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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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The only other action show I watch besides GOT is TWD. I started watching GOT after the last season finale of TWD. 

TWD doesn't even hold a candle to GOT. really goes to show how great this show really is. We can definitely critique it, more so now then other seasons IMO, but it's so damn good.  

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28 minutes ago, Herbie_Hancock said:

Definitely don't disagree. We will have plenty of time to discuss theories for the next 12-18 months. ?

Yep. With only 6 episodes to go, I just don't think there is a whole lot of room for twists left. The big twist was confirmed this episode - it's Aegon/Jon's throne.

Realistically, you've got one episode where Dany/Aegon get to Winterfell and get told the twist. Then Aegon/Jon will be all pouty about it because that's just what he does. Then you've got a last stand for humanity at Winterfell - that's probably 2 episodes even if they are longer. Then you've got 2 episodes that are probably for Cersei shenanigans. Then there's one episode left for the finale unless they Harry Potter it and just end the series as soon as Voldermort dies.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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1 minute ago, skywindO2 said:

Sam's expressions in response to Bran are so good. 

Yeah, that was a surprisingly good scene. I loved Bran saying "I know everything" and promptly telling Sam he didn't know that Rhaegar's wedding was voided, what a liar. 

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13 minutes ago, LeeEvans said:

Yeah, that was a surprisingly good scene. I loved Bran saying "I know everything" and promptly telling Sam he didn't know that Rhaegar's wedding was voided, what a liar. 

I don't know if the scene was that good. Seemed like lazy exposition but I expected it had to be done at some point so nice to get it out of the way. 

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3 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I don't know if the scene was that good. Seemed like lazy exposition but I expected it had to be done at some point so nice to get it out of the way. 

There's been a build up of the legend of Rhaegar for 7 seasons and that's the best we got? It should at least shown his death on the trident fighting Robert. 

One thing I will actually say I hate about this episode is the send off for Baelish. They ruined his character. Like seriously the worst send off to the best villain of the series. He was the Moriarty of this series. The guy who single handedly almost killed off every great house and God knows how many minor houses. Caused the biggest civil war in Westoroes history. And that's how he goes out?

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Just now, Calvert28 said:

One thing I will actually say I hate about this episode is the send off for Baelish. They ruined his character. Like seriously the worst send off to the best villain of the series. He was the Moriarty of this series. The guy who single handedly almost killed off every great house and God knows how many minor houses. Caused the biggest civil war in Westoroes history. And that's how he goes out?

I agree with this completely.  Unfortunately, without the books as a guideline, and as others have said, Baelish got neutered.  He wasn't Baelish since he pushed Catelyn's sister through the sky roof.  My dad hated him and I kept telling him why I liked him and why he was one of the best characters and it got harder and harder to argue for him as the series went on. 

I HAVE to think that the books will do a better job.  It won't be a simple matter of, "Aha, we're going to make him think we're killing Arya so we'll get him there." 

I also don't think he goes out like a sniveling whiner, either.  He's no brave, courageous fighter, but he knows the bed he's making and I think he'd realize the end when it's there.

I'm actually somewhat thankful they destroyed his character first.  If somebody like that went out as simply as that after season 4 or 5, I'd be upset.  But the last two seasons he hasn't been remotely devilish or scheming at all. 

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27 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I don't know if the scene was that good. Seemed like lazy exposition but I expected it had to be done at some point so nice to get it out of the way. 

I thought that scene was pretty poorly done. When I read the spoilers, I knew it would be an intertwined scene with the Jon/Dany one, but it just seemed so..... bad. I know the episode was long, but THAT scene should have gotten the time from the stupid one where Euron threatened Theon. 

It is arguably the most important revelation of the entire series. It was like a microcosm of this entire season; it just felt so rushed. 

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Littlefinger has essentially been a neutered character since the knights of the vale came to the rescue.  For how good the character was following the book plot, the show writers just completely butchered him once they didn't have it laid out for them.

Rhaegar going George Forman on us with multiple kids with the same name?

When did Sam go back and read what he shushed Gilly about in the previous episode?  More poor writing.


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