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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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HOH coming soon. But first, let's assign the other players who didn't pick a door.

red (8)

Gopher, Famous, LTBF, Ragnarok, Whicker, Flux, sax, dome

yellow: (7)

bcb, horizontoZenith, utley, ET, shady slim, lucky, gmen










Assigning rooms here:




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Some of you have figured out part of the twist.

For this week only, the house is split in two!

There will be 2 HOHs, one from each room.

Each HOH may only select nominees from the room he is in.

Also, there will be 2 Veto winners, one from each room.

We will evict 2 houseguests this week, one from each room.


Here's what you didn't guess.....for the HOH comp, you will each have a partner!

Each member in the Red room will be paired up with a member from the Yellow room (You have Walkie-Talkies, and can work on the challenge together).

You will win or lose HOH as a team!

After HOH, you will go back to being individuals.


Now it's time to pick teams


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