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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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8 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

That's the last awful decision in a long line of decision making that would have made this a non-issue.

100% not debating that. I had to have a talk with CPS two weeks ago about alleged abuse of one of my players. I give those who don't no sympathy/no quarter. I'm merely speaking to the media aspect of this, which is hack at best. Edited facebook posts, dirt/smear ala politic campaigns that have zero to do with the case itself (Nude selfies at the white house!!!! Affairs in an office!!!!) pertaining to Myer, but rather Gene Smith just as much/if not moreso.

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

100% not debating that. I had to have a talk with CPS two weeks ago about alleged abuse of one of my players. I give those who don't no sympathy/no quarter. I'm merely speaking to the media aspect of this, which is hack at best. Edited facebook posts, dirt/smear ala politic campaigns that have zero to do with the case itself (Nude selfies at the white house!!!! Affairs in an office!!!!) pertaining to Myer, but rather Gene Smith just as much/if not moreso.

The affair in the office could have been bad because it was with an OSU staff member at OSU facilities. Didn't end up that way, but that could have opened up OSU to a lot.

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2 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

to be clear, are you saying urban doesnt have say in hirings/firings? i mean, hes a grown man who hopefully cam differentiate between right and wrong. you have a employee who you know for 100% fact committed dv in the fairly recent past. now theres more accusations of the same sort, should this not be a case of fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me? why does he need tp be told dv is bad and we shouldnt be employing those who commit it?

Never said he doesn't have say. What I said is if he did his job (informing those he needed to) then he shouldn't be fired because I don't think coaches or anyone in any walk of life have a responsibility to do more than what is required. And in some instances doing "more" is actually harmful or counterproductive.

I'm personally not a fan of the fire/suspend people because they have been alleged to have done something. I believe in due process (both legally and morally) so that no punitive measures should be taken unless/until the allegations have been verified (to whatever standard is deemed necessary in the circumstances). And even more so as @ramssuperbowl99 will tell you as we've had this debate I'm not a believer in putting the onus for punishment for DV or sexual assault on organizations outside law enforcement. That isn't to say that they must retain him, only that I will not begrudge an organization that does nor will I think they have done something wrong and/or immoral nor will I look at it as supporting or minimizing the alleged offense.

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4 minutes ago, PAW said:

Should a CEO of a Fortune 500 company be fired if he doesn’t fire the CFO who is accused of DV? 

Key here. 

People need to step back and look at it from an objective standpoint. Take emotions and personal opinions out of it.

You can't prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that Meyer covered up anything.

If he reported it, which he claims, than it's effectively out of his hands. That's what you're supposed to do in his position. To fire a man off of allegations is putting the cart before the horse. It's clear now that Zac is a POS but at that time it was heresay. And it says a bunch that even the woman's own family were a bit dubious about her claims.

I don't like Meyer either but we can't bring him down off of something like this.

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2 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

@mse326 also, doing the bare minimum as part of your job should never be acceptable. if i told my boss "thats all i was required to do" im pretty sure id be fired on the spot. i would certainly fire any employee who told that to me.

The situations you are talking about aren't comparable. This isn't about putting extra work in or saying that the quality of something is good enough. Aside from informing the proper people there isn't much else for him to do aside from suspending/firing Smith (which I addressed in my post responding to your first comment). He isn't responsible for investigating, and frankly I don't think he is responsible for making sure that others above him are doing their jobs just like you aren't responsible for making sure your boss does his job.

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6 minutes ago, JammerHammer21 said:

The affair in the office could have been bad because it was with an OSU staff member at OSU facilities. Didn't end up that way, but that could have opened up OSU to a lot.

Hence my comment about GENE SMITH. Not an Urban issue. It's an OSU and OSU athletic issue.

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