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FF Big Brother 9: Swoosh wins!!


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@swoosh I have two questions for you

1. Is there something you did in this game that I do not know and that I should know or get explained before I vote?

2. In the pickle vs outpost vote, you were supposed to vote pickle, I was supposed to vote outpost. I got drunk and paranaoid so I changed my vote, which was right since you changed as well. I understand why you did it but I'd like to know what did you envision for the rest of the game had pickle stayed vs outpost?



There's no question your endgame has been superb. You were dead in the water and you manage to be here - massive credit to you for that. My question is, why do you think you were in such a bad position, and what would you have done differently?


Congratulations to both of you on being here. You both deserve it in your own way, good luck

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6 hours ago, Shady Slim said:

ET80 i still am not proud of what i did, it was my only big game regret really and were i to have had control over that vote it would have been different. looking forward to making amends next game hehe (and when the radio show fires up again having you on if you're still keen).

You're dead to me. DEAD!

But I'm totes down for your radio show.

Don't worry about the next game - I think @Malfatron and I found some money and have my next gig lined up. 

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Same question to both @swoosh and @Outpost31:

- What was your biggest "holy crap, this is it - if this works I'm on top of the mountain" moment?

- What was the moment where you felt "well, it was a good run but this is it..."

- What do you feel your opponent did well?

- What did you feel your opponent needed to do better?

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5 hours ago, jasonwbantle said:

@Outpost31what was your actual ideal endgame plan (when we were down to final 5)? What was the order of elimination and who did you want at the end?

I don’t think you both deserve to be there like all the rest of these *** kissers do. And although it seems clear where my vote lies (no spoilers) congrats to the BOTH of you for making it to the end by hook or by crook.

My endgame plan changed a lot.  There were two people I wanted to remain loyal to (you and Orca) and one player I wanted to take for the win (Swoosh).  When it got to that point, I knew betraying either you or Orca would hurt my winning chances in the jury.  Thankfully, other people betrayed both of you and I didn't have to.  As far as answering your question, the honest truth is I didn't have a plan.  I wanted to take each of the three of you to the final two for different reasons.  Gun to the head?  It ends up the same way it did.  If I had won the final HoH and it was a choice between you and Swoosh... I mean there's loyalty in these games and then there's winning in these games.  As far as Orca, I was aligned with him the longest.  That would have been hard, too.  I'd really like to see Orca or Pickle win one of these things someday.  They're both good players.  But Orca did kinda screw me on that whole ET vote, and that really hurt my game. 

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5 hours ago, The Orca said:

@Outpost31 what was your best moment in the season?

Both of you, if you had 1 thing to do over again, what would it have been 

This one is a tough damn question.  Everything before the jury portion you can throw out. 

So the first one was right after Jason escaped the first time.  Dwight and I made him feel like he was safe so he wouldn't try TOO hard in the veto if he got picked for it.  I won veto, take Orca off, Jason goes up.  That's not the best moment.  The best moment was what happened next.

Winning HoH after everyone screwed me on the Jason vote.

I was able to finally get an admission of guilt out of ET (I knew it was him who had betrayed me all along).  Then I was able to get Jason nominated.  Didn't work out. 

The best gameplay moment comes easy... Going from enemy to friend with Jason.

Everyone in the house was counting on me and Jason going after each other.  It kept us both in the game longer than it should have.  So I was like **** it, I'm going to become his ally if I can.  I had straight up lied to him before, so I didn't even know if it would work, but even when it was clear we were both aiming hard for each other we managed to keep it cordial in the PMs. 

Personal favorite moment?  The time they tried to get rid of me.  Ted won HoH and nominated Dwight and I.  That, I think, is the point where the Shady/Ted/Gopher trio (kudos to Swoosh here because I always thought Swoosh was the fourth) got a little bit too confident.  When it became clear Swoosh was going to vote to keep me, I knew I had a fighting chance.  I knew I would have to win virtually every single competition I was capable of winning from then on, but by God I did it (with the exception of the veto I didn't win when Jason was on the block). 

Top 6 from a gameplay perspective:

6. Winning the POV that put Jason up (didn't work out).
5. Winning the HOH that was supposed to get Jason out (but screwed ET).
4. Surviving the Dwight/Outpost block by securing Swoosh's vote.
3. Winning the final veto (I didn't panic freeze).
2. Winning the final HoH (I didn't panic freeze).
1. Becoming allies with Jason. 



Both of you, if you had 1 thing to do over again, what would it have been 

Two answers, both equal:

1. Nominate Shady instead of ET (I didn't nominate Shady as a show of good faith and look how they ****ed me).
2. Not telling Jason to nominate Swoosh (I should have sensed Swoosh's true alliance way sooner).

If either of those things happen though... I'm probably too confident in somebody good winning a comp instead of knowing I have to win everything myself. 

I really, really, really, really, really...

And everyone pay attention here...

I really, really, really, really don't think I get here if it wasn't perfectly clear I was going to leave if I lost.

There's a thing to be said for honesty and loyalty, but if any one of Swoosh, Ted or Shady even suggested there was a CHANCE they would budge on their alliance, I'm not sure I nut up enough to win as many late challenges as I did. 

But yeah, those two things if I had changed them would have made the game a lot easier for me.  Particularly the Jason nominating you instead of Swoosh. 

Beforehand, Swoosh made me paranoid you (Orca) would vote him out.  I kinda felt the same after you did that to me with the ET vote.  It was like... I was so happy, we were finally splitting Ted/Shady up, and then I was on Discord and I saw Swoosh typing and I was like, "****."  Then he said, "You know what's going to happen here..." And then it all hit me at once.  Like all at once, like the end scene of a mind**** movie where it all comes together.  It made perfect sense outside yourself. 

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4 hours ago, TedLavie said:

@swoosh I have two questions for you

1. Is there something you did in this game that I do not know and that I should know or get explained before I vote?

2. In the pickle vs outpost vote, you were supposed to vote pickle, I was supposed to vote outpost. I got drunk and paranaoid so I changed my vote, which was right since you changed as well. I understand why you did it but I'd like to know what did you envision for the rest of the game had pickle stayed vs outpost?



There's no question your endgame has been superb. You were dead in the water and you manage to be here - massive credit to you for that. My question is, why do you think you were in such a bad position, and what would you have done differently?


Congratulations to both of you on being here. You both deserve it in your own way, good luck

Just a REALLY bad turn of events.  I had a 4 player strong alliance with ET, Pickle and Orca.  I guess they don’t like each other so I’m like... ****.  

Really though, my situation didn’t get dire until that second time Jason slipped off the block.

I spoke with Swoosh throughout the game and didn’t feel like he would betray me, so once we got to the jury portion it was ET, Dwight, Orca, Swoosh and me against you, gopher and Shady.  I was sure I had the numbers because Swoosh had been talking about needing to get one of you/Shady out before I even broached the subject.

So to answer your question, it was my decision to try to insulate myself from you three (Gopher, you, Shady) and put ET on the block as a slap on the wrist for lying to me instead of Shady.

Everybody in the game told me ET was safe if I put him up there, and that was the point everyone lied.  I knew then and there that things just got desperate for me.  As I’ve said before, if I didn’t immediately flip my standing by going straight to Jason, I don’t make it here.

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14 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Same question to both @swoosh and @Outpost31:

- What was your biggest "holy crap, this is it - if this works I'm on top of the mountain" moment?

The moment Jason won that HoH.  I still wasn't sure whether or not he was being fully honest with me because I did one time lie and pretend I was working with him only to try to get him evicted.  I knew that if he actually was working with me, I had a very strong shot at winning.  When he nominated Orca instead of me, I knew I had a chance. 


- What was the moment where you felt "well, it was a good run but this is it..."

The most deflated I got was when Swoosh didn't vote out Orca.  At the time, I thought I had a strong shot of Orca, Jason and Swoosh all taking me to the final four then three then two.  When Swoosh revealed he was keeping Shady, my heart just sank and I knew I was a sitting duck.  I felt like there was zero chance whatsoever that I would be able to win the majority of HoH/Vetoes.  It wasn't when Ted won that final HoH that he won because I actually felt very safe at that point.  Jason had kinda burned bridges with Shady, Ted and Swoosh, so I felt confident those three were telling me the truth when they told me the target was Jason. 

Fun fact... At that point, I even considered throwing that HoH competition to give me a better chance at winning the next one where I knew I would be the sole target.  I considered beating Ted, then kind of throwing it against Shady or Swoosh.  Then I was like, "Outpost, are you ****ing stupid?  Do you not remember what happens when you don't try to win an HoH competition?"  Then Ted curb stomped me anyway. 


- What do you feel your opponent did well?

Everything I mentioned in the response to Shady's question.  Swoosh is an excellent social game player.  Excellent.  He gets it.  He knows how to play the social game. 


- What did you feel your opponent needed to do better?

He has to get better at competitions, and he has to come across less as a... I don't want to say snake because Swoosh isn't a snake, but he has to get better at letting the board fall where it may without it coming back on him.  Not to toot my own horn here, but one thing that nobody seems to give me credit for is my malleability.  I've said this before about you (ET)... Your malleability is one of your greatest attributes.  If others want things done a different way, and that different way doesn't directly harm you, go for it.  Earns trust.  I will say he was malleable when he kept me even though Shady/Ted wanted me gone that one time, so I know he has it in him, but when it gets to a point where someone or multiple people are on a tear, you kinda have to adjust your position and at least suggest you're okay with something.  I do this a lot with people.  I'll tell them I don't care between so and so. 

Dwight for example.  I wasn't going to betray him, but when I was working with him and people suggested going after him, I was always like... "Yeah, if you want to go after him I don't care." 

And Swoosh really was good at this throughout the game, but not when it came to Ted/Shady.  I said before that if any of those three even hinted they might be okay with getting rid of one of the other, it would make me much more likely to let my guard down and also help them.

Shady did this once.  He suggested he was upset with Ted over the first time Jason escaped the block.  If he didn't do this, I nominate him as a replacement instead of ET. 

Loyalty is excellent.  I was loyal to Orca throughout the entire game.  To others?  I was like, "Hell yeah, we have to get rid of Orca."  I was never going to betray Orca.  No way in hell.  He actually called me on this once thankfully and asked, "Why are you telling people you're coming for me?"  I told him straight up what I was doing and told him, "Trust my actions, not my words."  Very next thing I did was take him off the block. 

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Also, I just want to pat myself on the back on these last three challenges.

I ALWAYS panic when we get to these points in games.  @Malfatron can attest.  I ****ed myself so hard in Mastermind because I panic and do dumb crap.  That Mastermind loss cost me the game.  Then there was the quickest response game one year where I knew it was win or out and Shady beat me because I second guessed basic math for what seemed like forever.

That Pictionary POV?  I couldn’t even practice right.  Then it went live and it didn’t matter who I was playing.  I guessed those things at the snap of a finger.  Got up to a 6-0 lead on Ted.  He had issues with the first two, but no offense Ted it didn’t matter I was locked in.  Then I got 5 out of 6 against Shady and the only one I couldn’t get neither of us got.

On the logic puzzle, there was a point where I got stuck.  Instead of panic and stare at it for an hour, I literally guessed, put an X on one and went ahead with it to see if it made sense and it did.  I finished the thing in about 12 minutes.  I spent the final four minutes running through and confirming things I already knew because I didn’t know how to confirm the ones I questioned.

I really felt the time to get was 10 minutes.  I was shooting for 10 minutes on it because I can usually get these done in 4-5 minutes on the 4x4, easy setting.  I figured double it for an extra grid and tougher clues.  I really clean up on the clues that say, “Of this, that, this and that, one is this, one is so and so...” I go immediately to those clues, then go through the rest.

After last Big Brother when I realized I couldn’t beat Finn’s proposed time of 20 minutes on 4x4 easy, I changed to trying speed runs on them.  Got pretty good at them.

So yeah, really happy with myself for not panicking.

Back when I was growing up my church would do lock ins where you basically stayed up literally all night playing games and they always had this massive tournament where the winner would win some massive prize like an Xbox or PS2, and the final challenge was always a legit American Gladiators type obstacle course.  It never failed... I would always get to the same point and never be able to hit the ****ing target with the ****ing Nerf gun and one of the ball throwers would always beam me right in the face and knock me out.

I feel like I’ve conquered a lot of competitive demons last night.

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56 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Jason had kinda burned bridges with Shady, Ted and Swoosh, so I felt confident those three were telling me the truth when they told me the target was Jason. 

Truth to be told, had I to rule between you and jason, i'd have kept jason hehe. But both swoosh and shady wanted to keep you, and I didn't care enough to argue against you. You or jason would have meant the same odds for me to go to F2


40 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

He had issues with the first two, but no offense Ted it didn’t matter I was locked in.

I know and I ain't complaining. The first two I had zero chance because of the lag, it threw me off for the next two (but that's on me I shouldn't have lost focus) and the next two you just beat me fair and square. I totally accept that and you'd have won anyway.

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11 hours ago, Shady Slim said:

the people are lucky i made the jury in that we get to see swoosh and outpost answer the shady slim jury question which is objectively the best question

@swoosh @Outpost31 here it is


don't bother with it tonight while you're tanked swoosh just save it for the morning hehe

pitch to me the case for the person sitting next to you to win. do it as fearlessly and frankly and passionately as you can. if you don't give it your all i will instantly vote for the other person. regardless of the merits of your case. good luck both of you!!

Tanked is right. I went to a place called the Rum Club and had one too many drinks called the Pedro Martinez. Of course I ordered it because of the name but it turned out to be fantastic. 

Outpost. He is the ultimate competitor in all aspects of the game. Truly. From a challenge standpoint, he won 8 in total. 8. I don't think anybody came close to that. Compared to my 1 he blew me away and for that, he already has a strong case to win this game. But just saying he's a beast at challenges would be doing him a huge disservice. I've had the privilege of interacting with him during this game and the Survivor game and it's fascinating to see how he operates. Every thing he does, everything he says is calculated. He's a trained assassin. He knows the game inside and out. He's always going through different scenarios in his head. He obviously has the social skills needed to made it to the end and an underrated one for me, he brings excitement to the game. Genuinely the most interesting guy to play with. I had no deals with him this game and yet, I talked to him arguably more than I did with others I had alliances with. That speaks volume. 

I think the most impressive thing on his resume isn't even something in this game necessarily. It's the fact that he came into the game the winner of Survivor, with a huge target on his back, and still made it here. Everyone knew how much of a threat he was, yet he still weaved his way through the game. He did that by excelling at every single aspect of this game. 

Even if you asked me the reverse of this question, I wouldn't be able to come up with anything. Outpost is without a doubt, well deserving to win this game. And I'll add to that, something I should never say being up against him here, he likely gets my vote on the jury. 

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