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Patriots parting ways with Bill Belichick


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6 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

Depends how much Bill demands control of personnel. If he does want that control, him and Jerry won’t work.

I can't see him not wanting that, but I also can't see how him wanting that would make him an attractive hire at this point

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I can see why it happened, especially if he didn't want to give up control over the personnel and you don't have faith in him to actually find a QB.  But at the end of the day...that's what this is about.  He lost his job because he couldn't find a Tom Brady replacement.  Which...whoever takes over that Patriots team next (Mayo presumably?) is still going to have the same glaring hole to address.  In today's NFL...if you don't have a QB, you're not winning anything.  So that's still going to be a major problem that exists in New England.


It also makes me wonder about some of these potential landing spots for Bill.  Is he going to recognize the issue and just dive in somewhere that has the QB thing sorted?  Or at least, somewhere with the top draft pick to potentially sort it out with one of the two real blue chip guys in the draft?


Like Atlanta seems attractive with a lot of good pieces already in place.  But is he gonna want to dive right back into that same "lacking a QB" quagmire that got him turfed in NE?  Ridder isn't the guy and they also did just well enough to make sure they don't have a shot at the top QBs in the draft.

Is there a FA QB or trade target that Bill might like, or might be inclined to go wherever Belichick goes?


A lot of his situation just screams Los Angeles Superchargers to me.  He'd be dropping in to a team that already has the QB in place with Herbert.  Also has a lot of talent, but has just woefully underperformed.  It'd be a strong case for Bill's legacy if he can turn around that "Chargers gonna charger" stigma and build a winning organization and culture there.  Also a situation where i could see a lot of flexibility in letting him stay involved in the personnel side of things, which presumably is something Bill would like or prioritize in a job.



The idea of Bill in his hoodies in SoCal is kinda funny too.

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5 hours ago, Tugboat said:

I can see why it happened, especially if he didn't want to give up control over the personnel and you don't have faith in him to actually find a QB.  But at the end of the day...that's what this is about.  He lost his job because he couldn't find a Tom Brady replacement.  

To a point. Moreover he probably lost his job because he didn't understand or fully appreciate the influence Brady had on the way the offense ran at the end of his career, outside of his ability as a quarterback. You can't replace that, but you can be smarter with your co-ordinator hires - Patricia running the offense was egregious and spoke to a certain arrogance. 

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7 hours ago, Tugboat said:

I can see why it happened, especially if he didn't want to give up control over the personnel and you don't have faith in him to actually find a QB.  But at the end of the day...that's what this is about.  He lost his job because he couldn't find a Tom Brady replacement.  Which...whoever takes over that Patriots team next (Mayo presumably?) is still going to have the same glaring hole to address.  In today's NFL...if you don't have a QB, you're not winning anything.  So that's still going to be a major problem that exists in New England.

It was more than that. I mean, yeah, not securing a QB was a big part of how things played out, but I think had results been exactly the same for 2023 and instead XYZ behind closed doors went differently, then Bill would’ve been given another season.

Things have been coming to a head for the last handful of seasons, and the bottom really did fall out - QB situation aside (and even that’s messy). Some highlights were scouts being overruled by Belichick and feeling like they weren’t being listened to (Bill went over their head for N’Keal Harry in 2019, they wanted Deebo/AJB). It includes letting malcontents (JC Jackson, Jack Jones, Trent Brown) get away with way too much this past year. Trent specifically was a low effort, late to meetings kind of guy (more so this year than any before), but knowing how bad the OL was, he had free rein to push the envelope. Bill giving him monetary incentives, effectively rewarding him, wasn’t something the team was happy about. That’s stuff that the “old” Patriots would have nipped in the bud with the quickness, but they’ve been so starved of talent that NE couldn’t afford to. There’s the obvious Matt Patricia disaster, which Bill actually had to be forced to move off of by Kraft. Reportedly, Bill O’Brien’s hires (guys he brought along to help with the offense) were not only duds, but also apparently received preferential treatment among coaches. Bill’s drafting overall has been extremely questionable at best, the popular thing going around now is that in the past 10 years, there hasn’t been a top 100 pick for NE that’s signed a second contract. 

So yeah, obviously landing a second QB of even decent quality probably also could’ve changed a lot. But the inner workings of NE has been going downhill, and it’s not just because there was no QB. Finding a competent QB is actually one of the least of the team’s worries right now.

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12 hours ago, Soko said:

It was more than that. I mean, yeah, not securing a QB was a big part of how things played out, but I think had results been exactly the same for 2023 and instead XYZ behind closed doors went differently, then Bill would’ve been given another season.

Things have been coming to a head for the last handful of seasons, and the bottom really did fall out - QB situation aside (and even that’s messy). Some highlights were scouts being overruled by Belichick and feeling like they weren’t being listened to (Bill went over their head for N’Keal Harry in 2019, they wanted Deebo/AJB). It includes letting malcontents (JC Jackson, Jack Jones, Trent Brown) get away with way too much this past year. Trent specifically was a low effort, late to meetings kind of guy (more so this year than any before), but knowing how bad the OL was, he had free rein to push the envelope. Bill giving him monetary incentives, effectively rewarding him, wasn’t something the team was happy about. That’s stuff that the “old” Patriots would have nipped in the bud with the quickness, but they’ve been so starved of talent that NE couldn’t afford to. There’s the obvious Matt Patricia disaster, which Bill actually had to be forced to move off of by Kraft. Reportedly, Bill O’Brien’s hires (guys he brought along to help with the offense) were not only duds, but also apparently received preferential treatment among coaches. Bill’s drafting overall has been extremely questionable at best, the popular thing going around now is that in the past 10 years, there hasn’t been a top 100 pick for NE that’s signed a second contract. 

So yeah, obviously landing a second QB of even decent quality probably also could’ve changed a lot. But the inner workings of NE has been going downhill, and it’s not just because there was no QB. Finding a competent QB is actually one of the least of the team’s worries right now.

That's fair i suppose.  But it's still one of those things that feels like, "winning cures all".  Which, i look at it as, if you've got a QB and are actually winning games...a lot of this stuff probably never bubbles to the surface, or just goes unnoticed.  Or just never really starts to happen at all.

At the end of the day, a lot of it still really seems to come down to "Bill the GM" more so than "Bill the Coach".  Which across the league, GM jobs tend to come and go as their success in "finding a QB".  🤷‍♀️


Certainly raises questions about how much control over personnel Bill will actually be handed in whatever his next gig is.  I can see the benefit to just taking a lot of that stuff off his plate.  But at the same time, it's gotta be really hard after so many years of having carte blanche over the whole organization more or less, to take a step back to just trying to work with what you're given.

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What a nightmare....


The Washington Post’s Mark Maske reports “some within league circles” believe Bill Belichick could hire Josh McDaniels, Joe Judge, and Matt Patricia if he takes the Falcons head coaching job.
Belichick’s sons, Steve and Brian, could also be part of the package. McDaniels, who was fired as Raiders head coach this fall, would seem like a lock to be Belichick’s offensive coordinator in Atlanta. Matt Patricia, meanwhile, if fresh off stepping in to coach the league’s worst defense after joining Judge to coach the league’s worst offense in 2022. It wouldn’t be a surprise for Belichick to bring in quarterbacks like Brian Hoyer and Jimmy Garoppolo — players steeped in the Patriot Way. It all suggests a coach who is unwilling to change anything about his approach to the game after years of struggling without Tom Brady at the helm.


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4 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:


That's a pretty old photo, dude is just looking for clicks.. I don't know which "midtown" he's talking about but BB ain't there 

Edited by adamq
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