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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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10 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

probably just the environment im in tbh, i doubt real adults would pretend to give af. 

Perks of being an adult male is that people leave you alone and you can non-awkwardly end any conversation with a short answer.

But yeah, I spent a lot of time looking for one that didn’t make the idea of having one even more ridiculous than it already is. Won’t be an every day type wear. Mostly just going to use it when I go biking or to a game and need the space for some extra stuff that doesn’t sit comfortably in pockets.

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6 hours ago, champ11 said:

wow bruh i was so excited to see what  you wanted to chat about and showed up to this smh 

damn my bad homie i didn't know you'd be alerted post-edit. i had made a large post that came to mention our community/cult that we were planning to establish over in Oregon. there's a homie that''s been banned that's already living over there that were talking about. he falls within our established code. still scouting looking for individuals that meet the criteria. 2020 we should make the move. start weening away from that biological family and what not. the timeline is progressing.  

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14 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

i feel weird as a 22 year old talking to freshman man lol 

You feel weird because that's a weird response to have

I take an extra 5 minutes on my mid-day commute to drive by the local university. Lot of stoplights, lot of eye candy. With summer time in Florida full swing.


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