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Stranded on a deserted Island...


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On 10/5/2017 at 8:20 PM, Kiwibrown said:

you will never ever be found.

You can take....

One book.

The upcoming smugness tome TLO and I are writing 

One football player.

Tom Brady, will ensure proper nutrition and exercise practices

One person from pop culture

One of Leo's girlfriends 

one food to eat the rest of your life (unlimited supply)

Probably avocados (see above) 

One movie series

James Bond, there's just a lot of them 

One TV series

Lost.  I haven't seen it, but assume it would be instructive 

One  music album 

Steve Perry's Greatest Hits 

one random item. Can't be a helicopter or a boat. 



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you will never ever be found.

You can take....

One book.  -- My kids favorite book when they were little.   


  The Old Woman and the Willy Nilly Man   

One football player.  --


 Jayne Caldwell, Quarterback from the Chicago Bliss   You didn't specify which league.  :) 

One person from pop culture  - Mark Levin

one food to eat the rest of your life (unlimited supply)  Cherry yogurt mixed with granola

One movie series  - James Bond

One TV series  The Benny Hill Show

One  music album - Megadeth - Warchest

one random item. Can't be a helicopter or a boat. -- Poker set


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On 10/5/2017 at 5:20 PM, Kiwibrown said:

you will never ever be found.

You can take....

One book.

One football player.

One person from pop culture

one food to eat the rest of your life (unlimited supply)

One movie series

One TV series

One  music album 

one random item. Can't be a helicopter or a boat. 

Book - Not really sure. Probably the dictionary, and read/learn one word a day

Football Player - Nicole Peterson, Center for the Seattle Mist. If I'm taking someone from the LFL, I'm taking a Center...

Person from Pop Culture - Anna Kendrick. Easy on the eyes, seems to be very down to earth, could make me laugh, and could sing to me. All in all, she just seems like someone that would be super cool to hang out with.  

Food - Chicken tacos. Almost went with fish tacos, but I figure I'm on an island, and there's plenty of fish in the sea

Movie Series - Has to be Star Wars

TV Series - Game of Thrones. Prior to 2017 I would have said Sons of Anarchy, but I started watching GoT in about February of this year (and got all the way caught up), and it passed SoA as my favorite show ever.

Music - Social Distortion - Greatest Hits

Random Item - My iPad. Gotta keep up on my Clash of Clans and Boom Beach after all

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1 hour ago, BigBillsFan13 said:

Book - Not really sure. Probably the dictionary, and read/learn one word a day

Football Player - Nicole Peterson, Center for the Seattle Mist. If I'm taking someone from the LFL, I'm taking a Center...

Person from Pop Culture - Anna Kendrick. Easy on the eyes, seems to be very down to earth, could make me laugh, and could sing to me. All in all, she just seems like someone that would be super cool to hang out with.  

Food - Chicken tacos. Almost went with fish tacos, but I figure I'm on an island, and there's plenty of fish in the sea

Movie Series - Has to be Star Wars

TV Series - Game of Thrones. Prior to 2017 I would have said Sons of Anarchy, but I started watching GoT in about February of this year (and got all the way caught up), and it passed SoA as my favorite show ever.

Music - Social Distortion - Greatest Hits

Random Item - My iPad. Gotta keep up on my Clash of Clans and Boom Beach after all

Believe it or not.......that was my "other" choice for football player.  :) 


Boy, did we turn this entire thread on its ear.

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1 hour ago, Bucketheadsdad said:

Believe it or not.......that was my "other" choice for football player.  :) 


Boy, did we turn this entire thread on its ear.

Great minds, as they say. 

And yeah, the loophole works well. I thought about Sydney LeRoux or Alex Morgan for football player too lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One book. - Green Eggs and Ham

One football player: Kai Forbath

One person from pop culture: Carrie Keagan

one food to eat the rest of your life: Apple Crisp

One movie series: Rocky

One TV series: The Office

One  music album: Sade in Concert

One random item.  TV

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You can take....

One book.


One football player.

Alan Branch; plenty of him to last me my meals for months.....

One person from pop culture

Would Ava Addams be pop cultural...?

one food to eat the rest of your life (unlimited supply)

Danger is right, it's got to be Salmon. Gives you your fats which is needed for hormonal regulations and you'll need plenty of that. Also your protein.

One movie series

Probably Bond, even though most of them are gash. There's just so many of them that you'll be intrigued for a while, at least

One TV series

Breaking Bad

One  music album 

Some random House mix

One random item. Can't be a helicopter or a boat. 

A huge, sharp knife

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On 10/5/2017 at 8:20 PM, Kiwibrown said:

you will never ever be found.

You can take....

One book. 

The bible

One football player.

Deion Sanders

One person from pop culture

Jerry Seinfeld

one food to eat the rest of your life (unlimited supply)


One movie series

Back to the future

One TV series


One  music album 

Enter the 36 chambers

one random item. Can't be a helicopter or a boat. 

Some sticky green stuff


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One book: Communist Manifesto.  Probably not the most exciting reading, but it's good and dense with a lot of nuance and i like it.  Has re-reading value.  Also has enough heft to throw it at the first jerk who tries to claim some sort of private property on the island, with good effect.

One football player: Honestly the toughest one.  Really wish it was "Pro Athlete" in general.  Don't wanna hang out with any NFL players forever, they're all way too invested in what they're good at.  I'll take my best friend who i played football with in High School instead i guess.

One person from pop culture: Rachel Bilson.  Because she's very pretty and seems fun.  And worst case, Darth Vader shows up and chops my hand off or something.  Could be worse.

one food to eat the rest of your life (unlimited supply): Pizza.  Most versatile and delicious food on the planet, easy.  I mean, it feels like a loophole...because people from NYC and Chicago can't even agree on what a pizza is.  But imma take advantage of that i think.

One movie series: Star Wars.  3 Movies to love, 3 movies to tolerate, and a few to just mostly laugh at.

One TV series: Top Gear.  So many seasons, and it's one of the only shows i can consistently rewatch and still just laugh and be entertained.  I'll even take the spinoff series' if that's allowed (Australia, America, Grand Tour).

One  music album: Eve 6 - Self Titled. 

one random item. Can't be a helicopter or a boat:  Unlimited supply of Beer.  Thought about going with a Guitar or an XBox or something, but beer just makes everything better.  Tapping into unlimited food...but with infinite beers, i'll happily stay anywhere.


Plus, with my broham on the Island, we can just form a half a barbershop quartet and rock out a capella anyway.  With an infinite supply of beer...

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