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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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1 hour ago, bucsfan333 said:

It does seem odd that in a game of this size there's only one hit. Wonder if mafia wasted a hit on Malf.


1 hour ago, MathMan said:

i bet they did 

Just a hunch?

1 hour ago, MathMan said:

or hit protected civ


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First, my apologies for disappearing over the weekend (chock-a-block full of kid activities).
Second, when I got into work today, discovered we were having unexpected maintenance in my office and had to leave. So, my read through was a skim. Good catch on james. Also, @james.mcmurry13, I don't know if it was intentional, but I liked the way you played Two Face (both helping and hindering). Props dude.

So, I'm now doing the indepth read and post capture for the weekend (in the late 40s) while waiting for builds to occur (and then stopping when they fail). Haven't totally caught up on D2 action, but my early sketch reads from D1 are some combo of @teude, @gopherwrestler, @OleXmad, and @Ragnarok. Also, @kingseanjohn. I know @Whicker you said that it's his normal MO to lynch you, but he's done nothing but beyond that.

... you're effing kidding me. I'm being kicked out of my office again!!

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1 hour ago, MathMan said:

please explain your vote.

i really dont want ti feel like you are mafia following a bad train.


convince me

13 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Nah, today isn't my day to die.

13 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

There are many tricks you haven't seen me pull yet.

I dont think this is bad train, i dont like that cockiness :D Seems scummy to me.

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11 minutes ago, teude said:


I dont think this is bad train, i dont like that cockiness :D Seems scummy to me.

Anyone who has ever played with me before will tell you that the cockiness is there regardless of alignment.

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6 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Anyone who has ever played with me before will tell you that the cockiness is there regardless of alignment.

Maybe so, but i dont have that experience yet, so i'm following my own nose for now.

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