dome gave me my role days before everyone else, it's hard for me to see the consistency as scummy.

Here's where my attention was first grabbed.  I remember Counselor and Pickle both essentially leveling the same accusation at me in Black Sails day 1.

Again, not defending.  Will vote for him if there are no better options.  But I prefer to no lynch, if there's not someone I have a good read on.

Now we're getting into the meat of it.  I went back and looked at Black Sails to make sure I remembered right, and I was correct.  After a few lolposts, people started pushing for lynches to take place, and I actually advocated for waiting til everyone checked in.  At that point, I hadn't voted.

The other thing that caught my attention, of course, was that he was technically right.  I did vote for someone Day one in Black Sails, near the end of the phase.  In fact, it was 15 til 5 on a Tuesday, so for me (since I have to commute home, then have game nights with my brother and friends on Tuesdays) it was the end of the phase.  In fact, it was my very last post of the phase, and it was on someone that actually was scum.  Before that, I didn't vote for anyone, because I don't like lynching blindly on Day 1.  It's a dumb move that hurts town most of the time.

Here I'll just post my actual writeup of Naz from Lolocaust.

I'm not saying anything about him that's that different from what I put in my writeup.  I'm behaving in the same way I did Day one in both of the games I played on this site.  And I was town in both on Day 1.

All this is, is a long post dodging what you said. Naz did not use logic and reason and was not active. So you pushing to make a deal not to vote him if he says he will be active later is a huge red alert. All of what you said in regards to Naz is wrong, made up, and totally used as a defense of Naz. Your spinning of what my point was, fake confusion on what I posted, avoiding the issue with misdirections are all scum tells


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9 minutes ago, The Orca said:

All this is, is a long post dodging what you said. Naz did not use logic and reason and was not active. So you pushing to make a deal not to vote him if he says he will be active later is a huge red alert. All of what you said in regards to Naz is wrong, made up, and totally used as a defense of Naz. Your spinning of what my point was, fake confusion on what I posted, avoiding the issue with misdirections are all scum tells



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