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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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46 minutes ago, Forge said:

My favorites to die tonight are: 

Jorah. I think he'll go out like a boss, maybe even be killed by the NK himself, but after everything last week (advocating for Tyrion, getting the sword from Sam), just feels like his time is up. 

Beric - not a huge player in the game, and this is his entire story to be honest. There's no need for him as a character after this battle. 

Tormund / Edd - Similar to Beric, this is their entire story. They have nothing outside of the north, so once this particular story has concluded, they are superfluous.  The wall is already down, the wildlings are across the wall, so at this point the Watch doesn't really even exist or have a reason to exist (assuming that the NK is eventually killed; if they simply push him back, there would still be a need for the Watch). 

Grey Worm / Missandei - one of them is a lock to die. At first, I thought it would be grey worm because he's the fighter, obviously, but we know that the crypts have to go badly at some point, and someone important is going to die down there. Tyrion I think is safe. Sam too. Missandei is a really good candidate to be an impactful death from the crypts. 

Theon - I don't think that I really need to address this. He dead. 

Drogon / Rhaegal - One, if not both will die. 

Maybe (characters that have a chance to die, but I'm not completely sold on them dying)

Varys - he's kind of useless right now, and again, he's a prime candidate for a crypts death. His role simply isn't needed as this is no longer a political intrigue game (against Cersei or the NK), so what does he bring to the table? I kind of figured that they would wait until Mel returned so that they could see each other one last time, but it could easily not happen. 

Brienne - She's right there out on the lines, and she's largely more of a supporting character. After the special knighting last week, definitely slightly wary of her fate. I don't really see a need to kill her, but at the same time, I don't know if she's necessary to keep alive in the completion of the story. I do like the idea of her surviving and basically being Sansa's own personal guard though. Just kind of cool 

Pod - If Brienne doesn't bite it, Pod certainly could...and probably doing something stupid and heroic. That being said, I feel like Pod is just one of those characters who's going to live through the entire thing for some reason, despite being in the thick of it multiple times. I think his chances of dying are slightly lower than that of Brienne, honestly. 

Ghost - I will hate them for it, but obviously they haven't shied away from killing most of the other wolves at this point. And given that he's basically a complete afterthought his fate is certainly in doubt. 

Gilly - Another "surprising" crypt death. 

Sandor - Leaning toward safe, just  because I buy the whole, "Cleganebowl" 

Gendry - A guy who really isn't a fighter but will be fighting? That typically doesn't bode well. But we will see. I suppose it depends on the long term intent with Arya as well.

Damn. You've been giving this some thought! :)
Let me read what you've got in mind......

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49 minutes ago, Forge said:

My favorites to die tonight are:

Well thought out and presented. Good job. I didnt want to quote the entire thing again simply for space / size.

I've really not given it a whole bunch of thought - but - the thought came to me today that it would be an interesting story / plot twist if they "changed" one of the characters people have been rooting for....(in a kinda sorta way)....into the enemy  -  and tonight would be a good time to do it in so much as they'd actually get story time fighting for the NK.

So - who should it be?

Well - I didnt go thru it to the detail you have - but I thought - for it to be impactful and not simply gratuitous - it should be some "just off central" character.

Jaime's gonna die - I'm figuring. The guy cant defend himself against a human....so how's he gonna fare against a raging horde of zombies? Not well IMO.

But - he's not central enough i.e. - he's already something of a bad guy - maybe a bit reluctantly and with a heavy heart at times - but a bad guy.


If I'm writing this thing - the character I choose is Brienne of Tarth

Brienne - who's been nothing but decent, moral, nothing but good impulses, protector of the Stark family and kids. The recently Knighted Brienne. A "central - but not right at the heart of things" character throughout the majority of the story........

To end tonights show by zooming in on the NK and then see Brienne standing next to him.........as a warrior in the army of the dead.

That would get some buzz  :)

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I don't think Lyanna dies.  She's too minor a character and only gets shoehorned in to more scenes because she's liked.  Killing her would be pointless for the plot, and would just be for effect.  We'll get plenty of effect from meaningful character deaths IMO that they won't just kill off extras like her that they can use later.

Jorah's gone though.  Forgot him in my last post, but he's the top of the list.

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44 minutes ago, Forge said:

Can't believe that HBO may make it to air time without the episode leaking beforehand. Their Paul Blart Mall Cop security may have finally won one. 

Apparently has leaked in some parts of the world

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• Took 55 days to film

• 750 people on scene

• Longest #GameofThrones episode ever (82 min)

• Longest battle sequence in film or TV history & longer than LotR's Battle of Helm's Deep

• Miguel Sapochnik directing (Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards)


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