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43 minutes ago, romo2bryant said:

not a free agency signing, I wonder if they explore a trade of Gallup this offseason.

I think they have to. His value has never been higher and is a proven WR who can perform as a #1. I would definitely take a 2nd rounder for him this year. He won’t be resigned and gaining a possible 3rd round Comp pick for him in 2023 is just dumb! 

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19 minutes ago, textaz03 said:

I think they have to. His value has never been higher and is a proven WR who can perform as a #1. I would definitely take a 2nd rounder for him this year. He won’t be resigned and gaining a possible 3rd round Comp pick for him in 2023 is just dumb! 

Quinnen Williams!!!!

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On 2/9/2021 at 2:51 PM, textaz03 said:

I think they have to. His value has never been higher and is a proven WR who can perform as a #1. I would definitely take a 2nd rounder for him this year. He won’t be resigned and gaining a possible 3rd round Comp pick for him in 2023 is just dumb! 

Finally someone with logic.   I love Gallup,  but the facts are we're not paying him $15mil + per year.   I think a 2nd is the right price.   All of you who get so excited about comp picks,   a 3rd round comp pick 2 drafts later is like a 5th round pick.    A 3rd rd comp this year is really an early 4th.  I could see Cleveland doing it, if they release OBJ.   The Jets as well if they trade for Deshaun Watson.     

Edited by SweetFancyMoses
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11 minutes ago, plan9misfit said:

I would absolutely love to see Dallas make a run at him. 100% chance they don't and go after Jonny Soybean instead

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1 hour ago, plan9misfit said:

Not a chance. Gallup and a 5th? Maybe. And that’s only a maybe.

Why are we giving up Gallup+ for a player who 1) is the one who demanded a trade, 2) is probably less valuable to us in the short term, 3) is going to need a new big contract.

I’m very open to the idea of trading Gallup for a player, but count me out on this. The OT class is really strong. Address it there if we need to. 

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1 hour ago, SweetFancyMoses said:

Finally someone with logic.   I love Gallup,  but the facts are we're not paying him $15mil + per year.   I think a 2nd is the right price.   All of you who get so excited about comp picks,   a 3rd round comp pick 2 drafts later is like a 5th round pick.    A 3rd rd comp this year is really an early 4th.  I could see Cleveland doing it, if they release OBJ.   The Jets as well if they trade for Deshaun Watson.     

I’d guess there is no chance Gallup could command a 2nd round pick with the way college teams are churning out NFL-ready WRs by the bushel.

If we could, that would probably be smart, but I think your expectations on return are a bit high.

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36 minutes ago, WizardHawk said:

I think a 2nd for Gallup is very doable. Gallup has proven himself an asset and more than capable. 

I would love to be wrong. I love Gallup, but I have a pretty hard time understanding why someone would give up two important assets (a premium pick and subsequently a big contract) for him, when the free agent market is stacked with equal or better players and the draft is stacked with perhaps the best pass catching group ever.

Find me the sucker, and I’ll be stoked to use a pick on a young guy to replace Gallup.

Edited by Nextyearfordaboyz
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Personally while I see trading Gallup will help us a lot down the road we won't really be helping this team much next year as no way in my mind is our team better over the next two years with out him. AS most people mention a 2nd or 3rd is our best result and we won't gain much over the salary cap loosing Gallup to signing a second round pic that will barely be productive on the field versus a proven No2 or 1a WR.   NOW yes this helps us down the road 2023 and maybe even 2022. But by then I would prefer DUMPING COOP and gaining a lot MORE help in salary. 

Frankly this year is going to be real hard as I think the team is going to wait tell after the draft to see what they "need" rather then getting people first then drafting best player available due to them messing up and now having Dak already signed to a manageable salary for this season. 

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