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Week 3 GDT: Raiders vs. Steelers - Waitin' all day for a Sunday Night


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34 minutes ago, NickButera said:

I haven't been on the McDaniels train at all since it was announced. But I really do think he needs to have a string of 8 games this bad before we can him. Last year he implemented his schemes, hes had 2 years to collect players, and if he is showing a downward trajectory for a season and a half, that's the point of no return for me. 

No everything he has done this off-season is wrong. He can’t help himself at this time he is a dead man walking. Dude Pittsburgh is not a good team.

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5 minutes ago, NickButera said:

McDaniels is so set on the superiority of his system, we don't have anyone leaders who can carry this team or lead them through adversity. Hate on Carr's play all you want, he was much better than what we have now. My biggest fear has come true. We cut Carr and now we suck again. Bottom of the barrel. 

If it leads to drafting the QBOTF, then so be it. 

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