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Deshaun Watson is a Cleveland Brown

brownie man

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29 minutes ago, Forge said:

Yes. He doesn't even have to pick anyone. He can hear it himself if he wants. 

Yeah I always assumed he would hear it himself and make a final ruling. That said I thought he might let it stand just to push the blame of a weak suspension on someone else.

It's an owners league. They carry all of the power because the majority of players won't strike because the majority of the league aren't starters and may only have a year or two in the league and can't afford to lose a year or two salary to make a change.

The only way this ever becomes a player's league is if the union (wealthy players) pay the salaries of the fringe players during the strike. I doubt that ever happens but it's the only way I see them having the votes to ever strike long term to actually get stuff that they want. Ultimately I think greed of the high salary players will keep the power in the hands of the greedy owners.

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1 hour ago, NateDawg said:

The current set up makes total sense from an NFL standpoint. If the NFL gets the result they want, they would accept it and take no blame for any of the backlash because it wasn’t their decision. If they don’t like the outcome, they appeal for public image. What I don’t get is why the players association got on board with this.

The timing has really been awesome for the NFL. Suspension is announced. News dump about the dolphins which makes the NFL look bad. Then overshadow with a Watson appeal.

Yeah lol Roger gets to come in and be the good guy if the independent arbitrator doesn't give harsh enough sentences. 

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I swear if Jimmy had any respect or pull in this league this wouldn't be happening to us.  As soon as we got Watson was the moment I knew that the NFL would make an example out of him because we probably have one of the biggest doofus, criminal, unlikeable clowns running the show.

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If Watson gets the year and the Texans don't get any type of punishment this whole league is Fd up. We probably don't get to this number if he doesn't have access to that fancy hotel. And he was given NDAs by the team. At worst the this happened on their watch and they played a part in this. 

If he gets the year I can live with that, but the Texans have to be punished something. At least a 2nd or 3rd round pick. They aren't clean in this situation. 

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1 hour ago, NateDawg said:

What I don’t get is why the players association got on board with this.


Because it doesn't impact enough players for the NFLPA to give up something substantial in negotiations to change it. So many players are just fodder in the league that they are going to put far more emphasis on getting higher salaries and better benefits. It's the same reason we don't see franchise tag changes as a priority for the players association

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2 hours ago, Rod Johnson said:

I swear if Jimmy had any respect or pull in this league this wouldn't be happening to us.  As soon as we got Watson was the moment I knew that the NFL would make an example out of him because we probably have one of the biggest doofus, criminal, unlikeable clowns running the show.

I agree that Haslem doesnt have any pull or influence and someone like Rooney or Mara probably gets off with a lesser punishment but a good owner also doesnt put themselves in this position so its kind of a self fulfilling prophecy

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We shouldn't be worried about Watson getting a significant suspension


We should be worrying about

1) Watson doing it again

2) Browns trying to cover something up because they are in too deep



I think theres an extremely high chance Watson goes for it again unless there's an financial punishment for it. Right now all he's gotten is a long paid vacation. 

If Browns think he's falling off course and try to cover for him this could  get nuclear. 

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6 hours ago, roger murdock said:

We shouldn't be worried about Watson getting a significant suspension


We should be worrying about

1) Watson doing it again

2) Browns trying to cover something up because they are in too deep



I think theres an extremely high chance Watson goes for it again unless there's an financial punishment for it. Right now all he's gotten is a long paid vacation. 

If Browns think he's falling off course and try to cover for him this could  get nuclear. 

Yeah....no.  I don't think this a Josh Gordon addicted to pot situation

The chance of this happening again is slim to none (unless Watson has some type of addiction) and I doubt he does.

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This thing dragging out without resolution is 💯 on brand for the Browns. It will be at least 12 games with a hefty fine and mandated therapy. I’m actually in favor of a huge fine since he and the Browns gamed the system with how they structured the contract, and the therapy portion is really only effective if the person believes they need help or did something wrong, otherwise it’s just a box to check.

12 games specifically means the NFL doesn’t want him playing against Houston.

Edited by MWil23
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29 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

This thing dragging out without resolution is 💯 on brand for the Browns. It will be at least 12 games with a hefty fine and mandated therapy. I’m actually in favor of a huge fine since he and the Browns gamed the system with how they structured the contract, and the therapy portion is really only effective if the person believes they need help or did something wrong, otherwise it’s just a box to check.

12 games specifically means the NFL doesn’t want him playing against Houston.

From a football/team fan perspective it sucks to have it drug out or if he’s suspended a year or whatever, but they did this to themselves and I feel no sympathy for ownership, the FO, Watson, etc.  

I realize this wasn’t a short term move and even if it’s an entire year suspension it’s more or less irrelevant if he goes on to have a great career, win a bunch, blah, blah, blah, but this situation at the moment is 100% of their own doing.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

This thing dragging out without resolution is 💯 on brand for the Browns. It will be at least 12 games with a hefty fine and mandated therapy. I’m actually in favor of a huge fine since he and the Browns gamed the system with how they structured the contract, and the therapy portion is really only effective if the person believes they need help or did something wrong, otherwise it’s just a box to check.

12 games specifically means the NFL doesn’t want him playing against Houston.

I feel like the Watson camp should be doing everything in their power right now to not have this go into next season. If it means dragging this out to 10-12 games this year w/ fine then cut your losses and agree to it.

Watsons whole deal from the beginning was that he wanted to clear his name, it looks like that ship has sailed. People already have their belief and even if he and the NFLPA do 'win', its not going to change the way people think about him.

Focus on getting this over and done with ASAP and move on. Is there any alternate universe where the NFL/NFLPA get together and reneogiate a punishment before it gets drug out for another year in court?

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