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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Had enough conversations with @ny92jefferis about these worksheets.    I noted the limitations in the NPV as the awarding formula last year.  

I am just trying to state a case to leave things as is and make the necessary changes for next year.  Whatever is done is going to be fine by me.  It just seems like everyone is running around trying to create a fix for 2 contract offers out of 100+ offers.  

We appreciate that...and I really feel like next year, we may have a better structure for the contract awarding if we can get it figured out (it requires a lot of time that some of us don't really thave all the time). The problem is, we can't trust that people won't do this now that the loophole has been exposed. It seems like nobody really wants to create these type of contracts, but they may feel that they have to in order to get their guy. Right now, we have a leaking sink...the solution we are looking for is not a new sink, it's to stop the leak first and foremost and get the water out. 

FWIW, I agree with your ideas about the contract awarding process. We may never be able to figure out a way to get this perfect, since it's based on a black and white formula, but there are definitely ways that we can refine it. 

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Alright guys, I can't keep wasting my time with all of this, I'm going to make the call to change the NPV percentage value from 9% to 120%.  This allows you to continue to use the loophole but since the values are drastically reduced it should make it at least look less enticing.  Will work with everyone after this mock draft is over to find a real solution to the fa bidding.

Spent too much time on this as is, gotta move on from it and get you guys ready for the rapidly approaching deadlines for tender offer sheets and round 2. 

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Guys, this BS has really carried on long enough. It's not like Mike didn't have other things to do today update rosters by adding your UFA players from last night, get his ducks in a row for the RFA offers just to name a couple of things that were on his list. One of 2 things needs to happen and happen quickly suck it and move on with the mock or door to the left. We don't have time for this crying and bickering.

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Here is a random idea, 

I think the most absurd part about the Solder deal is that he received 63 million in base salary for one year of his deal. Granted we get a fresh start every year, the Houston GM will never pay the consequences of this absurd deal, and he could just cut the man before the monster obnoxious part of this salary. 
So how about we limit the max base salary for future years based on the top earners of the position? Kind of like how the franchise tag works, we could se an increase of 3% per year or something to take in consideration the salary increases we are seeing in the NFL.

Example: Okung is the highest paid LT in the NFL today with 13.25 mill per year, we could make it so that the max yearly base salary be something like 20 million in 4 years. I am not good at math. 

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Just now, Fragafootball said:

Here is a random idea, 

I think the most absurd part about the Solder deal is that he received 63 million in base salary for one year of his deal. Granted we get a fresh start every year, the Houston GM will never pay the consequences of this absurd deal, and he could just cut the man before the monster obnoxious part of this salary. 
So how about we limit the max base salary for future years based on the top earners of the position? Kind of like how the franchise tag works, we could se an increase of 3% per year or something to take in consideration the salary increases we are seeing in the NFL.

Example: Okung is the highest paid LT in the NFL today with 13.25 mill per year, we could make it so that the max yearly base salary be something like 20 million in 4 years. I am not good at math. 

While we appreciate your idea, I think Mike is just going to do his quick fix and we can discuss other concepts after the mock

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5 minutes ago, Fragafootball said:

Here is a random idea, 

I think the most absurd part about the Solder deal is that he received 63 million in base salary for one year of his deal. Granted we get a fresh start every year, the Houston GM will never pay the consequences of this absurd deal, and he could just cut the man before the monster obnoxious part of this salary. 
So how about we limit the max base salary for future years based on the top earners of the position? Kind of like how the franchise tag works, we could se an increase of 3% per year or something to take in consideration the salary increases we are seeing in the NFL.

Example: Okung is the highest paid LT in the NFL today with 13.25 mill per year, we could make it so that the max yearly base salary be something like 20 million in 4 years. I am not good at math. 

I like this suggestion.


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5 minutes ago, Fragafootball said:

Here is a random idea, 

I think the most absurd part about the Solder deal is that he received 63 million in base salary for one year of his deal. Granted we get a fresh start every year, the Houston GM will never pay the consequences of this absurd deal, and he could just cut the man before the monster obnoxious part of this salary. 
So how about we limit the max base salary for future years based on the top earners of the position? Kind of like how the franchise tag works, we could se an increase of 3% per year or something to take in consideration the salary increases we are seeing in the NFL.

Example: Okung is the highest paid LT in the NFL today with 13.25 mill per year, we could make it so that the max yearly base salary be something like 20 million in 4 years. I am not good at math. 

the problems with putting maxes in is if two teams offer the max, there's no where else to go

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11 minutes ago, Forge said:

Because it's a complete abuse of the system, and quite frankly, it's going to take the fun out of it. Then everyone starts to feel like they have to structure their deals this way and we have it being done en masse, and nobody here really wants contracts like these mucking with the mock when the intention was never to allow contracts like this - he found a loophole, that's all. Just because this loophole wasn't found initially doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed after the fact once it is found. Me and Mike were the two people who lost out on Solder and Fuller - we would have been awarded them had he not made these contracts, so thus far, we are actually the only two affected. Nobody else had desires to create contracts like this (otherwise they would have). Nobody is losing anything here. This isn't some great tragedy or injustice to all the other participants. . We honor those contracts because again, rescinding FA offers is not something we want to do. 

 I don't think you would have won the player because I still offered a bigger SB than anyone for both of the players.  I have had those numbers pinned to those players since the mock started.  I asked the question about guaranteed $$$ because it was my intention from when I signed up to try to guarantee at least $15M APY to Solder & $11M APY to Fuller either via signing bonus or guaranteed contracts. I asked if there was a way to guarantee $$$ outside of signing bonuses.  So I went with high SB to ensure the players would sign with Houston.  I actually thought the roster bonuses & workout bonuses didn't really count in the equation - because they are not guaranteed. It is one of the reasons I included them because they only count if the team keeps the player.  I still offered both players more signing bonus than any other team. So if I understand the equations (which once again, I am not sure I am fully comprehending them), it comes down to guaranteed (signing bonus) $$$ at the end of the day (and meeting APY).

I offered $60M SB to Solder (next closest was $40m).  I offered $40M SB to Fuller (next closest was $14.4M).

My simple solution and one that @ny92jefferis suggested is to eliminate the roster bonuses and work out bonuses from the equation.

Basic contract + signing bonuses = offer.  The more guaranteed $$$ that is given to a player will win.

That's just like IRL.

I want to make it clear that I was not trying to cheat the sim in anyway.  Once again, if I match APY on those contracts and with the amount of signing bonuses that I have to pay either way to those players.  Texans would have still won them.

Answer me this.... If I had, had constructed a 6 year, $120M contract ($60M SB) for Solder and a 6 year, $72M contract for Fuller ($40M SB) would there be the same level of rancor by the crowd?  Because that what was I had constructed before.  Still outlandish contracts.  Both still end up in Houston.

I offer my apologies to @ny92jefferis because I know how much energy he puts into this sim (and because he had the next highest bid on Solder).  I definitely didn't want to create any more work for him.

And if the other GMs want, I am perfectly fine with the commissioner's office @Forge putting those players back in the FA pool.

TL;DR Put Fuller & Solder back in FA pool.  I am fine with that and I am prepared to bid to win them again.

I've see the commissioner's office disallow contracts before so he does happen IRL.


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16 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

the problems with putting maxes in is if two teams offer the max, there's no where else to go

You could still use guaranteed / signing bonus $$$ at the tie breaker.

We have had ties before IIRC (I think we used a coin toss to resolve).

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