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Suh signs with Rams 1 year 14 million


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Should be a formidable defense but is it just me or are the Rams  trying to assemble a defense full of thugs?  Talib, Peters and and Suh have all had their run ins with trouble in the past.  I guess it's all in or bust?

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This is going to be the best version of Suh we've seen.  I think he's going to be extremely motivated because he's only on a one year deal.  He wants another huge payday and he's going to work his butt off for it.  Plus, he's going to be single blocked a ton - much more than he's ever been before.  

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43 minutes ago, topwop1 said:

Should be a formidable defense but is it just me or are the Rams  trying to assemble a defense full of thugs?  Talib, Peters and and Suh have all had their run ins with trouble in the past.  I guess it's all in or bust?

I don't doubt we'll probably be a team people will scream in GDT's about being "dirty," and some of it may end up being deserved criticism.  But those are the defenses Wade builds.  He likes those players with an edge.  And I'm not sure what, outside of word, Peters has done to earn being called "a thug."  Honestly, his tackling from last season could have used some "thug" in it.  This isn't the first time and may not be the last time Wade has surrounded himself with guys who aren't choirboys; Wade himself isn't a choirboy.

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3 hours ago, BroncoSojia said:

My only question about the Rams is: Who are thier linebackers? Both inside and outside are huge question marks.

Well, that's a fair question. And a fair concern. I dont think there is a Rams fan that doesnt see that glaring hole. As of now, our mid 4 is a whole lot of nothing. But they aren't going to fill every hole in one offseason. I think the plan is to pull in cheap "scheme bodies" and hope the strengths of the D line and secondary are enough to mask the deficiencies of the linebacker corps.

The Rams defense switched last offseason. And wasn't exactly well equipped to staff the new scheme. So they're still building. Would anyone say the Rams have done a poor job working to build their defense this off season?

Nobody ever knows what all the moves will add up to. They could add up to a championship. They could add up to a locker room in chaos and a very young head coach that is in over his head with three new "problem children." I have been a fan way too long to start sizing rings or building trophy cabinets based on off season moves. But let's be honest, the Rams have made some fantastic moves this off season. I can't think if a single misstep. Can anyone else? 

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44 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

No you haven't, no he doesn't.

I'm open to evidence showing otherwise, I'll be here.

What evidence could I actually provide? Without sitting down with you and going play by play in games there isnt anything to provide. For example if i provide a 100 plays where is cousl be suggested thats him not trying there are a hundred built in excuses. 

Hes mentally weak and that has lead to half effort play. You can disagree and just spout off that i dont know what im taking but its extremely childish and im leaving your and ramster alone after this.

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3 minutes ago, eagles101 said:

What evidence could I actually provide? Without sitting down with you and going play by play in games there isnt anything to provide. For example if i provide a 100 plays where is cousl be suggested thats him not trying there are a hundred built in excuses. 

Hes mentally weak and that has lead to half effort play. You can disagree and just spout off that i dont know what im taking but its extremely childish and im leaving your and ramster alone after this.

When you make the assertion, you should have some kind of evidence. You can't / won't provide any when questioned. But I guess you can take the high road out of the conversation if you'd like :shrugs:

Trust me, Dolphins fans would have been vocal if they ever perceived Suh as a quitter, whiner, or someone who doesn't give effort. He's never been accused of any of those things.

I'll give you this: he is undisciplined during his get-off, he jumps early quite often.

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