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Amazon’s LOTR Rings of Power


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Geez. Not great. Pretty let down by that episode. A lot of pouting. Way too much Theo, far too many storylines and what is with the writing? And editing? Inconsistencies and contradictions abound, especially with the harfoots. Pretty bad if next week is the finale. A dud of a season Amazon. Much closer to WOT than GOT. All of a sudden everyone is scattered? At least it seemed like it to me. The timing of Elendil’s crying was also odd. He didn’t want to see his son’s body? Or learn more about how he died? It just didn’t carry much weight. And if it weren’t for durin and Elrond bit in Moria, this would not be much of a story worth watching. 


Edited by SMashMouthMike
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Theo sucks, he’s the worst. Wish they’d kill him off.

The cliffhanger of Isildur being dead was stupid when everyone knows he survives. It would be a great twist though if he was really dead, then the queen ends up having a son and names him after Isildur for helping save her and others. 

The mithril story line is a little dumb too since we know they get it.

Still hate the not hobbits. Nori is right up there with Theo as the worst. The not hobbits going off to “help” the stranger is ridiculous. They can’t even help themselves.

A single leaf woke up/summed the balrog? A leaf.

While predictable, I did enjoy the creation of Mordor. I just hate that they used a crappy text transition to announce it rather than through character speech.

The show has so much potential but it keeps falling flat. 

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4 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Theo sucks, he’s the worst. Wish they’d kill him off.

I agree

The cliffhanger of Isildur being dead was stupid when everyone knows he survives. It would be a great twist though if he was really dead, then the queen ends up having a son and names him after Isildur for helping save her and others.

Disagree with this. You could use this for anything that is done with book information. Not everyone watching the show knows what's going to happen because they didn't see/read the other stuff.

The mithril story line is a little dumb too since we know they get it.

See above.

Still hate the not hobbits. Nori is right up there with Theo as the worst. The not hobbits going off to “help” the stranger is ridiculous. They can’t even help themselves.

I agree. It's really not interesting to me at all.

A single leaf woke up/summed the balrog? A leaf.

I'm hoping there is more to it than that but I doubt it.

4 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

While predictable, I did enjoy the creation of Mordor. I just hate that they used a crappy text transition to announce it rather than through character speech.

I thought the creation was cool. Not the hilt part but just how Mordor was created.

The show has so much potential but it keeps falling flat. Yeah, I agree. There is some to like but it seems more not to like right now.


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First off there’s no way Galadriel or anyone outside would’ve survived that.

So the dad gives some nice speech  about sticking together after his daughter is the reason to blame for their stuff catching on fire.  So she just like yup I’m leaving to help my friend lol.


also seriously a leaf smh


this show is just awful. If this wasn’t  LOTR I would’ve gave up already.

Edited by Fresh Prince
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So.......what everybody thought was going to play out after the first two episodes played out.  A mystery with almost no mystery?  I was hoping that they'd work towards some of them thinking Sauron was reformed like was mentioned in The Silmarillion, but we seems to be just stuck in "Elves good, Sauron bad" storytelling.

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1 hour ago, THE DUKE said:

So.......what everybody thought was going to play out after the first two episodes played out.  A mystery with almost no mystery?  I was hoping that they'd work towards some of them thinking Sauron was reformed like was mentioned in The Silmarillion, but we seems to be just stuck in "Elves good, Sauron bad" storytelling.

Yea the big reveal was the people we know exist wound up existing...

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The 4 not-hobbits going against not-Sauron’s followers was bad. In no way should they have had any level of success. The plot armor is disgusting. That was also the fastest, cheesiest sunrise I have ever seen.

Real Sauron I didn’t see coming. Why the f would Galadriel not say that he’s Sauron to anyone else? That secret makes zero sense to keep. Literally, zero. Then she just continues on with Sauron’s plan like nothing has changed.

Nori’s family sending her off with not-Sauron makes no sense either unless they just want to get rid of her trouble causing, ignorant self. She’s made nothing but bad decisions and continues on through plot armor.

Hold up… Elrond decided to go investigate the area where he found Galadriel after all that time passed and the scroll happens to be still readable and still sitting in the flowing water? He then also says absolutely nothing to anyone and continues on with Sauron’s plan?!

I’m done with the show. Hopefully someone out there has been able to enjoy it more than me. 

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2 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Real Sauron I didn’t see coming. Why the f would Galadriel not say that he’s Sauron to anyone else? That secret makes zero sense to keep. Literally, zero. Then she just continues on with Sauron’s plan like nothing has changed.

The second Halbrand got anywhere near Celebrimbor, it was a no brainer who Sauron was. We know Sauron corrupts Celebrimbor / sets the creation of the rings into motion. It made no sense for the Stranger at that point

I definitely was hoping the Stranger was a different wizard, just to save from the fatigue of all the obvious things coming true. 

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