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17 hours ago, hitnhope said:


The idea they reviewed the college QB market and chose Love is dubious.   It is too hard to predict breakout college players years in advance.  Teams have a hard time predicting who will be the right QB in their draft year much less years earlier.


Yeah, I feel like you are wrong about this.  100% wrong.  With all the camps out there and all the scouts for the teams, teams certainly do know how the crop of players looks years in advance.  

The only real leeway was the covid year and eligibility....and coming out early or late.

They certainly know who the blue chip players are and watch them closely.  If someone "pops" for a year and isn't on the radar at all, that is outlier.  Because these kids are being watched years in advance.  

I will bet that there are a few QB's who fit under that outlier category, because maybe they played other positions and transitioned into a QB role.  Tannehill kind of fits that narrative.  Probably are a few of those guys out there.

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13 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Vet min

Kick the tires

Play for a contender

Midwest guy

Packer people 

Another cliche

Historically it's the Vikings picking up the Packers cast offs. This would be an interesting twist. I think he has value in a limited role for sure. 

He's clearly not the guy he was 4-5 years ago though. 

If I'm Thielen, I've taken enough shots to my head and body and make enough money to last a lifetime. The bet minimum may not excite me. 

Edited by Old Guy
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24 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Vet min

Kick the tires

Play for a contender

Midwest guy

Packer people 

Another cliche

What no "Jordy" reference?

Anyway, Theilen may be from the MidWest, but he's no "Jordy Midwest guy". Jordy aint hitting no griddy. He would often just catch a TD/ big play then go back to the sideline like no big deal. Was kind of the ultimate bad *** move. Thielen was/is kind of annoying.

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1 minute ago, Arthur Penske said:

What no "Jordy" reference?

Anyway, Theilen may be from the MidWest, but he's no "Jordy Midwest guy". Jordy aint hitting no griddy. He would often just catch a TD/ big play then go back to the sideline like no big deal. Was kind of the ultimate bad *** move. Thielen was/is kind of annoying.

Thielen is way more Billy Schroeder. 

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1 hour ago, vegas492 said:

Yeah, I feel like you are wrong about this.  100% wrong.  With all the camps out there and all the scouts for the teams, teams certainly do know how the crop of players looks years in advance.  

The only real leeway was the covid year and eligibility....and coming out early or late.

They certainly know who the blue chip players are and watch them closely.  If someone "pops" for a year and isn't on the radar at all, that is outlier.  Because these kids are being watched years in advance.  

I will bet that there are a few QB's who fit under that outlier category, because maybe they played other positions and transitioned into a QB role.  Tannehill kind of fits that narrative.  Probably are a few of those guys out there.

I mean, Joe Burrow was not a superstar until his final season at LSU.  At least not that I recall. 

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16 minutes ago, ThatJerkDave said:

I mean, Joe Burrow was not a superstar until his final season at LSU.  At least not that I recall. 

And still I'll bet that every NFL team knew who he was, well prior to that season.  

I think it's fair to assume that those scouts know what's coming down the road.  Sure some guys are going to pop up here and there.

Just look at those QB's in the first round after Love was taken.  Especially the ones that go in the 20's....  where GB was typically picking.

I find it highly likely that GB knew that they weren't going to get near a QB with Love's skillset anytime in the near future, so they might as well draft him while he was sitting there.

Otherwise we are talking about pretty large trade ups to find a guy.  Best time to get a QB is when you do not need a QB.

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1 minute ago, vegas492 said:

And still I'll bet that every NFL team knew who he was, well prior to that season.  

I think it's fair to assume that those scouts know what's coming down the road.  Sure some guys are going to pop up here and there.

Just look at those QB's in the first round after Love was taken.  Especially the ones that go in the 20's....  where GB was typically picking.

I find it highly likely that GB knew that they weren't going to get near a QB with Love's skillset anytime in the near future, so they might as well draft him while he was sitting there.

Otherwise we are talking about pretty large trade ups to find a guy.  Best time to get a QB is when you do not need a QB.

Yep. Scouts know these guys when they're like 16 probably.

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1 minute ago, incognito_man said:

Yep. Scouts know these guys when they're like 16 probably.

The majority of them, yes.  With all the higher end camps out there, they are watching guys for a long time.  And maybe watching guys is a bad phrase.  These are NFL scouts, so I'll bet that they are "aware" of these guys.

There will always be outliers.  For sure.  But for the most part, these kids are known.  

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49 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Yep. Scouts know these guys when they're like 16 probably.

Still have to see the guys do it at that next level though. Like 1/3rd of 5 stars go on to be great at the collegiate level. I'm not saying they don't have these guys in the periphery, and Joe Burrow certainly didn't just appear overnight, but the guys still have to show you.

So I think they saw what they needed to see in Love in the timeframe they needed, were comfortable, and had a chance at the pick. Even though there may be other guys that some of the scouts like more on the horizon you never know if you'll have a bit at the apple, or if the apple goes rotten. Circumstances are circumstantial. 

not to quote you specifically, just to continue conversation.

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