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Week 2 general discussion


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1 hour ago, onejayhawk said:

The Chiefs were getting killed by the zebras and then a DPI. Who gets griping rights?

What do you mean that they were all legit calls? It has to be the ref's fault. 

Killed by the zebras? How about the non stop mugging of Hendrickson all game, but they finally called it on said play.


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2 hours ago, jofos said:

The Bengals certainly didn't. Make a PAT don't be stupid and win.

Stupid?  What impact did that PAT have on the game exactly?  Because in the version I was watching, the Chiefs went for two on the ensuing drive to try to get a FG lead.  Did I really have to point out that they go for 1 if the Bengals hadn't missed? (yup)

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I miss Donald. Boys I need therapy. I need help. I am lost. I am sad. I am broken. Here I lay with flesh and bones. Now I am one of you without a HOF player. I am a mortal! Can no longer feel good about any game. Have to dodge injuries like if I was in a minefield in Vietnam.. How does one get this feeling off their chest? The food doesn’t taste the same, a child’s laughter no longer brings joy. The colors are grey, it matches my hair. I am young at heart but the will is broken. To get massacred by 30+ in this new NFL when defense is king. Am I joke to you? What has been done cannot be undone… I feel like Tepper and Snyder own my team. The future is it bright? Perhaps! But we must live in the present to enjoy! For if we think of the past we are nothing but Niner fans wiping off dust from the past. If we think of the future we become hopefully chained to the unknown. 

Hear my screams! Feel my pain. I can’t wait till basketball season to start. My heart it has been broken again. This time not by a woman, but by the team I love. Which is worse you ask? I’m not sure the pain feels all the same. At this point I should be numb. But there still hope. 

It’s easy to sail a ship when the sea is calm, but only in a storm can you see who is truly capable.. with all that said, Niners still suck.

Edited by El Ramster
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Ravens fans are over Harbs. Ain't gonna lie. That was a backbreaking loss to the Raiders.


John Harbaugh now has most blown double-digit leads in 4th quarter of any coach since at least 1991 after losing to Raiders for his 9th blown lead.

All 9 of them were within the last 3 seasons. Ravens were 79-0 from 2008-2021 in those situations.



Edited by TecmoSuperJoe
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9 hours ago, Billy86 said:

And if he told Chase to gtfo out of his face immediately, he is in the wrong here (or rather, they both are). 

No one knows if he said that, the guy was joking with you. You have stuck to this story  from thin air. 

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6 hours ago, onejayhawk said:

Do you read posts before spouting off?

I said the calls were all legit, including the DPI.

Did I read them?  Yeah.  Did I take notes on who said what? No, just responded.  The DPI was a 50/50 kinda call, especially with the game in the balance.  I'm more concerned with the lack of calls on Sua holding hendrickson all game.  And "killed by the zebras"  implies something different than you agree.

Edited by INbengalfan
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4 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

No one knows if he said that, the guy was joking with you. You have stuck to this story  from thin air. 

1. I didn't stick to any story 'from thin air', I was taking the word of a separate poster who said that is what happened and who wasn't even replying to me: https://forums.footballsfuture.com/topic/55950-week-2-general-discussion/page/92/#comment-5891827



2.  I didn't say that is what happened, I said IF that is what happened, as it is what the other poster had pointed to. At no point did I claim it to be what had happened.

3. After the late games ended I went back, checked to get another good look at what happened, and agreed with both of the other posts: https://forums.footballsfuture.com/topic/55950-week-2-general-discussion/page/102/#comment-5892145



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