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2 hours ago, BullsandBroncos said:

I mean, the first 2 rounds, all he did was lay on top of him and hold his legs down. What Khabib did to Barboza and Johnson was worse. 

well that and also clipped him and knocked him down and out struck him 41 to 5 in the 2nd. basically nothing

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6 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Niko Price vs James Vick in the works. That'll be fireworks and I'd fully expect it to end with Vick out cold after the shots he took from Hooker and Gaethje.

I mean I don't like James Vick, but even I'm saying give him a break already. Dana's out here trying to get him killed.

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16 hours ago, BullsandBroncos said:

I love how people always say this especially considering that one of the fights was his first professional boxing match and he's still won 2 out of his last 3 in the UFC. 9_9

There is something to be said though that he has been incredibly inactive as a fighter and much more active as a scumbag outside the octagon

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17 hours ago, beekay414 said:


I hate this matchup for TIll. The guy is a good prospect and is struggling after his last couple Ls. Kelvins hands are too fast for him and i think he gets ktfo again. I wish they would build a prospect up once in a while instead of just crush him at every turn. Im not even a big Till fan, just think they could have given him a much better matchup to handle himself in the new weight class.

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1 hour ago, Big Snack said:

I hate this matchup for TIll. The guy is a good prospect and is struggling after his last couple Ls. Kelvins hands are too fast for him and i think he gets ktfo again. I wish they would build a prospect up once in a while instead of just crush him at every turn. Im not even a big Till fan, just think they could have given him a much better matchup to handle himself in the new weight class.

I was coming to say the same thing

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19 hours ago, beekay414 said:


Man, this will be a good scrap, but the UFC must have it out for Till.

you'd expect, after taking his first 2 losses, they'd give him someone a little easier, someone in the bottom 15, but Gastelum is a legit challenge for Till first entering the division.

Heavy hands, solid chin, has good striking, Wrestling and on top of that, where does Till go if and when he beats him?

Gastelum could use a bit of break as well, this would be his 5th loss if Till beats him.

Another case of mismanaging young talent man. Seems like that's all they've done with Till.



I hate this matchup for TIll. The guy is a good prospect and is struggling after his last couple Ls. Kelvins hands are too fast for him and i think he gets ktfo again. I wish they would build a prospect up once in a while instead of just crush him at every turn. Im not even a big Till fan, just think they could have given him a much better matchup to handle himself in the new weight class.


Didn't see this comment before I made mine, but we're basically saying the same thing. Agreed 100%.

Edited by Hail Mary
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