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Aaron Rodgers Tests Positive for COVID


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22 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

This is why anyone who knows and cares about him as a person and not just a quarterback (i.e. everyone in that locker room) is not going to pass judgement for what's going on.

There are rules.  Abiding by them - or feeling others should abide by them as I (and probably you) would - doesnt make us sheep or indicate we dont care about others as people.


Edited by Leader
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5 hours ago, HokieHigh said:

Is there any evidence that Lazard tested positive and/or was patient zero? I thought he was added as a close contact, rather than positive test.


Malik Taylor was on COVID list since Oct 15. 


I think that everyone should be careful with 'witch-hunt' style assertions, particularly posters with reputations to analyze things based on fact.

I thought I had edited this already?

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4 hours ago, Old Guy said:

This is 100% inaccurate. Lazard was a close contact who had no signs and had to test negative. You should know this is true because the reports were that he had to sit out 5 days then get a negative test. He was back at practice yesterday so he did not sit out 10 days. Therefore, just a close contact and NOT patient zero. 

It was either Davante Adams or Joe Barry, both vaccinated, who were patient zero. 

Original post corrected

And no, Adams or Barry are not guaranteed to be patient zero.

Malik Taylor went on the Covid list October 15th and came off the 26th.That time frame points to him not being vaccinated.

Tyler Lancaster went on September 28 and came off the 9th. That points to him not being vaccinated.

Gray and Montgomery were also on the Covid list in September from the defensive coaching room.

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1 hour ago, Scoremore said:

Man the bashing around here.  Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe he thought his "alternative treatment"  (rightly or wrongly) might afford him more protection than the standard Vax?  Think a lot of criticism around here is unjustified.  We'll hear from 12 soon enough.  He's been a consummate Packer throughout his career (offseason aside).  Fans so quick to toss him away.  I'll tell you what be careful what you wish for.  I hope Love balls out on Sunday but he's not going to be Aaron Rodgers.  We'll probably never see that level of QB play again in GB in our lifetimes.  

I am not looking forward to the day Rodgers is gone.  Think some of you should watch this...


Homeopathy is the 19th century version of modern day vaccinations. Aaron needs to keep up with the times!

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23 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

And it's everyone else's right to criticize any decisions based on his "beliefs" when they negatively impact other people.

Why are you so hung up on him (or anyone) getting a free pass for doing crap based on "beliefs"?

That's not how the real world works (or should work). It is absolutely ok to criticize him and hold him accountable. Believing in crap doesn't exonerate someone from the consequences of their actions just because they're based on a "belief". That's outrageous.

Because if his methods actually raised his antibody levels to the same level as the shot (which I'm assuming it did because he protested to be considered vaccinated) than he did absolutely nothing wrong or worth criticism.

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2 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Because if his methods actually raised his antibody levels to the same level as the shot (which I'm assuming it did because he protested to be considered vaccinated) than he did absolutely nothing wrong or worth criticism.

Lol. I'll answer this for you it didn't. 

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1 hour ago, Scoremore said:

Man the bashing around here.  Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe he thought his "alternative treatment"  (rightly or wrongly) might afford him more protection than the standard Vax?  Think a lot of criticism around here is unjustified.  We'll hear from 12 soon enough.  He's been a consummate Packer throughout his career (offseason aside).  Fans so quick to toss him away.  I'll tell you what be careful what you wish for.  I hope Love balls out on Sunday but he's not going to be Aaron Rodgers.  We'll probably never see that level of QB play again in GB in our lifetimes.  

I am not looking forward to the day Rodgers is gone.  Think some of you should watch this...


No. Why would we care? As soon as the league told him he wasn't considered vaccinated, he needed to suck it up and get it done. 

Even ignoring missing the games or causing other players to miss games, he's going to get the organization punished now because he was running around maskless at the facility. 

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1 minute ago, Packerraymond said:

He's rich dude, again if you think that vaccine is the best method for treatment, you're naive. It's the best method for profit.

I'm sure Aaron paid for something better.

Then let him declare what it was publicly. Share the wealth so to speak.

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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

I agree with everything you said, but it needs to be pointed out that if we get out of this with a win, only one game missed, no other transmissions, and no penalties from the league it will be in spite of his decision and a testament to the good job of handling the additional burden shouldered by the staff and his teammates.

That, to me, is the opposite of what a leader is supposed to do. And deserves severe criticism. He irresponsibly jeopardized the season unnecessarily. He could have done all the anti-body raising stuff if he believes in it AND got the shot. That would have been the intelligent Aaron-first AND team-first approach. 

But he's a bandit. And we'll be lucky to get through this unscathed.

It will also be a testament to us being league golden boys. We deserve punishment for this by the letter of the law. 

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43 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

His decision was based on his beliefs, everyone's beliefs are going to be held in higher standard than their career. He and his fiancee are committed to this natural, alternative lifestyle and that's his right, however weird it is.

This is why anyone who knows and cares about him as a person and not just a quarterback (i.e. everyone in that locker room) is not going to pass judgement for what's going on.


You can absolutely judge someone for having stupid *** beliefs, when those beliefs harm others

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