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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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Reading back through d1 I have come across a few interesting things....the first being all of the posts from tk3.

On 4/23/2018 at 12:36 PM, Tk3 said:



On 4/23/2018 at 6:00 PM, Tk3 said:


come with me now

You trying to lay low and hide?

After the lynch you start posting....

"Tk3" what say you 

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The Aliens finished up their meeting, punched some data into the onboard "Flight AND Fight" system and landed the ship. They exited the spacecraft and headed back to camp. They got back into their cots and pretended to be asleep for when the ship showed up.

*wuuuuuuuhh wuuuuhhhh wuhuhhhhhhhhh* the ship whirred overhead and the men were jolted from their slumber.

A voice yelled from the UFO. "The rules have changed!" The entire canyon boomed and echoed the voice "We like your games human, but please play by our rules. The next lynch must be one of our choosing."

The men looked around confused. The two aliens did their best to look like confused cowboys. The ship flew closer to camp and three lights projected outwards to the men. Three of them men were caught in the light and it began pulling them to the ship. The struggled, but the beam was too powerful. @MathMan, @gopherwrestler and @Famous Jameis were lifted into the air and hung about 30 feet up, between the canyon floor and the UFO

"These are the men you may lynch from tonight. Pick one of them," The voice boomed "...or we'll kill them all. Do not test us in this." Just as quickly as it appeared, the ship was gone. Mathman, gopherwrestler and Famous Jameis stayed suspended in the air 30 feet from the canyon floor. 

From his makeshift prison in the stagecoach Ben Wade yelled to the group:


"We have a shared goal in this game. That goal is to kill aliens. To Kill Three is Ben Wade's."

The men looked around in relief. For as awful a man as he was, Ben Wade was a great leader, he could bring them together. He could beat the Aliens. 

The Aliens looked at each other, a bit worried. They silently agreed to kill the man in the cage. When all the men fell asleep, the Aliens walked over to @Tk3's cage and opened it. His eyes opened, but he couldn't scream before they covered his mouth. Their strong Alien hands quickly constricted his airway, sending him to his final sleep. They pulled him out of the stagecoach and put his body in the river, he drifted away in the night.

@Tk3 is dead. He was Ben Wade.

Ratio is 9:2


It is now Day 2. You must lynch either Mathman, gopherwrestler or Famous Jameis tonight.

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3 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

The Aliens finished up their meeting, punched some data into the onboard "Flight AND Fight" system and landed the ship. They exited the spacecraft and headed back to camp. They got back into their cots and pretended to be asleep for when the ship showed up.

*wuuuuuuuhh wuuuuhhhh wuhuhhhhhhhhh* the ship whirred overhead and the men were jolted from their slumber.

A voice yelled from the UFO. "The rules have changed!" The entire canyon boomed and echoed the voice "We like your games human, but please play by our rules. The next lynch must be one of our choosing."

The men looked around confused. The two aliens did their best to look like confused cowboys. The ship flew closer to camp and three lights projected outwards to the men. Three of them men were caught in the light and it began pulling them to the ship. The struggled, but the beam was too powerful. @MathMan, @gopherwrestler and @Famous Jameis were lifted from the air, and hung about 30 feet up, between the canyon floor and the UFO

"These are the men you may lynch from tonight. Pick one of them," The voice boomed "...or we'll kill them all. Do not test us in this." Just as quickly as it appeared, the ship was gone. Mathman, gopherwrestler and Famous Jameis stayed suspended in the air 30 feet from the canyon floor. 

From his makeshift prison in the stagecoach Ben Wade yelled to the group:

The men looked around in relief. For as awful a man as he was, Ben Wade was a great leader, he could bring them together. He could beat the Aliens. 

The Aliens looked at each other, a bit worried. The silently agreed to kill the man in the cage. When all the men fell asleep, the Aliens walked over to @Tk3's caged and opened it. His eyes opened, but he couldn't scream before they covered his mouth. Their strong Alien hands quickly constricted his airway, sending him to his final sleep. They pulled him out of the stagecoach and put his body in the river, he drifted away in the night.

@Tk3 is dead. He was Ben Wade.

Ratio is 9:2


It is now Day 2. You must lynch either Mathman, gopherwrestler or Famous Jameis tonight.


sad times.

I wrote in code and everything

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8 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Of the three, Gopher is the most scummy mechanically and FJ is the most scummy by play

So if it's a game, then one of the 3 should be an alien. Gopher is the most obvious as I set forth on d1, malf is the most arrogant and has the largest ego so he might think he can hide in plain sight.  

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18 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Of the three, Gopher is the most scummy mechanically and FJ is the most scummy by play


interesting that FJ didnt vote mission out of survival when mission and fj were tied 

we might have had 2 mafia there.


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50 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:

Reading back through d1 I have come across a few interesting things....the first being all of the posts from tk3.


You trying to lay low and hide?

After the lynch you start posting....

"Tk3" what say you 

then again, would mafia really call out tk3 right before they hit him?

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