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2018 Draft Eligible QB Thread


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25 minutes ago, tyler735 said:

Nope good on the diaper change decided to lay off the Chipotle today so I think I should be alright. 

Your welcome for proving my point again.

"I debated someone on here who apparently only reads "6'3, 213" and assumes all people are built the same based purely on height/weight. Jackson is skinny with a ton of lean muscle. Dude told me Jackson could easily bulk up to 225-230. No chance his frame could carry that kind of weight."

Yes, I'm sure the above is worded in a way that is directed towards your "friend in the real world". 


HAHA well played on the victim card. Impressive trying to call someone out "playing the victim card" while yourself "playing the victim card" in the very same post...Bravo..


Arguing/Throwing a hissy fit? Nope, if I'm adding substance and facts to my posts then I'd hardly call that "Throwing a hissy fit"..

Aight well lemme know when you need one. I'm used to dealing with toddlers. 


Yes, actually it was. Not all of us live in our parent's basements and wank to pictures of Steve Young's sexy little legs and get belligerent with people. 

Not sure you grasp the meaning of "victim card". You immediately assume I was referring to you. Do you really live that on edge? One of them "everyone is always talking about me" types? That, my friend, is a victim complex. I've debated plenty of people on Lamar Jackson. If I said "I think Brees is better than Brady" to you once, chances are, I've said it to many people. Why? Because I have real friends. Moron.

Adding substance and fact? The fact that you can read height and weight without giving any substance to the idea of "build"? The fact that your reading comprehension is reminiscent to that of a 3rd grader hyped up on Addy? The fact that you automatically assume someone is trying to call you out specifically as if you are the only person anyone talks to on here? The fact that you immediately start jumping people's bones? The fact that you apparently have a reputation for doing so? 


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16 minutes ago, ronjon1990 said:

Aight well lemme know when you need one.


Yes, actually it was. Not all of us live in our parent's basements and wank to hentai and get belligerent with people. 

Not sure you grasp the meaning of "victim card". You immediately assume I was referring to you. Do you really live that on edge? One of them "everyone is always talking about me" types? That, my friend, is a victim complex. I've debated plenty of people on Lamar Jackson. If I said "I think Brees is better than Brady" to you once, chances are, I've said it to many people. Why? Because I have real friends. Moron.

Adding substance and fact? The fact that you can read height and weight without giving any substance to the idea of "build"? The fact that your reading comprehension is reminiscent to that of a 3rd grader hyped up on Addy? The fact that you automatically assume someone is trying to call you out specifically as if you are the only person anyone talks to on here? The fact that you immediately start jumping people's bones? The fact that you apparently have a reputation for doing so? 


Yes I'm sure you've debated "plenty" of people on this forum regarding Lamar Jackson being 6'3" 213lbs and the basis of the argument being "assuming all people are built the same based purely on height/weight". I work with criminals daily at work and have gotten pretty good at calling people out on their BS. This appears to be a prime example of calling someone out on their BS. Which is why you've instantly resorted to deflecting with childish insults in your past few posts, and tried to play the victim card.

You do realize that you only have 91 posts on here right? I'm no mathematician, but given that we had a multi-page argument on the very thing I just called you out for earlier in this thread...I'd say the odds aren't in your favor regarding this "Wow dude, do you need your diaper changed? If I was going to call YOU out, I would have. I have a friend in the real world who also posts on here. We've had this debate millions of times."  

Yes plenty of substance and fact. Which is why I highlighted several pictures to back up my claims of successful QB's builds in college/entering the league.

As for the victim card. I understand that better than you likely ever will working with the client base that I do, but yeah please go on with your juvenile insults..


"The fact that your reading comprehension is reminiscent to that of a 3rd grader hyped up on Addy",

"Not all of us live in our parent's basements and wank to hentai and get belligerent with people.",

"I'm used to dealing with toddlers.",


"Wow dude, do you need your diaper changed?"

"People like you do nothing but ruin boards like this with your immaturity and irrational victim complex. The point of these boards is debate, not flat out arguing and throwing a hissy fit when someone disagrees with you. Grow up man." 

And this is called irony lol.

Might wanna sit the next few plays out buddy seems like you're a little "on edge"...


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Kinda hard discussing anything when other posters wanna jump bones and make things personal......mods probably need to get a handle on that kind of thing. Happened way too often on the last one too. I thought the whole point of creating the new forum was to eliminate that issue? I'd love to discuss Jackson's stature, among other things, as I was doing. When I have to wonder if another poster is going to try and make things a personal issue, it truly takes the fun out of it. 

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2 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Kinda hard discussing anything when other posters wanna jump bones and make things personal......mods probably need to get a handle on that kind of thing. Happened way too often on the last one too. I thought the whole point of creating the new forum was to eliminate that issue? I'd love to discuss Jackson's stature, among other things, as I was doing. When I have to wonder if another poster is going to try and make things a personal issue, it truly takes the fun out of it. 

If you care to discuss how the forum is moderated, feel free to pm me. 

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Not sure if anybody watched the #MACation that happened last night, but it was a rough night for a few of the MAC QB's getting some hype.

Brogan Roback (Eastern Michigan) tossed five picks including a pick-6 when trying to drive his team downfield with under two minutes to go on just a really poor decision (threw behind on a crossing route to a target with two defenders on him). He battled back to get his team back in position, but the cameras caught him with poor body language a lot, including him just giving up as soon as the last pass was picked off. Roback was suspended the first three games last season for a violation of team rules so character eval is going to be incredibly important for teams.

Shane Morris (Central Michigan) "defeated" Roback, but I'm going to do my best to keep this short because Morris is not an NFL prospect. I think I saw somebody recently list him as a top 10 QB? Morris doesn't look like an NFL QB whatsoever. Left-hander who failed at Michigan that just doesn't have the functional arm strength to make it at the next level. Morris is converting less than 26 percent of his 3rd down pass attempts into 1st downs. That's one of the worst conversion rates I've ever seen.

It wasn't all bad though. I liked what I saw from Logan Woodside (Toledo) a fair amount. The Rockets took a bad beat but I thought Woodside looked good all night. Cool customer in the pocket and showed solid zip on his throws. I think he is clearly the top QB prospect in that conference. Make sure to remember Diontae Johnson's name as well, his top WR. He is a R-So so he is eligible, but he has been shining this year and looked exceptional last night. Kid has amazing balance and body control. Makes him very dangerous in his route running and as a ball carrier.

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23 hours ago, Da_Ducktator said:

Shane Morris (Central Michigan) "defeated" Roback, but I'm going to do my best to keep this short because Morris is not an NFL prospect. I think I saw somebody recently list him as a top 10 QB? Morris doesn't look like an NFL QB whatsoever. Left-hander who failed at Michigan that just doesn't have the functional arm strength to make it at the next level. Morris is converting less than 26 percent of his 3rd down pass attempts into 1st downs. That's one of the worst conversion rates I've ever seen.

I disagree, "Sugar" Shane has a cannon, he just doesn't have much touch and throws everything on a rope. IIRC, he failed at Michigan because he couldn't read defenses

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3 hours ago, Classic said:

What do you guys think of Jarrett Stidham? Is any good as prospect, I like his mobility but that system Auburn runs isn't doing him any favors.

I touched on this briefly elsewhere. Stidham looks really good when kept clean, but that offensive line has had issues this year and when they have been at their worst, Stidham has been tough to watch. That LSU and Clemson games are going to worry a lot of teams if he decides to come out ths year. He is going to be blitzed a ton this week and against Alabama in the regular season finale, so Stidham still has some chances to show he can handle pressure.

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1 hour ago, Jlash said:

Brogan. What a horrible name.

I agree, strongly.

28 minutes ago, MSURacerDT55 said:

I disagree, "Sugar" Shane has a cannon, he just doesn't have much touch and throws everything on a rope. IIRC, he failed at Michigan because he couldn't read defenses

I disagree with the arm strength notion (I just don't see it translating to the NFL) but can agree with everything else. I'm just not a fan of the kid and baffled that anybody would consider him draftable.

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