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47 minutes ago, VanS said:

I know college football is all about ****ting on programs outside your own.  And when a program is down for as long as Tennessee, its an easy target.  But once again lets stay with FACTS here.

(1) Tennessee is 2nd all-time in wins among SEC teams (behind Alabama). 

(2) Tennessee is 2nd all-time in SEC Championships among SEC teams (behind Alabama).

(3) Tennessee is 2nd all-time in winning percentage among SEC teams (behind Alabama).

I have no problem if you say Tennessee has been a 2nd tier SEC school the last 10-15 years.  That is FACTUAL.  You're statement however is not.  A simple check of the history books would let you know that.

1. Congratulations, Tennessee had spurts of really good years in the 30's and was solid from the mid-90's to mid-2000's? Oh and the 60's. Yeah....Colorado has had spurts of brilliance too back before the invention of the internet. Harvard and Yale can say the same. Digging up ancient history is good for anthropology, not football. 

2. Cool, it's been 20 years since your last one. And quite a few of the rest were split titles too.

3. Georgia Tech says hi. And yes, if you are going to use ancient history as FACTUAL, then that is fair game. 

Better do your homework next time. 

Also, Tennessee is 11th all-time among SEC teams in bowl games. 

Fewer All-Americans than Pitt. 

4th among SEC teams in #1 overall rankings behind Alabama, Florida, and LSU. 

The majority of Tennessee's All-Time poll points came between 1936 and 1959.

Ranked 14th All-Time behind Ohio State, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, Alabama, USC, Nebraska, Michigan, Texas, FSU, Florida, LSU, Penn St., and Miami. 

So, 4th best SEC team, mostly based on times long since past. Congrats. Georgia will take that spot sooner than Tennessee will right the ship, making them the 5th best, 3rd in their own division. So there's that. 

Fewer #1 rankings than Michigan St. and Pitt. 

More fun facts needed? 


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1 hour ago, VanS said:

There being a decent number of four-star recruits doesn't help you when you're the third best team in Tennessee. xD

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5 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Money....when Texas is beating you guys in that and their program is a mess shows how far that goes. Ole Miss has more revenue than San Diego State and Houston COMBINED. Congrats, there are more Ole Miss fanboys buying visors and coozies? Means little. This isn't a situation of "pay them and they will come" with coaches. Sure, Tennessee could pay them a bit more than some other programs, but unless it is significantly more than other schools with good revenue can pony up, who would want the headache? 

And how many of those 'cruits are going to go to UT? There are better programs around ya know? California has 43 4* recruits for that same cycle. I'd bet 1/2 leave the state. Being located in a talent rich state doesn't assure any success......

Also, if you follow the link to the blatantly Tennessee fan site and then follow THAT link to the recruiting website, there are only 19 4*'s in Tennessee, not 20. May wanna fix that kind of thing if you're claiming evidence. I know, it wasn't created by you, but you'll get eaten alive for minor discrepancies like that. 

I know this might shock you but ratings for recruits change over time.  Obviously when the post was made there were 20.  Now there are 19 because one player was downgraded.

This happens. 

Along with other guys who might get upgraded later on.

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8 hours ago, cp0k2 said:

It's working out about as well as everyone that said RG3 was the second coming of Jesus after 11 games. Don't tear something patting yourself on the back this early, or you might find yourself in the same boat as Bob.

I'm interested in the rationalization of Kamara being Marshall Faulk 2.0 after 11 games. Marshall Faulk wasn't even Marshall Faulk after 11 games.

RB is a different position than QB.  It based largely on physical gifts and instincts.  Things that don't really get exposed later on when people catch onto a gimmick scheme.

Right now Alvin Kamara is dominating because of his explosiveness, elusiveness, power, vision, and instincts.  Those things are not going to disappear overnight like a QB who is having a great rookie season because they are running a gimmick read option offense that the league hasn't adjusted to yet.

Its rare for a rookie RB to be as dominant as Alvin Kamara has been early on and to flop later in his career without suffering a serious injury.  We see it more with QBs.  But never really when it comes to RBs.

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5 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

This is like arguing that Nebraska is still a top tier program.

Nebraska doesn't have the natural advantages Tennessee does.  Nebraska has struggled because there is no talent in the state of Nebraska and surrounding states thus its hard to get the type of players there that are necessary to win at a high level.  Tennessee doesn't have that problem.  Tennessee is now a top 5 state when it comes to producing elite college football talent.  The city of Knoxville (where the University of Tennessee is located) is also less than a 3 hour car ride from metro Atlanta and metro Charlotte.  Two other recruiting hotbeds.

Its really easy to recruit to Tennessee.  That's why even an incompetent coach like Butch Jones was able to attract TWO top 5 recruiting classes in his first 3 years at Tennessee.  People falsely gave Butch Jones credit for this spike in recruiting success thinking he was some amazing recruiter.  The truth is he just came to Tennessee at the right time.  Before 2014, the state of Tennessee was not producing much instate talent.  Now its overflowing with talent to the point that schools like Clemson and LSU got their highest rated player from the 2017 class from the state of Tennessee.  He benefited from this increase in instate talent and it was the major catalyst for Tennessee having so many high ranking recruiting classes in the last 4 years.

Ease of access to talent is the main difference between Tennessee and Nebraska.  Tennessee has struggled in the last 5 years because of incompetent management.  Nebraska has struggled because they haven't had the talent.  Tennessee can solve its issues more easily than Nebraska when it comes to returning to an elite level.  All Tennessee needs is the right coach.  Nebraska needs an influx of people to come to the state and surrounding areas.

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5 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

1. Congratulations, Tennessee had spurts of really good years in the 30's and was solid from the mid-90's to mid-2000's? Oh and the 60's. Yeah....Colorado has had spurts of brilliance too back before the invention of the internet. Harvard and Yale can say the same. Digging up ancient history is good for anthropology, not football. 

2. Cool, it's been 20 years since your last one. And quite a few of the rest were split titles too.

3. Georgia Tech says hi. And yes, if you are going to use ancient history as FACTUAL, then that is fair game. 

Better do your homework next time. 

Also, Tennessee is 11th all-time among SEC teams in bowl games. 

Fewer All-Americans than Pitt. 

4th among SEC teams in #1 overall rankings behind Alabama, Florida, and LSU. 

The majority of Tennessee's All-Time poll points came between 1936 and 1959.

Ranked 14th All-Time behind Ohio State, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, Alabama, USC, Nebraska, Michigan, Texas, FSU, Florida, LSU, Penn St., and Miami. 

So, 4th best SEC team, mostly based on times long since past. Congrats. Georgia will take that spot sooner than Tennessee will right the ship, making them the 5th best, 3rd in their own division. So there's that. 

Fewer #1 rankings than Michigan St. and Pitt. 

More fun facts needed? 


All good facts.  Now let me explain why none of that matters today when it comes to Tennessee future outlook.

Before 2001, a school like LSU was irrelevant.  Then from 2001 on they were one of the 5 best programs in the country.  How come?  Because before Saban got there, the top athletes in the state of Louisiana (which has always been overflowing with talent) left the state and played for other school.  Great players like Ed Reed would routinely leave the state to play for out of state schools like Miami.  There wasn't a sense of loyalty to the state school by the instate recruits because to them LSU was never good.  Saban changed that and ever since Louisiana kids have overwhelmingly went to LSU and its a major reason why they have been a power in college football for the last 16 years.

In today's college football, a great instate recruiting base is critical to having success on the field.  Tennessee fell on hard times after 2001 for many reasons but the most prominent was the lack of a great instate recruiting base in an era where instate talent became more important.  Before the proliferation of cable TV channels in the last 20 years that broadcast almost every college football game live, there used to be only a few programs that were on TV that people all across the nation could watch.  Those programs included the likes of Tennessee and Nebraska.  Its one of the main reasons those programs were so success in the 1990s and earlier.  Back then schools like Tennessee and Nebraska that lacked elite instate talent could still attract star athletes from across the nation to come play for them halfway across the country because those players wanted to play on national TV.  Now everyone is on national TV so that is no longer a major advantage in recruiting.  Parents would rather have their kids playing close to home so they can see them live during home games and on road games, since every game is televised, they can see them on TV.  In the past that wasn't the case.  If you wanted to watch your kid play every week, they had to be at one of those premier big name programs that was always on TV.  And it was that advantage that helped Nebraska and Tennessee.  Now that advantage no longer exists thus instate talent has now become the biggest differentiator.  And that is why a school like Nebraska still struggles right now to attract quality athletes.  And its an area that hurt Tennessee for much of the last 15 years.

However, this isn't the case anymore.  Tennessee is no longer a talent poor state when it comes to instate talent.  Thanks to a population boom in the Nashville metropolitan area, Tennessee is now producing talent at an elite level.  Its at the same level as Louisiana right now.  And that is impressive considering how Louisiana is praised for being such a talent rich state when it comes to players.  Now the Tennessee kids are not as loyal as the Louisiana kids to the instate school right now.  Last year Tennessee lost 2 5-star players to Clemson and LSU.  This year they risk losing another 5-star recruit from Knoxville who is the son of a former Tennessee football player to Clemson or Georgia.  All Tennessee needs to become a dominant program like LSU of the early to mid-2000s is the right coach who is gonna keep most of the instate talent home like Saban was able to do at LSU.  If a coach can keep the instate talent at Tennessee rather than seeing them going to Clemson, LSU, or Alabama, then Tennessee can reach those heights as a program that it enjoyed in the past.


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16 minutes ago, Jeezy Fanatic said:

In case it wasn't evident when they had pull Greg ******* Schiano out of whatever Adam Sandler movie football team he's been coaching for the past 10 years, nobody worth anything wants that job.

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Prolly my favorite part about the Nashville population is that they're all transplants and none of them are Tennessee fans. Nick Saban just opened up a Mercedes dealership in Nashville.

Muh in-state crootin is just more food for Bama, UGA, and Clemson. Tennessee will always get the scraps. And if it's a rich white transplant family, they'll consider going to an actual education at Vandy.

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3 hours ago, VanS said:

Nebraska doesn't have the natural advantages Tennessee does.  Nebraska has struggled because there is no talent in the state of Nebraska and surrounding states thus its hard to get the type of players there that are necessary to win at a high level.  Tennessee doesn't have that problem.  Tennessee is now a top 5 state when it comes to producing elite college football talent.  The city of Knoxville (where the University of Tennessee is located) is also less than a 3 hour car ride from metro Atlanta and metro Charlotte.  Two other recruiting hotbeds.

Its really easy to recruit to Tennessee.  That's why even an incompetent coach like Butch Jones was able to attract TWO top 5 recruiting classes in his first 3 years at Tennessee.  People falsely gave Butch Jones credit for this spike in recruiting success thinking he was some amazing recruiter.  The truth is he just came to Tennessee at the right time.  Before 2014, the state of Tennessee was not producing much instate talent.  Now its overflowing with talent to the point that schools like Clemson and LSU got their highest rated player from the 2017 class from the state of Tennessee.  He benefited from this increase in instate talent and it was the major catalyst for Tennessee having so many high ranking recruiting classes in the last 4 years.

Ease of access to talent is the main difference between Tennessee and Nebraska.  Tennessee has struggled in the last 5 years because of incompetent management.  Nebraska has struggled because they haven't had the talent.  Tennessee can solve its issues more easily than Nebraska when it comes to returning to an elite level.  All Tennessee needs is the right coach.  Nebraska needs an influx of people to come to the state and surrounding areas.

Our issues didn't prevent us from winning at least 9 a season for over half a decade. Please don't bring us in to whatever this is.

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