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What a boring jury.

What a boring final two.

Even though houseguest number 1 and houseguest number 3 on the list of those I was rooting for are in the final two (since Nazgûl’s eviction) made it to the final two, this is still a boring jury question portion.

No drama. No accusations of cheating only to prove yourself a cheater while accusing the other of cheating. No absurdly petty and vengeful campaigning to make sure the player you conceded defeat for with a final two deal doesn’t win. No fireworks at all.


At least this season has been salvaged by a worthy player winning (finally).

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13 minutes ago, MacReady said:

What a boring jury.

What a boring final two.

Even though houseguest number 1 and houseguest number 3 on the list of those I was rooting for are in the final two (since Nazgûl’s eviction) made it to the final two, this is still a boring jury question portion.

No drama. No accusations of cheating only to prove yourself a cheater while accusing the other of cheating. No absurdly petty and vengeful campaigning to make sure the player you conceded defeat for with a final two deal doesn’t win. No fireworks at all.


At least this season has been salvaged by a worthy player winning (finally).

Hey man I’ve poked at em a few times. I don’t know what else to do. 

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9 hours ago, TedLavie said:

I already voted for tails but @skywindO2 I believe we're still waiting for your opening statement

Hello members of the jury.

I'd like start by personally thank Julie, AKA @Malfatron for putting on this fantastic game. I'd also like to say thank you to the members of my original alliance, @TedLavie, @MacReady, @JBURGE, @Nazgul, and @Dwight_Schrute for carrying me through the early game and showing me the ropes. The former three especially for reaching out to me initially about forming an alliance, and even more props to @JBURGE for saying that I'm "actually an idiot." I couldn't have made it this far without that boost of confidence. @Daboyle and @TOUCAN, I'm sorry for being the one to do you too dirty. I hope, given time, you can forgive me. I hope to bring back #TeamChaos with daboyle some day. Finally, a special thank you @bcb1213 for playing the role of the house garbage can, you've preformed your duties admirably. 

I also couldn't have made it this far without the help of my worthy final opponent @theuntouchable and the alliance formed with @Whicker. While I did end up to betray him in the end, that's ultimately a part of the game. I and as a former winner himself, I know he understands. They both played a fantastic game and it's not surprising they were my competition in the final 3. Their maneuvering helped me get through the late game mostly unnoticed. While only one individual can win, this definitely isn't a win you earn alone.

I don't have any strong reason for why you should choose me. Truthfully, given grudges I've sensed from previous games, I think I would have fared better against whicker in this final vote than touch but I stand by my decision. I think touch's game most resembled mine of being unnoticed. I stand by what I said in my journal entries with @ET80. He's a far more crafty player than he lets on in the thread, and I respect that. I think the jury members are some of the strongest players in this game and I can accept any decision they make with all the dignity and grace that I can muster. 

Thank you,


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Posted (edited)

tldr, I got here by listening to everyone else and doing what they told me to do. If you believed in your own plan, you owe to me to cast a vote for me. 

Edited by skywindO2
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Jury members, keep asking questions and sending in your votes to win.

Now, before we crown the winner, its time to award Americas Favorite Houseguest!

This award goes to the jury member that was either the most entertaining for any reason, captured our hearts and souls, or cranked up the ratings!

Remember, you can only win AFH once in your lifetime!


Previous Winners of Americas Favorite Houesguest

BigBillsFan (Big Brother 2)
mission27 (Big Brother 3)
TLO (Big Brother 4)
Nazgul (Big Brother 5)

Outpost ( Big Brother 6)

Shady Slim (Big Brother 7)

ET80 (Big Brother 8 )

jasonwbantle (big brother 9)










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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Otherwise I’d win America’s Favorite Houseguest every single year.

I'd vote for that. I was so sad when you were voted out. I wanted to be the one to betray you and get a classic Macready overreaction. 

Edited by skywindO2
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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Otherwise I’d win America’s Favorite Houseguest every single year.

No, cause you have to be a jury member to win


Edited by bcb1213
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