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Super Bowl 52 GDT: New England Evil Empires vs Philadelphia Destiny


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A post from Eagles Nation of FB

Today is for the real fans. Today is not for the fair weather or bandwagon. 

Today is for the die hard fans who have been with this team since day one and believed in them every step of the way. Today is for those who live and die with Eagles football.

 Today is for those who remember the agony of 5 conference championship games during the Andy/ Donovan era with no rings. For those who suffered through all the heartbreak and misery. For those who were forced to watch the "dream team". For those who stuck with this team during the horrendous and insufferable Chip Kelly era and for those who had faith in a quarterback from North Dakota State from the day he was drafted.

 Most importantly this is for those who are no longer with us, for those who are not here to see this amazing day, and for all those who have come before us. This is for Buddy, for Chuck, for Jerome, for Reggie, for Randall, for Donovan, for BDawk, for Carson and for all those who have worn an Eagles jersey.

 God bless the broken road that has led us to this team, this group of great men, and for this dream season. Lastly thank God for a coach that embodies the heart of Philadelphia and instills that spirit in his team. We all we got, we all we need and all we need is one game. Lets go Birds. #FlyEaglesFly”

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