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On 8/27/2023 at 8:54 AM, theJ said:

My kids won't play hockey or football because of these reasons.  But I don't feel about them missing anything.  They both love basketball, soccer and baseball, and can get the same experiences and learn the same life lessons from those sports.  

Yeah, there's a lot of schools around my area going to 8 man football.  Mostly the smaller ones for now, but there's enough that there's now a formal playoff for it in Ohio.

I think some of that depends on where you live and how athletic/big your kid(s) are. Would I want my son plying in the GWOC here in Ohio against a bunch of D1 and future NFL players? Not a chance since I’m 5’10 and 170-175 pounds.

Would I want them playing in the rural conference where I live and against a bunch of FFA and engineers? Absolutely 

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On 8/27/2023 at 7:54 AM, theJ said:

My kids won't play hockey or football because of these reasons.  But I don't feel about them missing anything.  They both love basketball, soccer and baseball, and can get the same experiences and learn the same life lessons from those sports.  

What you're saying shows up in the data too. Gen Alpha kids are less interested in football and more interested in soccer anyway.




Obviously the results aren't completely apples to apples. We should expect the gymnastics/swimming numbers to come down, since the kids who watch those sports typically also play them, and the participation rate plummets in those sports once the kids become teens.

But the overall trend the article makes is pretty clear. Kids tend to play the sports that their parents played, so since Millennial and Gen Z parents play less football, fewer of their kids will have those core family memories tied to football, and on it goes.


And this is before Messi in MLS and the World Cup in 2026 which always boosts soccer interest.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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58 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

And this is before Messi in MLS and the World Cup in 2026 which always boosts soccer interest.

Also MLS teaming up with Apple. The way Apple has handled MLS Season Pass is by far the best sports broadcast system ever. Best picture quality anywhere, available anywhere in the world on any system with no blackouts, great gameday multicast (think Redzone), weekly review shows, and additional content. Even in their first ever year of broadcasting sports, Apple has made ESPN/NBC/FOX/CBS look like amateurs.

2025 Club World Cup is in USA too. 

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30 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Also MLS teaming up with Apple. The way Apple has handled MLS Season Pass is by far the best sports broadcast system ever. Best picture quality anywhere, available anywhere in the world on any system with no blackouts, great gameday multicast (think Redzone), weekly review shows, and additional content. Even in their first ever year of broadcasting sports, Apple has made ESPN/NBC/FOX/CBS look like amateurs.

2025 Club World Cup is in USA too. 

I just googled it, really smart. That's going to give them a huge advantage over the Premier League. (I'll die in a cold wet cave before I sign up for Peacock.) And every other league is always going to be second to primarily English-speaking audiences. I don't know why ESPN pretended that wasn't the case when they went in on La Liga.

You can nitpick the fact that it's a 10 year deal and the MLS is probably going to outgrow it by the time they get towards the back half, but the fact that teams are incentivized to develop and sell players means the MLS has correctly oriented itself in the football pyramid unlike the Saudi or Chinese league retirement homes. And they did it while still being able to bring in David Beckham and Messi as PR talismans, which is a puzzle I don't think anyone else has solved. Really well run league, I'd pay a premium for ownership if it was an option way above what I'd pay for a football or baseball team share.

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2 hours ago, Ty21 said:


how ******* fat do you have to be for your fat folds to eat a gun

If security starts thoroughly inspecting fat folds at ballparks and stadiums because of this, the fury of big people across the nation is going to make this woman wish her gun was aiming a little higher.

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2 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

If security starts thoroughly inspecting fat folds at ballparks and stadiums because of this, the fury of big people across the nation is going to make this woman wish her gun was aiming a little higher.

Install a rule where gate attendants have to blast fat people with power washers. To knock everything loose and also sanitize all the morbidly obese people that can’t fit in showers 

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1 hour ago, Sad People said:

lol really? I dont wonder to reddit. Heard nothing but bad things about it.

Actually decent for Premier teams. Your Toons have a nice little section.  Prem fans from the area teams will share some awesome things. But yeah, everything else is pretty bad.

This was for MC last year.


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I'm thinking about how I no longer hang out on the stoop anymore. 

I don't even want to think about the total amount of hours I spent sitting on the steps of my own or someone else's front stoop from the time I was a teenager until I was about 30. Chilling, chatting, maybe drinking. I don't even know if I've done it since I was 30. Hell, I don't even have a stoop any more. I  have a gated entry into a courtyard type thing to get to my front door

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12 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

my question is how does fat shield a gun from being picked up by a metal detector?

My guess is it did go off, but the security did a lazy pat down without getting all up in those folds and chalked it up to a false positive.  


My question is - how did the Sox not cancel the game when they learned that two people got shot inside their stadium?

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