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On 8/25/2017 at 8:17 AM, iPwn said:

Blake’s throwing motion isn’t normally a prototypical throwing motion. He has a elongated motion that takes about a half second longer to get the ball out of his hand, and drops the velocity on his ball slightly. But he goes to work with Tom House and Jordan Palmer in the offseason and they make sure he keeps working on it and has it cleaned up. His second year, his throwing motion was fine. It wasn’t perfect nor without flaws, but it was a good motion that got the ball out quickly and with good velocity.

Last year, our OC guilted him into not going. Like spent weeks telling Blake he was doing a disservice to his team by not being around for the time he goes there. So Blake didn’t go, and predictability his throwing motion degraded. Blake noticed, and asked if he could have Palmer or House fly out and work with him, and the OC told him no. The QB coach refused to work with him too, and apparently told him it would be fine. That Qab Coach got promoted to our current OC.

Now, you can throw together whatever “he was in his third year, he shouldn’t still be working on mechanics” argument you want, but he was actively working to keep himself in check.

Blake’s a guy that trusts his arm, and throws into tight windows. It creates turnovers, but it also results in big plays. The drop in velocity as well as the increased time to get the ball out of his hands ultimately means that the windows that he could fit the ball in between a defender and his receiver were often times smaller than the windows he would throw in. Or rather they started out the same size, but the defender was better able to close in the time that the ball took to get to the target. This decreases big plays, while simultaneously increasing negative plays and incompletions.

Blake went back this offseason and worked on his throwing motion. He looks fine mechanically again. But now the coaches told him that if he plays the role of a gunslinger like he has, he won’t play for us. So now we’ve got a guy who makes plays by taking chances and makes up for his misreads and stuff by completing the big plays, afraid to take chances and make big plays. So now he’s playing neutered like he’s scared to take shots with the ball, knowing that if he plays like that, he will lose his job. But he’s also still the guy who will misread things and make mistakes from time to time. So now we have turned a gunslinger that makes more positive plays than negative into a timid thrower that still makes mistakes.

Blake may not even be on our roster once week one rolls around. He’s probably never starting another game for us. And he’s assuredly gone after this season, if not sooner. I have no reason to defend him at the expense of a staff that might be here another 4 years. But this staff ruined him, and they’re all incompetent idiots.

Thx for the in depth explanation.

NOW I get what the Jags fans are talking about.

When you guys played us last week, that deep throw Bortles made to a wide open receiver shocked me, of how it landed behind his intended target. Like a D3 college QB could of made that throw.

Either way, if you and all the Jags fans(common NFL fans) know this, then for sure QB coaches and coaches in general around the league know this all as well, so for sure he will get a chance to play somewhere else. Someone will try to fix him and return him back to 2015 Bortles.

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9 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Ton of rain in my area, but that's it for me. A tornado touched down a few miles away from my house, but that the extent of it. Seems like a few places in Fort Bend County got hit hard. Another round of rain today, so hunkering in.

Concern is all of creeks and bayous in the area. If they breach, there will be some serious flooding.

Nowhere near as bad as Corpus Christi, Rockport, Galveston - those places took a BEATING, and it's still going on.

"Oh yeah wasn't too bad just a little rain. And also a tornado."

Way to bury the lede ET.

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11 minutes ago, Calibucsfan said:


Surprised you did not mention Rich Piana passing away(unless I missed it).

He did not give the best advice and took far too much gear(he is a prime example of steroid abuse) but sucks he is gone.

I did mention it here and in a couple other threads.  That is sad he died. And Dallas McCarver to. Both gone a week apart. 

Edited by Bednarik60
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It might end up being good for the fitness world, people are re-awakening to the dangers of performance enhancing drugs, even TRT-HRT(low dose steroids) isn't safe/as safe as its promoted by its users. 

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24 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

"Oh yeah wasn't too bad just a little rain. And also a tornado."

Way to bury the lede ET.

As soon as the tornado is in striking distance, I'll take notice. Been through this several times before. Doesn't really phase me much anymore.

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58 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

It might end up being good for the fitness world, people are re-awakening to the dangers of performance enhancing drugs, even TRT-HRT(low dose steroids) isn't safe/as safe as its promoted by its users. 

It is IF you know what you're doing.

However I'd say 85% of the community does not. The gym is all bro-science. *DUDE THIS IS HOW I GET BIG, THIS IS WHAT YOU DO(proceeds to give horrible advice to some 19 year old).

People don't understand that you are putting hormones into your body that change things.

Like it irks me so hard that people who stay on gear forever don't know that they need to donate blood every 10-12 weeks to keep RBC/Hematocrit down(basically to keep your blood nice and thin and not like maple syrup).

Or get blood work done in general every 4-5 weeks to make sure everything is working fine.

Or stay on top of your AI protocol to keep estrogen from building up because that alone causes an ocean of health problems.

Or they don't understand that you cannot take a lot of compounds all year like Tren or any oral gear(nice way to bomb your liver).

I tried a long time ago to educate these people at the gym and try to save them, but like they say: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

The problem is, most people want results NOW. I did not begin to understand how gear works and what it does to your body until a year of having days of hours and hours of reading and research. To know what I know now, took 2 and a half years of constant research and reading long sport science articles.
It's crazy how people can look this stuff up now at the palm of their hands on their phone, but are so impatient that they chose not to and just go off someones advice, because that person giving them the advice is big(but is dying on the inside because he also does not know what he's doing).

err sorry B60 for the rant. touchy subject haha

Edited by Calibucsfan
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5 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

"Oh yeah wasn't too bad just a little rain. And also a tornado."

Way to bury the lede ET.

People get worked up for tornadoes?  I mean, where I live if you're not out watching the tornado you're not normal...

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Happy to report that my family and I are safe after the wrath of hurricane Harvey.  No property damage to report on my end; however, as I drove around the city today there was a lot of fencing and roof damage I noticed.  Also, when I drove near the beach there was even more property damage and lots of palm trees that were destroyed.  I was without power for 27 hours and, needless to say that, was a terrible experience, but I'm grateful to be alive and well.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of families that have suffered tremendous loss, so I ask that we keep everyone in our prayers through this tough time.

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9 hours ago, Calibucsfan said:

Like it irks me so hard that people who stay on gear forever don't know that they need to donate blood every 10-12 weeks to keep RBC/Hematocrit down(basically to keep your blood nice and thin and not like maple syrup).

I feel like i have heard this before,   that is crazy. Has do with the red blood cell count increase?  I am surprised this isn't talked about more. No wonder they have all these crazy health issue, if your blood isn't working right, your screwed. 

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6 hours ago, CWood21 said:

People get worked up for tornadoes?  I mean, where I live if you're not out watching the tornado you're not normal...

We had one hit about 15 min away from where I lived in 1998. It scared the crap out of me and I had a fear of storms for a long time afterward, if the wind even started picking up a little on a cloudy day - I freaked out. 

Granted, living in Western MD it isn't/wasn't a common thing...but still. It's not as bad today, but I hate summer and one of the reasons is tornado watches/warnings. 

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9 hours ago, Bednarik60 said:

I feel like i have heard this before,   that is crazy. Has do with the red blood cell count increase?  I am surprised this isn't talked about more. No wonder they have all these crazy health issue, if your blood isn't working right, your screwed. 




Taking exogenous testosterone increases your hematocrit. If it gets too high you can experience Polycythemia which is not good for you. The analogy is that it turns your blood into yogurt which makes it harder for your heart to pump. See the following link for more information:

Polycythemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You must donate blood or do a therapeutic phlebotomy while running AAS to manage hematocrit levels. Giving a pint of blood will lower your hematocrit. Make sure that this is part of your plan for a cycle.

Even if you don't run gear, the more gym people that know this, the better.

It's literally life saving information, but sadly very very few people who run gear know this.

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