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Valkyrie Mafia: D8 Ends Saturday at 10 PM EST

The Orca

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Just now, MWil23 said:

I did my senior thesis on this exact subject/event in college, and in one of my electives, I show this film, which is surprisingly accurate. I posted the plot synopsis and five step summary, in relative detail, which is ironic as Pickle doesn't seem to think that either of those posts are relevant.

BCB's character is essentially a guy that ruined the plot by inadvertently moving the briefcase after knocking it down, in which he put it behind the table leg, sending the explosion the opposite direction that it would have gone, thus not killing Hitler, and that ironically killed him instead (he died one day later from his wounds). A year before the Valkyrie plot, he unwittingly transported glasses and alcohol that carried a bomb (which never detonated), so he was more of a pawn in the scheme(s).

Truth be told, it's nearly impossible to know who WAS/WAS NOT directly involved. For example, we know that General Rommel was involved in some capacity (Hitler forced him to ingest cyanide and then shoot himself or he'd kill his family), but it may have been a passive knowledge that he didn't report, or rather an overt attempt.

There is at least ONE person that was playing both sides, who turned on Stauffenberg and everyone else, knowing about the attempt, and saying "I always end up on the right side, and as long as the Fuhrer is alive, you know what side that will be on." He had them summarily executed, and after an intense months long investigation, was summarily also executed.

I suppose you could make it a multiball or have some survivor, but Hitler himself would have only seen two sides, as well as those involved:

Hitler aligned (see, the unconditional oath at the beginning of the movie) or otherwise.


Just now, Blue said:

He's literally the guy who moved the bomb and likely saved Hitler, lol.

More of an unwitting patsy/pawn, multiple times as a matter of fact.

That said, if this is multiball, then you're asking me to see how the host would perceive alignments, wherein it's clear that Himmler and Goebbels HAD TO BE present at first for this to take place.

From there, the Gestapo and SS are removed, meaning that by nature they'd be LOYAL TO HITLER.

You have those loyal to the Fuhrer and those who were not. 

There was absolutely no fence sitting, as was evidenced by history and the fallout of the July Plot.

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

There is at least ONE person that was playing both sides, who turned on Stauffenberg and everyone else, knowing about the attempt, and saying "I always end up on the right side, and as long as the Fuhrer is alive, you know what side that will be on." He had them summarily executed, and after an intense months long investigation, was summarily also executed.

You gonna leave them hanging for a reason.  Bc this guy either has a surivior role or can be converted.  Anyone claiming him better get the axe, so yeah don't say his name yet.  

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

The movie paints him as definitely against the resistance 

It’s relatively ambiguous. He’s not approached. He had access to Hitler and therefore he was used with the alcohol bomb once and then at the Wolf’s Lair 20 July. 

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