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Aaron Rodgers Tests Positive for COVID


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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

So we shouldn't care because everybody does it.

Sounds like a great attitude that definitely won't end the human race when applied across the board.

It's human nature, all philosophers have been talking about it since the Greeks and Epicurus. It is the basis of free market capitalism which has brought us to where we are today and even with its ills is the better alternative of a controlled economy, funny, another Orwellian take of Animal Farm here.

Having said that Scandinavian countries tax the hell out of the rich to reduce social inequalities and they have the happiest citizens of the world but at the same time they are not market leaders. In short if you want the ‘American Dream’ you have to get all Gordan Gekko where greed is good!!!

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2 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

I also don't know for certain the earth is round but I can confirm with people much smarter then myself that it is. This is just so stupid... 

Nothing comparable there, but nice try. 

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7 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

Lol. I'll answer this for you it didn't. 

It may have (probably not) if he got some sort of plasma infusion (which he probably didn't) but if he got it in January it's now been 9 months and those antibodies are probably gone. Regardless, he didn't have the "Breakthrough case" exemption.

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1 minute ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

It may have (probably not) if he got some sort of plasma infusion (which he probably didn't) but if he got it in January it's now been 9 months and those antibodies are probably gone. Regardless, he didn't have the "Breakthrough case" exemption.

I's actually begun typing out something similar.....that the need for a booster treatment was probably a thing...but decided to bag it and just read along.

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1 minute ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

A couple interviews with McAfee that he did from the facility. And what do you mean "Lol come on"? That's evidence of our organization not enforcing the rules.

Yeah, we'll probably catch a fine for that, but it was a ridiculous requirement anyway. He's worn it when actually around teammates it seems.

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2 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

He's rich dude, again if you think that vaccine is the best method for treatment, you're naive. It's the best method for profit.

I'm sure Aaron paid for something better.

This is the most outrageous statement I've ever read by you. First of all, vaccines aren't for treatment; they're for prevention. BIG difference. Treatment options for COVID-19 are few. First there is the monoclonal antibody treatment, but it must be started very soon after infection, and is very expensive. I'm hoping Aaron is getting that, or has already gotten it. Merck recently came out with a new anti-viral for COVID that's being tried in England. The FDA is considering it, and may have granted conditional use. I haven't kept up. Your slam about profit making is puzzling. Isn't that what capitalism is about? Or are you suggesting that drug manufacturers and the government are in cahoots to scam the public? That's quite an outrageous claim if that's what you mean. I'll turn your own advice back on you. Stick to football. ``You seem to know something about football. Science not so much.

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Fussnputz said:

This is the most outrageous statement I've ever read by you. First of all, vaccines aren't for treatment; they're for prevention. BIG difference. Treatment options for COVID-19 are few. First there is the monoclonal antibody treatment, but it must be started very soon after infection, and is very expensive. I'm hoping Aaron is getting that, or has already gotten it. Merck recently came out with a new anti-viral for COVID that's being tried in England. The FDA is considering it, and may have granted conditional use. I haven't kept up. Your slam about profit making is puzzling. Isn't that what capitalism is about? Or are you suggesting that drug manufacturers and the government are in cahoots to scam the public? That's quite an outrageous claim if that's what you mean. I'll turn your own advice back on you. Stick to football. ``You seem to know something about football. Science not so much.

Then why are there so many 'breakthrough cases' of vaccinated cases? I've actually read, on this forum, by several 'experts' the vaccine are now to 'stop the spread and mitigate the infection!'

Which one is is, prevention or mitigation? 

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Anybody want to stop for a minute and wish/pray all of these NFL players whip COVID and nobody dies from it in the NFL. Anywhere for that matter. 

I hope we can whip this thing but it's not coming from a vaccine anymore than the flu shot is preventing the flu. 

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Fussnputz said:

This is the most outrageous statement I've ever read by you. First of all, vaccines aren't for treatment; they're for prevention. BIG difference. Treatment options for COVID-19 are few. First there is the monoclonal antibody treatment, but it must be started very soon after infection, and is very expensive. I'm hoping Aaron is getting that, or has already gotten it. Merck recently came out with a new anti-viral for COVID that's being tried in England. The FDA is considering it, and may have granted conditional use. I haven't kept up. Your slam about profit making is puzzling. Isn't that what capitalism is about? Or are you suggesting that drug manufacturers and the government are in cahoots to scam the public? That's quite an outrageous claim if that's what you mean. I'll turn your own advice back on you. Stick to football. ``You seem to know something about football. Science not so much.

I'll stick to football because it's a football forum, but yes the government and big pharma care far more about money than they care about you and I.

I believe the vaccine is effective, but most certainly not the most effective method out there, if you have cash you can always find a better way. Im sure Rodgers did.

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1 minute ago, Old Guy said:

Which one is is, prevention or mitigation? 

Both and it's not hard to understand.

1) The effects, while vaccinated, are much less severe and 2) you become less likely to transmit Covid to others while vaccinated. This isn't ******* difficult to understand.

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