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Raiders to release QB Derek Carr (Page 73)


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21 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

I think it’s different, if the playoffs are out of reach there’s no upside in winning especially if you need a QB. 

i don’t care who the coach, QB, or GM is, I’m always going to root for us to win a super bowl. 

I disagree, having played sports at a high level. Every win breeds confidence, it’s amazing what confidence can do. A couple great performances at the end of a season can be a springboard for the next. Imagine if we’d beaten the 49ers and/or KC at the end of the season, we’d not have been in the playoffs but the upswing would have been tangible and we’d have a whole different vibe I think.

I’m always going to root for us to win every single game, I don’t give a damn about draft position, I want to win every pre season game, every ‘meaningless game’ 😁

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Love Hondo's articles as they always bring truth. We all knew this, but here's David saying it. Just makes think, no way Rodgers is coming here with a coach that won't let him have his freedom as a QB. 

"And we talk about this all the time: quarterback super power. And Derek's, his favorite quarterback for a long time -- I played against him and lost to him like nine times -- is Peyton Manning. He wants to get to the line, decipher what the defense is doing, get in an appropriate play. And that skill wasn't utilized in Las Vegas under Josh McDaniels. And that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that."


And before the refutes come in, anyone who's played football knows there's a difference between 1)here's your play, and here's your audibles for the position groups, one of these guys will be open on these options. Find him. And 2) here's our playbook, when you see something in the defense to take advantage of, change the play. If we're drafting a rookie, I'm glad Josh has this philosophy. If he wants a veteran, this isn't going to work.







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6 hours ago, NickButera said:

Love Hondo's articles as they always bring truth. We all knew this, but here's David saying it. Just makes think, no way Rodgers is coming here with a coach that won't let him have his freedom as a QB. 

"And we talk about this all the time: quarterback super power. And Derek's, his favorite quarterback for a long time -- I played against him and lost to him like nine times -- is Peyton Manning. He wants to get to the line, decipher what the defense is doing, get in an appropriate play. And that skill wasn't utilized in Las Vegas under Josh McDaniels. And that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that."


And before the refutes come in, anyone who's played football knows there's a difference between 1)here's your play, and here's your audibles for the position groups, one of these guys will be open on these options. Find him. And 2) here's our playbook, when you see something in the defense to take advantage of, change the play. If we're drafting a rookie, I'm glad Josh has this philosophy. If he wants a veteran, this isn't going to work.

I said after the first few weeks.  If Carr gets to the line can not tell it is a bad play I do not want him as my QB.  At the same time if he gets to the line and sees that it is a bad play and chooses to stay in the play because the coach said so I do not want him as my QB.  In either scenario if this is a consistent thing I do not want the play caller to stay either.  The only way I am okay with this is if the play caller and the QB are on the same page knowing that they are setting the defense up for things later in the game.  If this was the case then David needs to keep his mouth shut because it was the strategy.  In no way is Carr completely absolved of blame but like we all new during the season is that JMD is also to blame.  Our sh!t show just turned into a comedy of errors.  No matter what Z and JMD need to be honest with Davis and Davis needs to decide if he wants to keep Z and JMD then backoff.  

As for Carr wanting to get out there to help facilitate a trade I am calling BS.  David is just running PR for Derek at this point.  JMD is a snake but David is pretty close to the same when it comes to his brother.

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14 hours ago, NickButera said:

Love Hondo's articles as they always bring truth. We all knew this, but here's David saying it. Just makes think, no way Rodgers is coming here with a coach that won't let him have his freedom as a QB. 

"And we talk about this all the time: quarterback super power. And Derek's, his favorite quarterback for a long time -- I played against him and lost to him like nine times -- is Peyton Manning. He wants to get to the line, decipher what the defense is doing, get in an appropriate play. And that skill wasn't utilized in Las Vegas under Josh McDaniels. And that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that."


And before the refutes come in, anyone who's played football knows there's a difference between 1)here's your play, and here's your audibles for the position groups, one of these guys will be open on these options. Find him. And 2) here's our playbook, when you see something in the defense to take advantage of, change the play. If we're drafting a rookie, I'm glad Josh has this philosophy. If he wants a veteran, this isn't going to work.







So now carr didn’t have audible control at the line. I thought numerous times during the season it was mentioned that carr had full control at the los. This is some crybaby shi. Taking away his super power. A qbs super power should be completing passes esp in the redzone 

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3 minutes ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

So now carr didn’t have audible control at the line. I thought numerous times during the season it was mentioned that carr had full control at the los. This is some crybaby shi. Taking away his super power. A qbs super power should be completing passes esp in the redzone 

No, because beat writers inquired and were told he had some control at the LOS. You had some people screaming during the season "he didn't have control!" An others would say "but he does!" The only thing that makes sense is JMC had only allowed select audibles per play, but did not open the playbook for him to control at the LOS

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27 minutes ago, NickButera said:

No, because beat writers inquired and were told he had some control at the LOS. You had some people screaming during the season "he didn't have control!" An others would say "but he does!" The only thing that makes sense is JMC had only allowed select audibles per play, but did not open the playbook for him to control at the LOS

We’ve been debating this for the last 2  maybe 3 hc’s tho. Only 1 person was constant. Only thing I can buy is the oline was never the same protection audible wise after James became starter.

I Gotta try to find the oc lombardi interview mid season where he specifically says carr has los control.

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2 hours ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

So now carr didn’t have audible control at the line. I thought numerous times during the season it was mentioned that carr had full control at the los. This is some crybaby shi. Taking away his super power. A qbs super power should be completing passes esp in the redzone 

this was reported throughout the season . . JMD wanted it ran his way. 
I believe even Carr mentioned it. 

its why after rams game of 6 pass attmepts in 2nd half, i knew we were moving on from carr 

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16 hours ago, NickButera said:

Love Hondo's articles as they always bring truth. We all knew this, but here's David saying it. Just makes think, no way Rodgers is coming here with a coach that won't let him have his freedom as a QB. 

"And we talk about this all the time: quarterback super power. And Derek's, his favorite quarterback for a long time -- I played against him and lost to him like nine times -- is Peyton Manning. He wants to get to the line, decipher what the defense is doing, get in an appropriate play. And that skill wasn't utilized in Las Vegas under Josh McDaniels. And that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that."


And before the refutes come in, anyone who's played football knows there's a difference between 1)here's your play, and here's your audibles for the position groups, one of these guys will be open on these options. Find him. And 2) here's our playbook, when you see something in the defense to take advantage of, change the play. If we're drafting a rookie, I'm glad Josh has this philosophy. If he wants a veteran, this isn't going to work.

Not sure how I feel about this. Derek Carr is not Peyton Manning. He does a good job pre snap, but he's not one to read the field post snap. And he's miserable in the red zone and needed structure there.  

Feel like this is something that should have been fleshed out before they moved forward with Carr. Or maybe it was, then came to a head later. You could feel the lack of trust with Carr in games. 

I'm not going to fault a coach for asking the QB to run the offense. Especially when he's scheming guys open. And Carr was getting a lot of shots deep to Adams. Maybe if Carr hung in the pocket more and let things develop, he'd have garnered more trust through the season. 

This kind of goes back to Musgrave who I thought got the most out of Carr in 2016 by keeping Carr in structure. Of course, he didn't like the rigidity of that and wanted to do more, so insert his buddy Downing and he plateaued.

IMO, Carr thinks he's a better QB than he actually is. Nothing wrong with confidence, but you have to back it up.  

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3 hours ago, NickButera said:

No, because beat writers inquired and were told he had some control at the LOS. You had some people screaming during the season "he didn't have control!" An others would say "but he does!" The only thing that makes sense is JMC had only allowed select audibles per play, but did not open the playbook for him to control at the LOS

In general I'm wary of play-callers that are that rigid 

How many teams really find sustained success in those situations? Don't get me wrong, I understand that you gotta build trust between a QB and HC/OC. But we also all knew, or should have known, that Gruden and McDaniels are both micromanaging egos. That's fine, but it definitely takes a particular dynamic to work. 

I think coaches get way too wrapped up in analytics and their own designs that their tendencies become a bit predictable, especially against savvy DC's. 

Not comparing the parties involved, but Green Bay seemed to have struck a nice balance in this regard between Rodgers and LeFleur. You have to either trust your QB or strike a balance. Micromanaging a QB only works if the HC/OC and QB have the exact same philosophy- and I just don't think that's as common as some would believe. No right or wrong, but decidedly different. 


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DC in NY? I think we almost all agree this is not a good place for him. The coach calling him out? He throws one pass like that pick in Pittsburg and the WHOLE city will come unwrapped!! Lmao! Not to mention ummmmm.....COLD WEATHER!! When I posted about trying to believe in him but also clearly recognizing his flaws, the other 2 I forgot were his cold weather play, and oh yeah KC living in his head. lol that being said, it’s no secret woody Johnson wants a good qb at any price, so common sense dictates.....start the bidding war there possibly? We’ll see. 

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6 minutes ago, Devilshark69 said:

DC in NY? I think we almost all agree this is not a good place for him. The coach calling him out? He throws one pass like that pick in Pittsburg and the WHOLE city will come unwrapped!! Lmao! Not to mention ummmmm.....COLD WEATHER!! When I posted about trying to believe in him but also clearly recognizing his flaws, the other 2 I forgot were his cold weather play, and oh yeah KC living in his head. lol that being said, it’s no secret woody Johnson wants a good qb at any price, so common sense dictates.....start the bidding war there possibly? We’ll see. 

I would love this.  He most likely will get exposed in NY.  I would expect him to regret not taking a pay cut to play in NO by Thanksgiving 2023.

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There is no way he picks the Jets. To have to play the Patriots, Bills, and Dolphins defenses twice a year. Then if he does get them to the playoffs, he will have Pat, Joe, Justin, Lamar, Trevor,Josh,&  Stidham lol jk waiting for him. And that media market and the cold weather. I don't see it but we will see.  

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