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1 minute ago, Pats#1 said:

I just think he’s been gone too long. His body, no matter how much training, will never be back to what it was imo. That weight cut would take years to do properly and get the cardio up, and even then it wouldn’t be the same as his prime.

UFC needs to let go of these old stars.

The talent pool nowadays is wayyy bigger in part because the sport has exploded. Treat your athletes right, honor the rankings and champion-caliber athletes will emerge.

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7 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

I actually disagree with the “hurting the business” angle.


dows it make them look bad, sure...will it create more PPV buys, absolutely.


the only way it truly hurts is if Fox doesn’t want to be Associated with those types of spectacles anymore 

i mean, in two months fox has nothing to do with the ufc, espn will have it. 

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Just now, Pats#1 said:


It is public knowledge that the McGregor camp had been saying things that were borderline hate speech. I am simply stating, there are some things that could be said to me to provoke me to jump and cage. I’m not even as proud as Khabib.


Lets not forget that going into a crowd at an event is nothing new. It has happened several times in the NBA. 

I 100% believe that the dude that punched McGregor after the fight is guilty of a crime.

I’m not sold that Khabib should face any criminal charges. A slap on the wrist? Sure. 

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48 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

Conor didn’t make the UFC look like a joke/wwe on PPV in front of the entire world. Conor also did not have intentions of injuring someone (although clearly was in way over his head). Khabib was trying to injure someone that’s not a fighter, live on PPV... really bad look. 

WTF are you talking about. Conor made his entire ******* UFC career out of cheap WWE self promotion. Ric Flair called him out for ripping off his gimmick. Let's be real nothing done here was worse than Conor legitimately injuring and endangering a bunch of innocent people on a bus to make a spectacle of himself. Conor's a scumbag, tonight we found out Khabib is too. 

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2 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

cool that you just decided that you won the debate. this is the same as saying "we were joking around and shooting at eachothers feet but no one got hurt so it was safe", regardless if someone actually got hurt the threat was there. 


What business did the ufc lose, conors pulled a bs, unacceptable move but that made this fight even bigger. Do you have any #'s to back up what youre saying on as far as the money goes?

Do you not remember UFC 223? It cost them Pettis/Chiesa, Borg/Moreno, and Lobov/Caceres. And yes, outcomes do matter.

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