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2 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Sure! But leave it up to the fighter. Don't hand down arbitrary rules from on high.

That sounds like a great plan until somebody ends up getting killed.

1 minute ago, cddolphin said:

That's the responsibility of the individuals, not the UFC.

Wrong. The UFC is the organization best situated to handle this, and if something worse happens, it's the organization that will take the heat.

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1 minute ago, cddolphin said:

Sure! But leave it up to the fighter. Don't hand down arbitrary rules from on high.

Here's the thing. If in the streets someone said called someone a racial slur or demonized their religion or members of their family there's an expectation that it's going to incite heated emotions and possibly a violent reaction. Calling it trash talk here doesn't minimize it. And it led to a situation that got intensely heated and personal. I really would have no problem with the UFC instituting a shut the f up about race and religon rule.  

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1 minute ago, FinneasGage said:

so much fun **** is going on in the ufc right now and 80% of yall are engaging in a conversation about what's offensive and what's not? who gives af lol. we just saw some wild ****. the whole ufc got shook up. dillon danis is a celebrity now. khabib did a hulk smash. there's so much funner stuff to discuss lol. 

The offensive stuff is what helped cause this, why wouldnt there be a discussion on it?

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Just now, lancerman said:

Here's the thing. If in the streets someone said called someone a racial slur or demonized their religion or members of their family there's an expectation that it's going to incite heated emotions and possibly a violent reaction. Calling it trash talk here doesn't minimize it. And it led to a situation that got intensely heated and personal. I really would have no problem with the UFC instituting a shut the f up about race and religon rule.  

Exactly. It's the type of thing that can get you killed.

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1 minute ago, Fresh Prince said:

I agree. Noone said UFC should, only stated I agreed with Khabid who took it personal when he mention that McGregor talked about those things.

Fair. And Khabib should take it personal, but he should also handle how he responds.

Just now, jrry32 said:

That sounds like a great plan until somebody ends up getting killed.

If somebody gets killed because they get in their feelings, is it the killer's fault for reacting violently, or the organization's fault for not having rules against words (that aren't a direct call to violence)? Who is to blame?

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1 minute ago, jrry32 said:

Exactly. It's the type of thing that can get you killed.

Yes but isn’t it just a bit different when it’s during the promotional stage of a fight?


not saying it’s right...but it’s not the same as it being said out of nowhere in a social setting

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2 minutes ago, lancerman said:

Here's the thing. If in the streets someone said called someone a racial slur or demonized their religion or members of their family there's an expectation that it's going to incite heated emotions and possibly a violent reaction. Calling it trash talk here doesn't minimize it. And it led to a situation that got intensely heated and personal. I really would have no problem with the UFC instituting a shut the f up about race and religon rule.  

That says a lot about how you characterize some people. If heated emotions and a possibly violent reaction is on the table.

If somebody came up to me and started being vulgar about my ideologies or religious beliefs, I wouldn't get violent. Angry? Of course! Upset? Of course! I wouldn't touch anybody.

Would you?

If not, why should we cater rules to a minority who respond illogically?

UFC will NEVER ban certain categories of trash talk. That's a pipe dream that's best let go.

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1 hour ago, GSUeagles14 said:

doesnt make it ok, but from a business aspect having customers in danger is worse than youre own employees being in danger/hurt.

From a public relations standpoint, sure there’s maybe more public blowback from Khabib’s actions. But from a practical standpoint of who is causing more harm, it’s clearly the guy who hospitalized someone.

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Just now, Pats#1 said:

Yes but isn’t it just a bit different when it’s during the promotional stage of a fight?


not saying it’s right...but it’s not the same as it being said out of nowhere in a social setting

Trash talk in fight promotion is always a blurred line. So it's really hard to say. There was legit animosity between Tito Ortiz and the Lion's Den back in the day and the trash talk mattered to them. We've seen in boxing promotion get so bad that it spilled out into real life wars. We've seen things that Ali said to Joe Fraizer basically effect the rest of his life and make him a villain in his own community. 

When it rests on an implicit understanding that a guy doesn't mean what he says because it's about self promotion, you are resting on that understanding coming through. And honestly considering Conor just endangered a bunch of people not long ago with his actions, it's hard to say everything about this was mere self promotion.

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7 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

Exactly. It's the type of thing that can get you killed.

But that's my main point. This category "types of things that can get you killed" can be expanded infinitely. Don't you see the problem there? There will always be a certain number of people who find <anything> offensive to the point of being irrational. You can see this being played out in the public sphere especially in recent years. The pattern is clear and apparent.

Edited by cddolphin
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2 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

That says a lot about how you characterize some people. If heated emotions and a possibly violent reaction is on the table.

If somebody came up to me and started being vulgar about my ideologies or religious beliefs, I wouldn't get violent. Angry? Of course! Upset? Of course! I wouldn't touch anybody.

Would you?

If not, why should we cater rules to a minority who respond illogically?

UFC will NEVER ban certain categories of trash talk. That's a pipe dream that's best let go.

And maybe you wouldn't. However you're a fool to think that isn't reality of life that words have consequences. You know how the first amendment has limits like "yelling fire in a crowded theater"? It's because scholars were intelligent enough to realize sometimes words can incite hostile emotions that can lead to danger. This isn't a new concept. 

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6 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

Yes but isn’t it just a bit different when it’s during the promotional stage of a fight?


not saying it’s right...but it’s not the same as it being said out of nowhere in a social setting

I don't think it is.

1 minute ago, cddolphin said:

But that's my main point. This category "types of things that can get you killed" can be expanded infinitely. Don't you see the problem there? There will always be a certain number of people who find <anything> offensive to the point of being irrational. You can see this being played out in the public sphere especially in recent years. The pattern is clear and apparent.

Again, this is a slippery slope fallacy. Yes, anything offensive can technically get you killed. But there are obviously things are extremely likely to incite violence and things that aren't likely to incite violence.

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