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We Can Still Crack the Top Ten


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4 hours ago, Mr. Fussnputz said:
I'll see you and raise you a Robert Frost:
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."


I’ll see that and raise you RJ MacReady.

”Yeah, **** you, too!”

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5 hours ago, mikebpackfan said:

I think statistics generally show that a team’s best year under a new coordinator is often the first year.  It doesn’t take years to learn a defensive system.  Unfortunately, Barry has had enough success this year that he’ll probably be guaranteed to stick around unless Murphy/Gute just demand some change and LaFleur makes him a sacrificial lamb. 

The other thing I see is that MLF had Pettine forced upon him and ran with him for two years. MLF had his choice of DC and picked Barry, to fire the DC he picked is an indictment against himself and headcoches typically don't last much longer after firing a key coordinator.

Also the same could be said for Love, if LeFleur can not make this a winning team by next year with Love at the helm, a guy he has been coaching by that stage for 4 years, then again that is a charge against him and when the Packers move on and get a new president in 2025 it's the perfect opportunity to clean house if the team is not functional and winning.

LeFleur has asked for this hand to be dealt to him, he now needs to make it work and has this year to figure it out this year

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10 hours ago, mikebpackfan said:

Dopes sitting in their mom’s basement calling NFL players soft is my favorite. 

I was too tired to thoroughly respond to this.

First of all, my mom doesn’t have a basement. And I live in my own home, which I just paid off completely. I’m pretty excited about that, so thank you for giving me an opportunity to toot my own horn.

Second, if I am not a fruit can I not judge the merits of a fruit? Does one have to be a watermelon in order to judge a watermelon? Does one have to be an apple in order to cast shade upon a cantaloupe? What the **** is even your point?

Our team has been stomped on for the past 12 years by physical football teams who set the tone early. We have smash mouth offenses run down our throats at will, and we have defenses bully our receivers and hold us to under 13 points when we have Adams and Rodgers and Jones and all-pro or near all-pro offensive linemen.

To sit there and say I can’t compare one team to 31 other teams when there are 32 teams because I am not on a team does not make sense in any respect to discourse. That’s tantamount to saying you can’t have an opinion on movies because you have no formal education on movies. It’s like a prison guard not being able to distinguish a soft ***** and a shot caller.

Those socks you’re wearing right now. Are they comfortable? You can’t tell because you’re not a ****ing sock.

What you just did is among the worst things someone can do in an argument. It’s personally insulting how stupid your comment was. Not because you tried to insult me, but because you insulted discussion and conversation in general.

We have literally had players and coaches say we’re soft. Not in such certain terms, but for your call to authority, which you seem to need, Robert Saleh called us soft. You can find his quote.


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22 hours ago, MacReady said:

I was too tired to thoroughly respond to this.

First of all, my mom doesn’t have a basement. And I live in my own home, which I just paid off completely. I’m pretty excited about that, so thank you for giving me an opportunity to toot my own horn.



Congrats on paying off your home. That's a great accomplishment for anyone and will set you (and future generations) up well for a lifetime. I truly mean it, congrats.


Most of your takes suck though.

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4 minutes ago, MacReady said:

This was the start of another 4 game losing streak.

We will lose to the Chargers, Lions and Chiefs.

I've never been a fan of tanking.....but this season looks to be baked in already. I've started looking at the draft order and getting greedy.....

If we can continue to show solid individual improvement.....that would be fine with me.

This was always gonna be a lost season....it's now simply becoming official.

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