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Civilization Mafia II - Game Over! Civilization wins!


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The Orca – Bcb (45)
Pickle Rick – Bcb (50)
Forge – Squire (50)
Tk3 – Squire (45)
Raves – Matts (45)
Squire12 – Gopher (49)
Matts4313 – Orca (47)



Vote Count

2 Squire – tk3, Forge
2 Bcb – Orca, Pickle
1 Matts – Raves
1 Orca – Matts
1 Gopher - Squire


Resolution Vote Count

(1) Yay – Forge
(4) Nay – Orca, Pickle, Matts, Tk3



The following Wonders will be available during the Renaissance Era. Please send me a build request or no build PM by the end of the day


The Great Zimbabwe – Once during the game, at any time, choose one player. You will attempt to kill that player. This kill is not affected by protection.

Forbidden Palace – If built by town, you may call upon the moderator to publicly confirm your alignment at any time. If built by non-town, once per game during the day, you may target a player to make any build request they submit for that day fail.

Leaning Tower – Each night, choose one player. All that player's actions that night will fail.

Red Fort – When you're targeted by the first killing action, that kill will fail and you will learn that player's identity.

Sistine Chapel  – Twice during the game, you may target a player to lock their vote for the remainder of the day. Votes can be locked onto “no vote.”



Edited by Whicker
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35 minutes ago, Tk3 said:


Aside from the possible slip, he's doing all of his tells.. overly avoiding confrontation, not being as analytical in the mechanics of a mechanic interesting game that is laid out on the table..

I hate to agree with TK3, I think...but in the brief glimpses of material i've paid attention to, squire really does seem to be "off" this game. 

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About 3 hours until night! Please remember to send all Build Requests. 

About 2 hours until the Resolution deadline. If tied at deadline, the Barbarians will receive a factional vote to break the tie.

I still need votes from @bcb1213 @gopherwrestler @rackcs. Votes on the resolution are NOT required for activity. 

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1 hour ago, The Orca said:


What are you thinking 

I'm thinking I posted my thoughts on players earlier today.  Don't really have them time or interest to invest more into the game.  I understand if some think I could be mafia.  I'm not.  But some are not really interested in putting their thoughts on the table. 

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The Orca – Bcb (45)
Pickle Rick – Bcb (50)
Forge – Squire (50)
Tk3 – Squire (45)
Bcb1213 – Squire (55)
gopherwrestler – Squire (55)
Raves – Matts (45)
Squire12 – Gopher (49)
Matts4313 – Orca (47)



Vote Count

4 Squire – tk3, Forge, Bcb, Gopher
2 Bcb – Orca, Pickle
1 Matts – Raves
1 Orca – Matts
1 Gopher - Squire


Resolution Vote Count

(1) Yay – Forge
(5) Nay – Orca, Pickle, Matts, Tk3, Bcb



The following Wonders will be available during the Renaissance Era. Please send me a build request or no build PM by the end of the day


The Great Zimbabwe – Once during the game, at any time, choose one player. You will attempt to kill that player. This kill is not affected by protection.

Forbidden Palace – If built by town, you may call upon the moderator to publicly confirm your alignment at any time. If built by non-town, once per game during the day, you may target a player to make any build request they submit for that day fail.

Leaning Tower – Each night, choose one player. All that player's actions that night will fail.

Red Fort – When you're targeted by the first killing action, that kill will fail and you will learn that player's identity.

Sistine Chapel  – Twice during the game, you may target a player to lock their vote for the remainder of the day. Votes can be locked onto “no vote.”

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