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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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Not to be on any funny business,, but this Ohio State storyline is the biggest football wildfire to spread since the Penn State scandal. Just when this program was starting to make strides with Urban Meyer to get back on top, the low blow comes from out of nowhere; I literally forgot all about Jim Tressel’s downfall with Terrelle Pryor, because of the positive that has been coming out of Columbus.

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On 8/5/2018 at 9:00 PM, Raves said:

So if we take Meyer's statement at face value, then he reported as was required.  So the only issue is that he lied to the media or mispoke however you want to phrase it.

So why should he lose his job?  He did what he was required to do.  Do you want him to beat up Zach Smith for the alleged abuse and then be charged with aggravated assault?  If you fire Zach Smith before due process then you open up the universoty to wrongful termination.  If you are saying then he shouldnt have been given a new contract, well there were no charges, police investigation didnt happen/turned up nothing.

I mean at what point do we separate peoples home lifes and their work?  I mean by going through the logic of many on here, Rueban Foster would've been banned from football for life already.

this is wrong. Ohio is an at will state, smith can be fired at any time. At this doesnt correlate to foster at all, but i hope you know that. One is he siad/she said, the other theres factual evidence. 

I realize youre an extremely passionate fan but this is almost nauseating. What are you saying, people should be able to kill, rape, rob, stab all they want as long as they dont get caught? Like, you want hr to think "well, we know he did "x" but he wasnt charged and we dont have enough legal evidence so guess we gotta keep him on?". That would be disgusting, people have to be held to their actions. Theres enough evidence out that says smith did it, everyone knew and nothing was done (about smiths employment). Unless meyer has no say on who his staff is, heads should roll.

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13 minutes ago, Shylo3716 said:

Not to be on any funny business,, but this Ohio State storyline is the biggest football wildfire to spread since the Penn State scandal. Just when this program was starting to make strides with Urban Meyer to get back on top, the low blow comes from out of nowhere; I literally forgot all about Jim Tressel’s downfall with Terrelle Pryor, because of the positive that has been coming out of Columbus.

Starting? Ohio State doesn't have to start making strides. They're Ohio State and always will be.

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7 hours ago, NateDawg said:

There’s no defending Smith in any of this really. Urban could have handled things way better too obviously. I will say though, McMurphy has handled the reporting on this incident horribly. Your job as a reporter is to report factual findings. It isn’t to give opinions, draw conclusions, and alter facts to influence the public. It’s no wonder this dude is out of a job.

I'm assuming you read that Reddit thread I linked? If not, there's all the supporting evidence you need. Dude is a hack

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On 8/5/2018 at 9:00 PM, Raves said:

So if we take Meyer's statement at face value, then he reported as was required.  So the only issue is that he lied to the media or mispoke however you want to phrase it.

So why should he lose his job?  He did what he was required to do.  Do you want him to beat up Zach Smith for the alleged abuse and then be charged with aggravated assault?  If you fire Zach Smith before due process then you open up the universoty to wrongful termination.  If you are saying then he shouldnt have been given a new contract, well there were no charges, police investigation didnt happen/turned up nothing.

I mean at what point do we separate peoples home lifes and their work?  I mean by going through the logic of many on here, Rueban Foster would've been banned from football for life already.

I mean, Urban Meyer knew about the abuse. He knew it happened. Keeping a dude you know is beating his wife on your staff is morally wrong, and pretty disgusting. You're not winning a "wrongful termination" lawsuit when you have text messages of Smith admitting he strangled his wife on vacation.

I can't believe the amount of Ohio State fans defending Urban here, honestly. Doing the bare minimum isn't enough here. Dude should've been fired immediately, I mean at what point do we value sports over a womans life?

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11 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

I'm assuming you read that Reddit thread I linked? If not, there's all the supporting evidence you need. Dude is a hack

And now let's read how non-OSU homers see this apparent big deal:

The police flat out said the checked box was human error - that sounds weird, but let's give it to them and say that's what happened, which is why McMurphy changed it


“He was never arrested, never handcuffed, never brought in and never charged in a court of law here in 2015,” said Vest, who declined to directly identify Zach as the redacted suspect in the offense reports. “There were never any charges filed in the court process. So the word ‘arrest’ was simply checked on a box that shouldn’t have been checked.”


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50 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

I mean, Urban Meyer knew about the abuse. He knew it happened. Keeping a dude you know is beating his wife on your staff is morally wrong, and pretty disgusting. You're not winning a "wrongful termination" lawsuit when you have text messages of Smith admitting he strangled his wife on vacation.

I can't believe the amount of Ohio State fans defending Urban here, honestly. Doing the bare minimum isn't enough here. Dude should've been fired immediately, I mean at what point do we value sports over a womans life?

Serious question here, how does him being employed anywhere period mean you are valuing her life any less?  Firing Zach Smith does nothing to help Courtney Smith.  It's not going to all of a sudden get the police to arrest him and charge him with domestic violence, even though there is all this evidence that she has that he abused her.  If she's had all this evidence and she's just been wanting to be done with this for so long that she is constantly talking to all these other wives, why doesn't she actually turn it over to them during one of the many calls that she made to them?  If she did turn the evidence over then why did the police, who are required to arrest anyone suspected of domestic violence, whether the victim is wanting to press charges or not as the State of Ohio takes it out of the victims control, never arrest and charge Zach Smith for domestic violence?  All firing Zach Smith does, is give a guy who has been beating on her more time and likely in his mind a reason to beat her again.  I mean have you guys actually thought about what this "very violent and alcohol abusing" individual would do in that situation?  Also at what point did we give up on the innocent until proven guilty.

1 hour ago, GSUeagles14 said:

this is wrong. Ohio is an at will state, smith can be fired at any time. At this doesnt correlate to foster at all, but i hope you know that. One is he siad/she said, the other theres factual evidence. 

I realize youre an extremely passionate fan but this is almost nauseating. What are you saying, people should be able to kill, rape, rob, stab all they want as long as they dont get caught? Like, you want hr to think "well, we know he did "x" but he wasnt charged and we dont have enough legal evidence so guess we gotta keep him on?". That would be disgusting, people have to be held to their actions. Theres enough evidence out that says smith did it, everyone knew and nothing was done (about smiths employment). Unless meyer has no say on who his staff is, heads should roll.

So why was this factual evidence not enough to get him arrested and charged with domestic violence, something that is required in the state of ohio if it is even suspected.  I mean let's be real here, for this whole time she's had this evidence and never used it, why wait so long when she obviously didn't want him around her or their kids?

You realize that your comparison doesn't work.  If you know someone raped, killed, robbed, stabbed, etc then they would be in jail right?  I mean didn't everyone know Reuban Foster committed domestic violence?  How about that HS football player that was actually falsely convicted of sexual assault that was later overturned when the girl admitted she lied, oh and she also sued the HS for 2 mil and won.  I mean there is enough evidence out there now that you could come to a reasonable conclusion that Zach Smith indeed committed domestic violence, but why wasn't that enough evidence for the police?  Did she just not care to share it even though she called the police what 9 times based on the reports?  So if there isn't enough evidence for the police, what evidence is there for Urban to go on that the police didn't have access to?  Courtney telling Shelley that he's abusing her again and Zach telling Urban that he didn't do it?  Moral beliefs aside, how could you justify it?  I mean that would be like someone at your work saying you were drinking and driving, you didn't get a DUI, and the police never stopped you, but they said they saw you doing it.  Should you be fired for that?

39 minutes ago, JammerHammer21 said:

And now let's read how non-OSU homers see this apparent big deal:

The police flat out said the checked box was human error - that sounds weird, but let's give it to them and say that's what happened, which is why McMurphy changed it


There is also a lot more in there, such as in Ohio it is required that police arrest anyone that they even suspect of domestic violence and that the victims have no say in charges being filed.

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Zach Smith's lawyer on the 9 police reports.


I have all the police reports. Yes. Nine. You know what they are? They’re traffic violations. Six of them. Another call about an elderly man, 65-year-old, followed the assistant coach’s wife back to her house. She got spooked. Another was a well-being check on the kids. The police showed up and everything was just fine. There are no reports. There are no arrests. OK?” 


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6 minutes ago, Raves said:

Serious question here, how does him being employed anywhere period mean you are valuing her life any less?  Firing Zach Smith does nothing to help Courtney Smith.  It's not going to all of a sudden get the police to arrest him and charge him with domestic violence, even though there is all this evidence that she has that he abused her.  If she's had all this evidence and she's just been wanting to be done with this for so long that she is constantly talking to all these other wives, why doesn't she actually turn it over to them during one of the many calls that she made to them?  If she did turn the evidence over then why did the police, who are required to arrest anyone suspected of domestic violence, whether the victim is wanting to press charges or not as the State of Ohio takes it out of the victims control, never arrest and charge Zach Smith for domestic violence?  All firing Zach Smith does, is give a guy who has been beating on her more time and likely in his mind a reason to beat her again.  I mean have you guys actually thought about what this "very violent and alcohol abusing" individual would do in that situation?  Also at what point did we give up on the innocent until proven guilty.

So why was this factual evidence not enough to get him arrested and charged with domestic violence, something that is required in the state of ohio if it is even suspected.  I mean let's be real here, for this whole time she's had this evidence and never used it, why wait so long when she obviously didn't want him around her or their kids?

You realize that your comparison doesn't work.  If you know someone raped, killed, robbed, stabbed, etc then they would be in jail right?  I mean didn't everyone know Reuban Foster committed domestic violence?  How about that HS football player that was actually falsely convicted of sexual assault that was later overturned when the girl admitted she lied, oh and she also sued the HS for 2 mil and won.  I mean there is enough evidence out there now that you could come to a reasonable conclusion that Zach Smith indeed committed domestic violence, but why wasn't that enough evidence for the police?  Did she just not care to share it even though she called the police what 9 times based on the reports?  So if there isn't enough evidence for the police, what evidence is there for Urban to go on that the police didn't have access to?  Courtney telling Shelley that he's abusing her again and Zach telling Urban that he didn't do it?  Moral beliefs aside, how could you justify it?  I mean that would be like someone at your work saying you were drinking and driving, you didn't get a DUI, and the police never stopped you, but they said they saw you doing it.  Should you be fired for that?

There is also a lot more in there, such as in Ohio it is required that police arrest anyone that they even suspect of domestic violence and that the victims have no say in charges being filed.

  And as i already said, forster vs whoever was completely he said/she said. This is not so stop bringing it up unless youre looking to paint an inaccurate picture. And no, just beacuse I know you did something doesnt mean you would be in jail. Look into this a little (not from a guy with buckeye in his name or whatever that reddit thing was) and get back to me. the DV is not in question by any reasonable person. You either havent looked into this nearly enough, which is ridiculous cause it takes all of 15 minutes, or youve only chose to give credence to people with a clear bias and dismissed anything else. Smoith didnt come put first, she was contacted and it was part of her story, are you saying she was contacted before and declined comment to a reporter? sare unaware of the text message between courtney and zach smith, Where smith confirms he assualted her? 

as far as charges not being filed, while the victim may not have a say it isnt a requirement that charges being filed. Its certainly easier to get a conviction  with cooperation and its up to the da to decide if he can win without it or not. it doesnt really mean much. a


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4 minutes ago, Raves said:

we already know theres a report about DV. Guys lying through his teeth but who woulda thought that since hes the guys lawyer and all. Thanks for the quote though, now if someone thought you could believe what his lawyer says they realize theyre mistaken.

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40 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

we already know theres a report about DV. Guys lying through his teeth but who woulda thought that since hes the guys lawyer and all. Thanks for the quote though, now if someone thought you could believe what his lawyer says they realize theyre mistaken.

Considering the fact that the way the story from McMurphy lays it out that there were 9 DV incidents, when it seems like there was only one since arriving in Columbus.  Definitely misleading, though obviously only one instance is needed IMO as long as there is a preponderance of evidence as to what happened.  From the pictures that I saw from McMurphy FB page, most of those marks could've came from Zach Smith's version of him trying to restrain/defensive actions, obviously when you add in his interview, I would put the preponderance that even if the situation included her attacking him, his blame would've been enough to have him fired, though that's looking at everything that's available now and making a judgement on how I perceived in his interview.  The text message though we don't know when that occurred, it might not have been till 2017 which means in 2015 then it would've still just been a he said/she said situation.


47 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

  And as i already said, forster vs whoever was completely he said/she said. This is not so stop bringing it up unless youre looking to paint an inaccurate picture. And no, just beacuse I know you did something doesnt mean you would be in jail. Look into this a little (not from a guy with buckeye in his name or whatever that reddit thing was) and get back to me. the DV is not in question by any reasonable person. You either havent looked into this nearly enough, which is ridiculous cause it takes all of 15 minutes, or youve only chose to give credence to people with a clear bias and dismissed anything else. Smoith didnt come put first, she was contacted and it was part of her story, are you saying she was contacted before and declined comment to a reporter? sare unaware of the text message between courtney and zach smith, Where smith confirms he assualted her? 

as far as charges not being filed, while the victim may not have a say it isnt a requirement that charges being filed. Its certainly easier to get a conviction  with cooperation and its up to the da to decide if he can win without it or not. it doesnt really mean much. a


I have been looking into it.  The DV apparently was in question back in 2015 where there wasn't even an arrest/handcuff situation, whether or not charges were ever officially pressed.  With all the information that is presented now I would put my money on the fact that he did commit DV.  Also when did the text message between Courtney and Zach take place?  Was that also sent to Shelley and Meyer?

You seem to think that the only person that can be right in this story is Brett McMurphy who also has a vested interest in this story not to mention having constantly been editing his original report to cover up for mistakes/outright lies he made, depending on how you want to categorize Meyer's comments.

So let's sum this all up a little more neatly.

In 2015 without knowing what exactly was relayed, it could've been a she said that he abused her, he said he was just restraining her to get away, seems to be the go to story in a DV case but one that can't be dismissed just because of that.  Without a witness to say exactly what happened it really makes it though no matter how many pictures you want to take after the fact.  It sucks and you would probably prefer to error on the side of caution with at least putting him on admin leave until a further investigation could've been completed, but with police already looking into it and telling you there was nothing there, but there can be a case to keep him on the staff until further evidence shows that he did for a fact commit DV or he messes up again.  There was nothing that I've seen yet that showed Courtney Smith sent the "I know" text to the Meyers or even when it occurred so you actually can't use that for blaming Meyer/Ohio State for not firing him.

You keep chiming in on everything that is presented now, but we don't actually know what was relayed to Ohio State or Shelley based on the messages, for all we know Courtney never actually sent the pictures to Shelley, but just told her about them.  There are so many more questions to be answered about what was actually known in 2015 before you make definitive statements like that.



Also if you look at the reddit post I mentioned that you look at that JammerHammer posted is linked is very impartial and well written on the whole process of Ohio Law and the changes in McMurphy's story.

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2 hours ago, Raves said:

Firing Zach Smith does nothing to help Courtney Smith.  


Wow.    NOT firing Zach Smith tells her (and millions of other women) that there are no consequences for his despicable actions.  It reinforces the fear victims feel coming forward about these incidents of domestic violence, assault or worse.  She's not trying to get him fired.  She's trying to get him to stop.  NOT firing him continues the cycle.  Sure he might come around either way but now that spotlight is much brighter.  That restraining order more closely enforced.

So did it help her that he was fired?  Absolutely.  

Maybe seeing this story might give women the added courage to come forward for similar incidents wherever they might be. (I'm not talking about Smith here but DV anywhere.)

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Urban and OSU deserve all the hate coming their way, but edited and misleading Facebook posts from a documented Urban hater and fired journalist, talking heads Ryen Russilo talking about moral decency (LOL) and Jalen Rose talking NCAA violations (LOL) screams hilarious irony, hypocrisy, and only detract from the issue at hand and feed into the Urban and OSU apologists. Then again this is ESPN we are talking about here.

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