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The Michigan/Sign Stealing & COVID Punishment Thread


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29 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Here’s the attempt at the fall guy argument 

Michigan has always stated they were unaware of his tactics at that time and there has been no evidence or witness’s to dispute that. Believe what you will but as of now no one has been able to connect any coaches to this despite having access to the hacked ( for lack of a better term I guess we don’t technically know how it was accessed yet) server and the fact that the Michigan coaching staff gave the ncaa access to there phones and records ( they didn’t have to do that) 

Also to clarify Stallions resigned he was not fired

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On 11/2/2023 at 10:12 AM, Scoundrel said:

@Ozzy you watch a lot of college football. Have you met our new friend BigC? What do you think of the Michigan sign stealing situation? 

Teams are going to do anything they can to gain a competitive advantage, especially the great teams.  Is that why Michigan has been dominating the past few years in the Big Ten?  I really doubt it.  People love the "scandal" because Michigan is kicking everyone's *** in the conference.  They were winning every game this season by almost 35 points.  


Gregg Williams admitted to Trent Dilfer that he literally stole the Ravens offensive playbook before that NFL playoff game between the Titans and Ravens.  The Ravens still won the game, he just never got caught and only admitted it to Dilfer years later.  A lot of weird crap goes down especially in highly competitive sports, it is not right but honestly it is kind of expected.  Michigan having some no name staffer try to get ahead and gain some information of note worth sharing to get ahead, not real shocking especially if the staffer wants to gain favor or attention and move up.  Everyone does scouting, but in person is a big no no.   Honestly one can probably gain more information on video and reply the video and come back to it later, so it is ok to steal signs that way then?  You scout players, plays ran, when they are ran, signs of the play, tendencies of the coaches and team....  


Either way the game is still played and is decided on the field.  Is it cheating to literally pay a college football player $1 Million dollars to come play for some stupid school to help them try to win?  Yeah probably, before that was a huge no no, now who cares with NIL.  Michigan basketball players back in the day got in trouble for getting free shoes, now players get free houses to stay in and sports cars to drive.  


But that is ok now but this guy stealing signals is the worst thing ever?  It has been done before I am sure, they were just never caught like this for a team that is probably the favorite to win the National Title currently.  


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Yeah, I’m sure there’s no connection between a coach who was on the hot seat a couple years back and then started cheating hard and Michigan took over the conference. 

Anyways, you know how this stuff goes, silly season with knowing what to believe, and what is rumor, but most of the buzz from last night from Michigan insiders was that there was a lot of evidence that’s not good for them from last nights meeting. My own prediction is Harbaugh does not coach against Purdue today.

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2 hours ago, NateDawg said:

Yeah, I’m sure there’s no connection between a coach who was on the hot seat a couple years back and then started cheating hard and Michigan took over the conference. 

Anyways, you know how this stuff goes, silly season with knowing what to believe, and what is rumor, but most of the buzz from last night from Michigan insiders was that there was a lot of evidence that’s not good for them from last nights meeting. My own prediction is Harbaugh does not coach against Purdue today.

You act like Michigan was in the dumps up until the last 2/3 years. Other than the irrelevant Covid season Michigan won plenty of games and was usually in the Big10 title hunt every year all the way up to the OSU game.  2/3 major changes happened that anyone who actual follows and understands the game of football instead of click-bait non sense can see. 

1) Fire Don Brown/ replace with elite Ravens up and coming defensive staffers.  Don Brown was the single biggest problem of the Harbaugh era. He had some loaded defenses but was stubborn as mule when it came to X’s and O’s. You know this as well as anyone. Crossing route, crossing route , crossing route. No one needed to steal Browns signs you knew that fool was going to leave his corners on islands, blitz half the field and leave Mike McCray 1 on 1 with Saquon Barkley no matter no matter how many times he would motion out, expose the coverage and get burned.  DB was brought in to stop the Urban Meyer power running OSU offense and for 1 season in worked. Urban quickly adjusted and changed his teams entire offensive philosophy.  Insert Mike McDonald/ Jessie Minter 2 elite young defensive minds who have learned under the best and poof everything changed.  Thanks John we love you. ( Stallions was around during DB years long before the Ravens came to save the day, your timeline excuse doesn’t add up)

2) JJ !!! Yeah Michigan finally had a qb and when Harbaugh teams get good qb play there damn tough to beat.  Even getting solid play from Cade was a huge upgrade over Shea and Cade was good enough because 

3) Elite Oline and RB’s  This pretty much speaks for itself. Sherron Moore has done wonders with the oline as well as Hart with the RB’s much in the way Hartline does with wr’s. Back to back Joe Moore awards , Heisman contending rb before injury. Incredible depth.  Haskins running over your defense all day long. First it was the flu, then the snow and now it’s sign’s.  What will you come up with next.  

Michigan steals signs. Ohio State steals signs.  Michigan has just been better at football the last 2/3 years you should except it. 

There’s been a lot of contradicting reports over last nights meeting. Some saying there’s 1 more bad thing coming, others claiming that bad thing is an irrelevant expense report signed by JayBaugh that has no connection to any of this.  Some are reporting Michigan still wants to Harbaugh’s extension done asap others are saying not so fast based on the evidence there’s a growing belief that he defiantly didn’t know but he should have.  One thing everyone agrees on is that Santa isn’t laying down and will not suspend Harbaugh unless more unknown were to come out.  The Big10 asked Ono to suspend Harbaugh for 2 games and he respectfully declined. My guess is that if the evidence was overwhelming he would have jumped at this. Opposing teams don’t get to fire coaches they can’t beat based on media hysteria.  It may not mean much in court of public opinion but Stallions lawyer released a statement that he acted alone and no one’s been able to present evidence other wise. 


Edited by BigC421/
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12 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Yeah, Nate, except it. Those elite guy and coaches were trash when they couldn't scout the team! Except it! JJ was trash against the team they couldn't scout but he's elite. Except it! Everyone steals signs so it's not a big deal. Except it!

I except nothing!

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3 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Yeah, Nate, except it. Those elite guy and coaches were trash when they couldn't scout the team! Except it! JJ was trash against the team they couldn't scout but he's elite. Except it! Everyone steals signs so it's not a big deal. Except it!

Why even post this? Adds nothing to the discussion. Just makes you look petulant.  Why didn’t you respond to Ozzy’s post? He’s basically saying the same thing.  I gave football reasons and everyone does steal signs, it’s encouraged. 

They also didn’t play like trash against TCU, they made a ton of mental mistakes, struggled with there run fits against the 3-3/-5 ( not having Corum really hurt in this one as Edwards is just not good at reading blocks) and lost.  They almost overcame those mistakes to win the game but came up short, that’s football.  JJ threw 2 pick six’s and the coaches called a stupid double pass on 4th down inside the 5.  JJ still went 20-34 for 343 2/2. It was his first time having to bail out a less effective running game.  Non the less they lost, in the playoffs 51-45. 

If you have any idea what your talking about what so ever “ those elite guys were trash when they couldn’t scout the team!” Aside from this being another example of not knowing or understanding the game then a) Michigan should lose to PSU and OSU. B) Michigan should have very few guys drafted over the next 2 years because surely the NFL isn’t going to fall for these cheaters and waste valuable assets on them when they are just cheaters and not elite football players

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