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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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2 hours ago, KManX89 said:

Yesterday was maybe the worst day of my life. I had the stomach flu yesterday, which of course meant constant stomachaches and vomiting. I was almost completely bereft of food yesterday, and most any time I DID try to eat something meant more vomiting, ugh.

I don't know if any of you have ever had the stomach flu, but let me be the first to tell you, it's the worst thing ever, short of being in a vegetative state. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Fortunately, I'm all better now, and currently enjoying an ice cold can of Mountain Dew without feeling sick. :D

I seem to get it every 3-4 years. I can't remember ever having the regular influenza though

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:

Well, you are a stranger on the internet, so...

Half of this thread is people pointing and laughing at tyty’s previously punchline of an existence.

Get in or get out before he totally turns it around 


Ps: if you want in on the tyty pool where we take bets on what happens next, Pm me

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6 hours ago, KManX89 said:

Yesterday was maybe the worst day of my life.

Oh sheesh, man instincts of solving problem kicks in, let’s read further. 


 I had the stomach flu yesterday


Just imagine if someone went through leukemia or something. Or even a hang nail. 

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On 4/11/2019 at 1:01 PM, Dome said:

I wish I was trained to work on cars. 

Paying $1,300 for something my BIL (mechanic) says he could do in about 2 hours and $600 worth of parts. Unfortunately he won’t be available soon enough 


On 4/11/2019 at 1:20 PM, MrDrew said:

What are they fixing?

Most stuff isn't hard if you're not afraid of it. YouTube has a guid on pretty much everything. 


On 4/11/2019 at 1:23 PM, Dome said:

AC compressor, serpentine belt, tensioners and maybe a couple new pulleys... 

It’s all procedural stuff that I could do following YouTube. But it’s tools and time I don’t have and need it fixed today. 

Mainly a way to clear my AC lines legally, which isn’t something I’m gonna buy the proper tools to do myself 

@MrDrew when I saw the post of the inhospitable place you call home, I remembered this interaction.

I got my hands on a broken down Subaru and I'm going to be dismantling it in my garage. I figured taking a car apart is as good a place as any to start learning about them... and without a clean title this car is worth more parted out. I'm selling parts and using the money to buy more auto tools.

So far, I'm finding that I need YouTube just to take the damn thing apart. :D

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Just bought a 2009 Dodge Avenger yesterday. Nicest car I’ve ever had (although it pales compared to every single one of y’alls cars probably). My savings went from $5300 to $700 so I’m kinda stressed but happy about having a car

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15 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Just bought a 2009 Dodge Avenger yesterday. Nicest car I’ve ever had (although it pales compared to every single one of y’alls cars probably). My savings went from $5300 to $700 so I’m kinda stressed but happy about having a car

Oh Ty...never buy Dodge.

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23 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Just bought a 2009 Dodge Avenger yesterday. Nicest car I’ve ever had (although it pales compared to every single one of y’alls cars probably). My savings went from $5300 to $700 so I’m kinda stressed but happy about having a car

No car payment and you still have some cash left over? All of the footballs dude.

The average American takes out $30k in debt to buy a car. They might be nicer than yours, but they don't own them.

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8 minutes ago, D82 said:

Oh Ty...never buy Dodge.

The two longest lasting vehicles my family has owned was a dodge and a ford lol. I live in the state of fords but a lot of people in my family still hate em. 

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