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The playoffs!


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1 hour ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:

The Vikings certainly look better right now, but I will take my chances vs Keenum on the road in Philly. Are chances are about the same vs either team.

Yea, pretty split...leaning towards the saints. Think they are easier to beat and less consistent throughout the year.

but they got a quarter to go to make that happen 

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I really hope the Saints pull out a come back win.

Because Minnesota scares the hell out of me. That defense is insane. We won't be able to afford a slow first half against them. If they score more than 20 points we would probably lose.

And with that INT just now literally as I type this...NO might have a shot.



Because IDC about how they beat us 5 years ago. I'm actually confident that we would win against the Saints if we play them.

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1 hour ago, RBreezy said:

I still would rather face the Vikings, Brees has our number, he’s one of those guys we can never beat

Maybe back when we were a completely different team.

Brees doesn't have this teams number. 

The only similarity between the team that lost to them in 2013 and this team is that Foles will be our QB. And despite his ridiculous statistical season that year, I am more confident in this Foles. 

He's more experienced and it shows. And he is playing for a coach who actually schemes his offense around his strength rather than just forces him into an offense. 


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