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Aaron Rodgers Tests Positive for COVID


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9 minutes ago, ThatJerkDave said:


So, was the study incomplete, or made up? 

The data ( in this case Covid cases) included made up cases and outcomes .  Not all, but the data was altered is my understanding.

it then got included in a meta analysis which throws off that outcome as well.  Both papers were widely quoted in the media without that knowledge.

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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6 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

alternately, if any of those words were used positively by a completely unqualified celebrity that says thinly veiled political things they agree with, they would buy some at Hooves'N'More and add it to their coffee every morning

You know I hate using this line, but I can't stop, Schrodingers Vaccine? Or something like that. Anything that's scary or sketchy that the left out whoever told them, bad, their side? OMG I'm on board with no research!!!!


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8 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

If he had just said "I feel like it's a personal decision so I won't be discussing it further" he avoids this entire fiasco. Instead, he's someone that has to control literally every narrative about him and eventually dug himself a hole even his narcissistic *** couldn't talk himself out of. 

Hell, he could've done that TODAY and covered his own ***. Instead, he doubled down and went through every stupid talking point in the anti-vax community and looked like a complete imbecile as a result. For someone that picks his words so carefully, today was a massive mistake. 


Or, as I mentioned earlier, just say "I can't because of allergies" and then there would be some skepticism but it probably is just over at that point.

Instead he just. Kept. Talking. I mean, holy **** man, we know you think you're intelligent but you don't need to keep stepping on rakes to "prove" it.


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2 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

if you end a sentence with "oops," you're lame.

if you end a sentence with "ooooooops," you're even more lame

**** i've been caught in front of all my peers. someone come to my defense and shame incog for attacking me even tho i incited this 

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8 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

You just linked something that says "Joe Rogan says" in the ******* link lol.

Howler is Aaron confirmed.

And Joe Rogan had stated that Dr. Pierre Kory from the Front Line Critical Care Covid group told him that his organization personally treated congressional members with Ivermectin, as well as monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins. Kory offered the attribution. 




Edited by Howler
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6 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

if you care about another dudes vax-status you're lame ooooooops 

He's not a dude. He's a spineless creature that was to scared to admit he wasn't because someone might say things to hurt his wittle feelings

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2 minutes ago, Norm said:

Why don't I hate you?

(Because where you're from so I pity you)

Because I am hilarious, and nice.  I am politically neutral.  I always push back against the side that I think has the most sway.  Right now it is against the left leaning.  You never saw me when the Conservative Christians had more sway, I pushed against that too.  

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6 minutes ago, Howler said:

Want to really have your mind blown? Some of the most resourceful and influential people in the country were ALLEGEDLY treated with Ivermectin.  This story raises a host of uncomfortable questions. 



We are talking about incredible hypocrisy, if true. But that's par for the course in DC.  


Anyone who clicks this, go to their home page and look at all the article titles. ****s probably on a server is Russia

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2 minutes ago, Howler said:

And Joe Rogan had stated that Dr. Pierre Kory from the Front Line Critical Care Covid group told him that he personally treated congressional members with Ivermectin, as well as monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins. Kory offered the attribution. 

lol Kory is a quack and unemployed. Be better.

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6 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I mean, I'm really none of those things - but QAron indicated today that the entrance criteria to be in the "woke" crowd is now simply understanding and believing in vaccine science

i think he's referring to the twitter crowd that doesn't actually know anything but just hopped into that train of being like "vaxxed and proud" for approval, not the people that actually came to a well-thought out rationale of why getting the **** was the move they thought would be best for themselves 

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2 minutes ago, Howler said:

And Joe Rogan had stated that Dr. Pierre Kory from the Front Line Critical Care Covid group told him that he personally treated congressional members with Ivermectin, as well as monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins. Kory offered the attribution. 

Well that took two seconds to research.

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6 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

Here are the facts:

1. Aaron Rodgers refused the two pokes in the arm.

2. Aaron Rodgers got COVID, probably from a vaccinated person.

3. Aaron Rodgers apparently is asymptomatic as he was well enough to do a podcast this afternoon.

4. Aaron Rodgers seems well on his way to beating COVID, this should be good news to everyone. Including those who pray at the alter to the COVID vaccine. 

5. Aaron Rodgers now has natural immunity to COVID. That is science and yes, they tested people last year after getting COVID and they did indeed have immunity.

6. The NFL will still require Aaron Rodgers to either get the two pokes or continue to follow the protocols of those without immunity because he hasn't taken the two pokes. 

Where am I wrong?  

You aren't. None of those, imo, are the issue

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2 minutes ago, Howler said:

And Joe Rogan had stated that Dr. Pierre Kory from the Front Line Critical Care Covid group told him that he personally treated congressional members with Ivermectin, as well as monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins. Kory offered the attribution. 

So Rogan is using members of congress as paragons of intelligent critical thinking? LOL

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22 minutes ago, PossibleCabbage said:

I'm just confused what made people think (despite a complete lack of evidence) that Ivermectin (a very effective antiparasitic) was effective against Covid (a virus, not a parasite).  Why couldn't they have picked like fluoxetine or zolpidem instead? I feel like they'd be much less irritating if they were on fluoxetine and zolpidem.

Because if it makes sense it's not good for them.

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