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Yellowstone Mafia - Town wins!


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12 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

As long as you realize i have the power and you have none in this town 


12 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Yeah I killed the one person everyone here knows I'd kill if I could lol.  (Maybe scum want to push that bc they know what happened to me last night and set it up)

@swoosh what do you make of this?

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1 minute ago, bcb1213 said:

Vote count 

Nacho - 4 - jason,  TL2, Pickle, Dome

Matts - 5 - Nacho, squire, Scoundrel, Raves, Orca

Scoundrel - 1 - ET

Pickle - 2 - swoosh, TK3

jason - 1 - Hokie


8 to eliminate 

Day ends in one hour!

I’m sticking with nacho and don’t see the argument for matt’s I guess. I’ll share whatever info I can regarding my nighttime move and try to word it in a way that is helpful and legal.

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15 minutes ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:


@swoosh what do you make of this?

I don't want to get too much into roles, but I don't like it. It would also imply scum didn't have a hit or their hit was blocked. Doesn't look like Pickle will be the vote today though so I'll likely be switching. I hate throwaway votes. 

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I'm in a meeting, just stepped out to post this, won't be here longer.  My only theory in voting Matts was to even it with Nacho to see if we see a shift like before.  Only person that really moved was Matts off of Nacho to me for some reason basically setting up his own death.

Time for me to get back to my meeting.

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30 minutes ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

I'll likely be working at noon, so I shouldn't be posting much before then.

It's entertaining how these massive brainstorming sessions occur directly before a vote, and almost always go against town. What do we have so far? D1 and D2 interactions, D1 and D2 votes, Josh (scum) dead and bucs (town) killed during N1. The rest of it, to include vague roles being claimed, is pure speculation. Things stood out rather vividly during D1, and ignoring those things to change baseless accusations when the structure of the game isn't even known is foolish. (Yet, somehow, always what town seems to do.)

So are we not supposed to speculate on things?

Speculating helps drive discussion in more directions.  Being resistant to that is not a good look imo

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