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2018 Free Agency targets


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2 minutes ago, CBears019 said:

Bills trade OL Corey Glenn and #21 to bengals for #12 and a swap of some late round picks.

So i guess anyone dreaming of trading back with the Bills for two firsts can lay that one to rest now.  Bills are having one hell of an off-season thus far.  At least in terms of acquiring draft picks.

Depending on who's available at 8, I'd still be interested in trading back to 12 if Buffalo wants to move up.

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4 minutes ago, CBears019 said:

I always forget how slow this first day is.

Legal tampering has been a thing for 6 hours now, and all Pace has done is slapped RFA tenders on a couple guys and resigned Sowell, which he could have done anytime before today. He is quite clearly the most incompetent GM in the entire league...






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9 minutes ago, CBears019 said:

I always forget how slow this first day is.

Well technically Wednesday is the first day, isn't it?  Today is just the day we can start talking to people but teams aren't supposed to actually come to agreement on anything with players yet.

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1 hour ago, Rogerthat said:

I have bad vibes right now.  I don't have faith in pace and I think players have a bad perception of the bears.  I think much like Stephon Gilmore last year where the bears made a good offer but no one wants to play here and we end up with Prince.  We will be adding Donte Moncrief off the scrap heap instead of Robinson or Watkins    

You need to take a step back from the ledge man.  First of all, all you can do right now as a gm is negotiate.  There will be no signings today or tomorrow.  Secondly, perception of the Bears this year is much different than last year.  Last year you had a coach on the hot seat, a gm potentially on the hot seat, add to that a very murky qb situation.  You have none of that this year.  New modern, innovative, young hc.  A gm who was just extended and just hired his guy, and a 2nd year qb who finished the season very well and is well thought of throughout the entire league.  Its polar opposite to last year.  

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1 hour ago, Rogerthat said:

I have bad vibes right now.  I don't have faith in pace and I think players have a bad perception of the bears.  I think much like Stephon Gilmore last year where the bears made a good offer but no one wants to play here and we end up with Prince.  We will be adding Donte Moncrief off the scrap heap instead of Robinson or Watkins    

I feel like fans forget a) there are 31 other teams in the league and b) free agents are people with different backgrounds, feelings, and preferences. Those are big reasons why a particular team doesn’t get every player their fanbase wants.

Everybody wants to simplify it and say it’s just the overall dollars, and yeah, maybe that’s a big part, but it’s insane to ignore the myriad of other factors that tip the scale.

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2 minutes ago, IronMike84 said:


I saw this too. JB15, as much as some people (Windy) don't want to admit, is a good special teamer, which is crucial for a 5th/6th WR on a team. When SM27 went down with an injury, JB15 became one of the top ST players on the team. It's the lowest tender, and if a team really wants him that badly, go for it.

For CM81, he's coming off an ACL, which might either scare teams away OR cause them to give him a multiyear deal that is below market value. We are able to match every single offer that comes. Let's say a team tries to sneak him with a 3/9 deal, if I'm Pace i match that in a heartbeat, giving me a solid #2 for only 3/year. IF a team goes big and tries to sign him to more money, it's not like we don't have the cap space to match him anyways. no risk, like hoge said

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