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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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these next 56 hours are gonna be hell. i got so much stuff i procrastinated on that's due. bout to go volunteer til noon running on no sleep so i dont fail this class real quick. then gotta meet a group and rehearse our final presentation/make a presentation. present that at 6pm. then got two papers due at midnight. and some other homework due that's easy. class all day monday starting at 7am until 4pm. then gotta test at midnight i know nothing about. then a final exam at 7am the next day that i also know nothing about. whoop whoop. oh and i gotta do my darn taxes too. then back to the regular/non-grind lifestyle im accustom to. 

now you all know fin's plans. pounding coffee boooy. maybe get a formaldehyde drip so when i inevitably die of caffeine overdose i'll have dem crisssspy organs. if i cant impress anyone else at least my got damn coroner will be like damn this boy got the freshest pancreas i ever seen. feeling like imma peak postmortem. whoever has the honor of disassembling my parts  is gonna get me in my prime. time to grind son, im out. & im just playing.. eternal fin will never die. very hard to kill. fin dies when the forum dies. im here foreva playboys 

edited because i realized rules were broken in initial post whoops

Edited by jfinley88
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Update: arrived to volunteer location. Ate breakfast burrito. Reread email as I'm wondering why nobody else is here. Realized I'm at wrong location. Now just sitting in a random parking garage typing this & passing gas. A lot of it. Shoulda ate fruit probably. Gonna go find correct parking garage now. 

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Update: I was assigned to a tree that has an arrow on it to direct the flow of traffic. I suppose I'm here in case anybody has questions about what the arrows mean. There was another nice fellow here also that could help me answer questions about the arrow, but sadly he was relocated. So now I'm alone w/ my tree. Blasting spaceghostpurrp and ignoring everybody I'm supposed to be directing and posting on an online forum teeheehee

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3 hours ago, jfinley88 said:

these next 56 hours are gonna be hell. i got so much stuff i procrastinated on that's due. bout to go volunteer til noon running on no sleep so i dont fail this class real quick. then gotta meet a group and rehearse our final presentation/make a presentation. present that at 6pm. then got two papers due at midnight. and some other homework due that's easy. class all day monday starting at 7am until 4pm. then gotta test at midnight i know nothing about. then a final exam at 7am the next day that i also know nothing about. whoop whoop. oh and i gotta do my darn taxes too. then back to the regular/non-grind lifestyle im accustom to. 

now you all know fin's plans. pounding coffee boooy. maybe get a formaldehyde drip so when i inevitably die of caffeine overdose i'll have dem crisssspy organs. if i cant impress anyone else at least my got damn coroner will be like damn this boy got the freshest pancreas i ever seen. feeling like imma peak postmortem. whoever has the honor of disassembling my parts  is gonna get me in my prime. time to grind son, im out. & im just playing.. eternal fin will never die. very hard to kill. fin dies when the forum dies. im here foreva playboys 

edited because i realized rules were broken in initial post whoops

Yea, you should probably not do the whole procrastinating on everything decision next time.

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9 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Apparently they used (or asked to use) the bathroom and the manager asked them to leave since they hadn't bought anything yet. They didn't, so the manager called the police and reported them for trespassing. 

I don't think either of you are wrong, neither the manager nor the police did anything to de-escalate the situation at any step in the process. If either one of them had done anything more reasonable than "what I'm doing isn't technically illegal", we wouldn't be talking about this.

To @gopherwrestler's point, I don't think if you called the cops on two reasonably calm people hanging out in a coffee shop, you'd expect half a dozen officers to show up and put them in handcuffs, formally arrest them, then keep them in jail for the better part of a night despite a room full of eyewitnesses telling them they did nothing wrong. But I agree with you, the manager had 2 remarkably calm people under those circumstances waiting for a friend and didn't ask or didn't listen enough to figure out that they were obviously going to order something. No rational person is going to call the cops in that case, so I'm sure we'll find out shortly that discrimination played a huge part in the cops being called in the first place.

I find these arguements funny because what coos do in one situation is incredibly wrong but the exact opposite in the next situation. For example near me there was a police shooting and they are asking why didnt they call for backup when the person was calm then fot extremely violent. Now its why so many cops when they were calm. 

As far as im concerned they were asked to leave, they didnt, thats breaking the law. They fot arrested for breaking the law. Its not really that complicated. 

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16 minutes ago, eagles101 said:

As far as im concerned they were asked to leave, they didnt, thats breaking the law. They fot arrested for breaking the law. Its not really that complicated. 

That's not really the point.  But you know that right?  You do know why most everyone considers this wrong, yes?

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1 minute ago, theJ said:

So not "ya" then, but "no".  Got it.

So we are done here? Obviously this is going to go outside the rules. But yes i know why people are mad that THESE two people got arrested, no i dont think there is any evidence to support it. 

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12 hours ago, Tyty said:

New local pizza place sells a full roasted chicken for $18 and all I can think about is that chicken lived its entire life just to be sold for $18. Like damn bruh. What's the point of even hustlin

Think of all the trees that were killed so a bunch of BETA males could print out tickets to the worst concert festival ever.

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2 hours ago, eagles101 said:

So we are done here? Obviously this is going to go outside the rules. But yes i know why people are mad that THESE two people got arrested, no i dont think there is any evidence to support it. 

Yeah we're done. We're allowed to have different opinions. It just didn't seem like you understood why people might get upset about this. 

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13 hours ago, Tyty said:

New local pizza place sells a full roasted chicken for $18 and all I can think about is that chicken lived its entire life just to be sold for $18. Like damn bruh. What's the point of even hustlin

who pays $18 for a chicken? every single grocery store I've been to sells full rotisserie chickens for $6-$7.

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