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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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6 hours ago, Sugashane said:

Just got home from ER and got everyone in bed. A POS was probably drunk or asleep and flew into my lane, to avoid a head on collision I had to go off the road and rolled my truck. Son broke his arm, other than that just a lot of bumps, bruises and scratches for the rest of us. Truck will probably be totaled, I had to duck to get out and check on the kids in the backseat.


Hell of a start to the summer, just happy we all lived. God help the guy if I find out who ran us off the road.


Sorry to hear that man. Glad everyone’s alright. What’s the likelyhood they find the other driver? 

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7 hours ago, Sugashane said:

Just got home from ER and got everyone in bed. A POS was probably drunk or asleep and flew into my lane, to avoid a head on collision I had to go off the road and rolled my truck. Son broke his arm, other than that just a lot of bumps, bruises and scratches for the rest of us. Truck will probably be totaled, I had to duck to get out and check on the kids in the backseat.


Hell of a start to the summer, just happy we all lived. God help the guy if I find out who ran us off the road.


Damn that sucks bro. I refuse to ever drink and drive but you have no control over anyone else doing it. Sorry to hear that happened to you. Glad you're all relatively okay though. 

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16 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Sorry to hear that man. Glad everyone’s alright. What’s the likelyhood they find the other driver? 

If they didn't catch him down the road for driving stupid they probably won't ever catch him. 

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24 minutes ago, mission27 said:
9 hours ago, jfinley88 said:

only ppl still on tinder are murderers & those that dabble in sociopathy pretty sure man 


Teach me your ways masters. I've been out of the game for 6-7 years 

Edited by Tyty
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4 hours ago, MathMan said:

thats horrible, man.

thankfully you have quick reactions.

hopefully that guy has a heart attack or offs himself before he can hurt anyone else

Got damn lucky in all honesty. Just went out to look at the truck since I had them tow it home. Ridiculous.

4 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Holy hell man, I’m so sorry to hear this. Wishing everyone a speedy recovery.

Thankfully broken bones heal and trucks can be replaced, just happy it’s nothing more. Hopefully your little guy heals quickly.


Got a specialist appointment I'm waiting to hear back from. They said it was a buckle fracture, so I guess that was lucky. Gave me a guess of a month and he will be good to go. Hopefully the specialist apt shows the same thing.

3 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Wow - sorry to hear this, but happy your family is OK.


Thanks, we are good, just sore.

2 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

Sorry to hear that man. Glad everyone’s alright. What’s the likelyhood they find the other driver? 

IDK, I'm going to get the paper and hope they find someone in the police beat. I hope they find him, if I get my hands on him the fine will be the best part of his ordeal.

2 hours ago, Tyty said:

Damn that sucks bro. I refuse to ever drink and drive but you have no control over anyone else doing it. Sorry to hear that happened to you. Glad you're all relatively okay though. 

Same here. Hell we live in a small city so it literally is a $6 charge for in-town trips for a few of the services. I don't imagine being 2-3 miles out of town would have been that much more. Maybe he wasn't drunk, IDK but there was enough swerving back and forth I don't think he was falling asleep.



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15 hours ago, Tyty said:

So I got matched on tinder but need to pay $14.99 to see who it is? Lmao

(for the record, I'm only on tinder for S&G)

You can pay to see who liked you. You see your matches immediately. It's not a match until you like them too.

I'm on Tinder to try it out. Very low expectations. I rarely see a girl on there who would be worth talking to, but if there are any out there I might as well see if I can find some. At the very least, I've seen some funny profiles. One of them said her dream was to own cattle she could sing to, another one said "if you have a boat we might could talk". And another quoted the entire "I will find you and I will kill you" thing from Taken, except she replaced "kill" with "f---". I wonder how many guys actually swipe right on stuff like that. xD

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3 hours ago, Tyty said:

Teach me your ways masters. I've been out of the game for 6-7 years 

you're asking one of the worst to ever do it homie. i put myself in the friendzone 7 outta 8 times probably. im not what you'd call traditionally handsome or a natural alpha, so i depend on my lack of shame and just say weird ****. it's easy being on campus, you got girls everywhere. dont even go out to bars or anything, only really talk to girls around campus. i can get numbers like nothing, but i can turn them completely off even faster. end up just entertaining them, which doesn't really lead to natural lubrication. i dont got the answers. i really do everything completely wrong. i say all the bad **** about me right off the bat and overshare to the max. think it's an internal defense mechanism. i dunno why i do that every time. i'd take mission's advice and lie. i can't do it, it hurts my insides too much putting up a front. honestly tinder's not a bad move. just feel like everyone on there usually sucks when you meet up. sucks personality wise lol. but if you dont give af i'd stick w/ that route bru. dennis system and what not. 

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5 hours ago, jfinley88 said:

you're asking one of the worst to ever do it homie. i put myself in the friendzone 7 outta 8 times probably. im not what you'd call traditionally handsome or a natural alpha, so i depend on my lack of shame and just say weird ****. it's easy being on campus, you got girls everywhere. dont even go out to bars or anything, only really talk to girls around campus. i can get numbers like nothing, but i can turn them completely off even faster. end up just entertaining them, which doesn't really lead to natural lubrication. i dont got the answers. i really do everything completely wrong. i say all the bad **** about me right off the bat and overshare to the max. think it's an internal defense mechanism. i dunno why i do that every time. i'd take mission's advice and lie. i can't do it, it hurts my insides too much putting up a front. honestly tinder's not a bad move. just feel like everyone on there usually sucks when you meet up. sucks personality wise lol. but if you dont give af i'd stick w/ that route bru. dennis system and what not. 

You're a national treasure jfin. I cherish you. 

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