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Missed it again haha. It hurts when my girlfriend gets off work at 6:00 PM and the showing is at 7:00 PM. I have 1 more set of passes for Monday. She's getting off an hour early, so we should be fine for then.

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Finally was able to get in to an early showing.

Overall it was...fine. The comedy is hit and miss, but mostly fell flat for me because I'm not a big fan of Ezra's delivery for comedic moments. The CGI struggles at times. I was disappointed in Calle's performance; she's not bad, but she's just kind of there.

Ezra does have a couple scenes where they kill it (in a good way), particularly towards the end. Keaton is fun, but they forced in some fan service with his dialogue. The cameos are fun. I did enjoy the themes about morality and choice; I was surprised that I came away thinking that went over well in the movie as opposed to being cheesy.

I won't talk about the ending until the movie comes out, but I have opinions.

Overall probably like a 6/10. My girlfriend loved it. Worth a watch on a discount day or matinee, but I wouldn't pay full price to see it.

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On 6/13/2023 at 10:11 AM, seminoles1 said:

Finally was able to get in to an early showing.

Overall it was...fine. The comedy is hit and miss, but mostly fell flat for me because I'm not a big fan of Ezra's delivery for comedic moments. The CGI struggles at times. I was disappointed in Calle's performance; she's not bad, but she's just kind of there.

Ezra does have a couple scenes where they kill it (in a good way), particularly towards the end. Keaton is fun, but they forced in some fan service with his dialogue. The cameos are fun. I did enjoy the themes about morality and choice; I was surprised that I came away thinking that went over well in the movie as opposed to being cheesy.

I won't talk about the ending until the movie comes out, but I have opinions.

Overall probably like a 6/10. My girlfriend loved it. Worth a watch on a discount day or matinee, but I wouldn't pay full price to see it.

Pretty much this. It's fine but quite messy.

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13 hours ago, Mox said:

Pretty much this. It's fine but quite messy.

Sums up the Snyderverse.   

And Ezra is flat out not funny.     Gunn better find a better comedic talent for his comic relief.   Maybe Chris Pratt as Hal Jordan or Booster Gold?   Hoping Hal.

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1 minute ago, 43M said:

Sums up the Snyderverse.   

And Ezra is flat out not funny.     Gunn better find a better comedic talent for his comic relief.   Maybe Chris Pratt as Hal Jordan or Booster Gold?   Hoping Hal.

He had a couple hilarious lines tbh but they were few and far between. Not that there ever was, but there is definitely no reason to bring him back now.

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49 minutes ago, August4th said:

how do you have a film that features Batman and the flash bomb at the BO

I really hope they don't let this Andy dude direct the new batman film. He's a hack.

I get why WBD wanted to reset everything, but they have lost so much money on box office bombs and disappointments and lost a lot of goodwill with the GA.

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I wasnt necessarily rooting for this to bomb, but Im perfectly happy if it does.

This should send a loud and clear message to WB, which hopefully positively impacts the future of the DCU (doubtful), and largely end Ezra Miller's career.

The only thing I fear is that this could hurt the Flash in the future.    Get rid of Ezra and cast someone MUCH better, and Flash could be great.   Dont blame the character.   Blame the idiocy of keeping that psycho around, as well as how terrible the Snyderverse was handled overall.  

If this bombs, I cant wait to see how Aquaman 2 ends up doing....if its even released.   😆

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Saw it last night.  It was good, not great.  


There's no way they keep EM, even though he does OK with the material.  If they are willing to throw out Cavill (stupid, but I get the reboot aspect, even though Cavill was the perfect Superman) then there's no way they can justify Miller.


By the way, what the heck was the end credit scene trying to set up for AM2?   

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4 hours ago, INbengalfan said:

Saw it last night.  It was good, not great.  


There's no way they keep EM, even though he does OK with the material.  If they are willing to throw out Cavill (stupid, but I get the reboot aspect, even though Cavill was the perfect Superman) then there's no way they can justify Miller.


By the way, what the heck was the end credit scene trying to set up for AM2?   

Think it's literally...hey this is still Aquamna for one more movie.

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20 hours ago, 43M said:

I wasnt necessarily rooting for this to bomb, but Im perfectly happy if it does.

This should send a loud and clear message to WB, which hopefully positively impacts the future of the DCU (doubtful), and largely end Ezra Miller's career.

The only thing I fear is that this could hurt the Flash in the future.    Get rid of Ezra and cast someone MUCH better, and Flash could be great.   Dont blame the character.   Blame the idiocy of keeping that psycho around, as well as how terrible the Snyderverse was handled overall.  

If this bombs, I cant wait to see how Aquaman 2 ends up doing....if its even released.   😆

I was waiting for the perfect time to post this, lol:


This thing is a certified flop, not only performing below the low-end projections, but actually doing worse than Black Adam, I wouldn't be surprised if Spider-verse beats it out by next weekend. I'll definitely catch it when it hits Max, but no way was I going to the theater for this. WB getting rid of Henry while keeping Ezra (yes, that WAS in the cards) isn't cool with me (I love how said article even says "I called it. They don’t care one bit about what he did as long as the upcoming summer release makes money {and it will}", he sadly might not be wrong).

I don't agree with everything Bob Chipman (MovieBob) says, but he was spot on in the intro of his review:

One down, one to go.

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Honestly, no idea where they are in Aquaman, but they should just Batgirl it and move on. Let the Snyderverse die its death. 

I don't blame Andy for the Flash flop. I haven't seen it, but I am sure it isn't bad. The universe is just ruined and tarnished. 

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