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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

If Magic Woman knew Arya was gonna kill the NK, I feel she should have told everyone to save them the stress. 

No reason to believe the Red Woman actually knew what she was talking about all the time. She was following (or being guided by) beliefs and prophecies - some of which came to pass. Some didnt.

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16 hours ago, NYRaider said:

Hodor holding a door is all it took to hold off the Night King? He could’ve easily killed the 3ER and then pursued Bran in the forest. Bran was so important to him he came in alone to deal the final blow but not important enough for him to chase in the forest? After he killed the 3ER he should’ve pursued Bran. Hodor holding the door and Summer carrying him on a sled was enough for him to escape? Give me a break. It’s bad writing. 

Again, when have you ever seen the NK chase someone down? He sent his wights after him, which he ALWAYS does, once the 3ER who held the position for thousands (I honetly forget the number) of years was killed. Bran wasn't as important to him as the Bloodraven at that time, and needed to take care of him before he worried about his apprentice. Hodor gave his life holding the door, which was just barely enough for Bran and company to get away. There were tons of factors into Bran just barely escaping, but none of them include the NK just forgoing the pursuit. 

16 hours ago, thrILL! said:

I can’t believe ppl are getting so hung up on this. Winterfell is her home. She knows every inch of the castle and grounds.  She knew where Brann was and would know the quickest way to that exact location. She would know which trees in the area could provide the most cover in her approach. 

I mean seriously anyone who spent any time playing outside in their backyard as a kid could replicate that part.  Add all her skills and expertise in stealth to the mix and this is hardly worth a 2nd mention.  It’s certainly not a plot hole as others have suggested.  We know she’s capable of it.  We shouldn’t need our hands held. 

I really don't get it. It's like people are addicted to finding someone to complain about or feel that they have the cure for everything. Just sit back and enjoy the show. At this rate, we're going to need a third thread so that people who actually enjoy it can discuss the episodes and theories without being made to feel inferior. 

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Part of discussing a show includes criticism. In the same way that some people should learn to let things go, some people should allow for negative comments. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, if something happens in a show that someone feels is of questionable quality, then how can they just sit back and enjoy the show? I don't know why people are so uncomfortable with being in the middle and holding both positive and negative views simultaneously. 

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31 minutes ago, JonStark said:

Again, when have you ever seen the NK chase someone down? He sent his wights after him, which he ALWAYS does, once the 3ER who held the position for thousands (I honetly forget the number) of years was killed. Bran wasn't as important to him as the Bloodraven at that time, and needed to take care of him before he worried about his apprentice. Hodor gave his life holding the door, which was just barely enough for Bran and company to get away. There were tons of factors into Bran just barely escaping, but none of them include the NK just forgoing the pursuit. 

Bloodraven was about 200 years old.

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49 minutes ago, Leader said:

No reason to believe the Red Woman actually knew what she was talking about all the time. She was following (or being guided by) beliefs and prophecies - some of which came to pass. Some didnt.

Agreed. I don't think Melisandre knew at the time Arya was destined to kill the Night King because she was still championing Stannis.

Call it a retcon or Melisandre re-evaluating it, but no way she knew back then. 

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1 minute ago, seminoles1 said:

Agreed. I don't think Melisandre knew at the time Arya was destined to kill the Night King because she was still championing Stannis.

Call it a retcon or Melisandre re-evaluating it, but no way she knew back then. 

I thought it was very well established that both Melisandre and 3ER can see visions of the future, but they are not clear and need to be interpreted. 

For example, Bran had a dream of waves crashing on the walls of Winterfell (meaning Theon and his pirates were going to invade), but he didn't know what that meant at the time.

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1 hour ago, 11sanchez11 said:

If Magic Woman knew Arya was gonna kill the NK, I feel she should have told everyone to save them the stress. 


59 minutes ago, Leader said:

No reason to believe the Red Woman actually knew what she was talking about all the time. She was following (or being guided by) beliefs and prophecies - some of which came to pass. Some didnt.

 Melisandre was far from ominiscient.  She thought Stannis was the next one.   She thought sacrificing Shireen would guarantee victory over the Boltons at Winterfell.  

Some visions she got right - killing Renly and saving Jon.  But she clearly has gotten calls wrong.   I believe it’s a reflection of the fading power / skill with her actual age.   This showed up well with her difficulty in lighting the trench.   And why she knew she was done after this battle.  

I wasn’t crazy about the turn TV canon took with Melisandre the last 2-3 seasons.  But I get it more now.   This was certainly consistent with since the fallout from the Battle of Winterfell.  

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1 hour ago, seminoles1 said:

I think it's just a standard White Walker ability. No reason to think a Targaryen would have been in Westeros at the time the children created the Night King.

The Others appeared 8000 years before Aegon's Conquest. 

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17 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

Pretty disappointed in the last episode and honestly the series past the books has been pretty mediocre. 

Yeah, I should stop getting so hyped about surprises when there aren't going to blow me away like they used to.  There's still the spectacle of the thing now, but that seems to be their primary focus for now.

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I think people just need to sit back and not expect the glory days of GoT, and accept that they're watching a blockbuster cheesefest. I mean the show went from being well thought out and cruel and unpredictable, to I don't understand why these things are happening and everyone will be saved by someone at the last second 5 times in each episode so relax bruh all will be good, but we'll kill off a semi-relevant character every now and then and it will be heroic and dramatic. I was upset with the direction of the show after around season 4, but once you just give up and kick back it's still enjoyable, kinda like Fast and Furious movies can be enjoyable.

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3 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Yeah, I should stop getting so hyped about surprises when there aren't going to blow me away like they used to.  There's still the spectacle of the thing now, but that seems to be their primary focus for now.

The writing is just awful now. The battle was so disjointed compared to the battle of the bastards or hardhome. They really needed to separate the battle for the Throne and the White Walkers more and make both bigger threats. Instead I knew because we need to have Jamie/Tyrion, Arya, Dany to face off against Cercei you knew they wouldn't die. John Snow was worthless the entire episode even though this is the evil he has been harping about for 4 seasons. 

The entire Dothraki force was destroyed in 3 minutes while the army was dismantled in under a half hour while one armed Jamie, Brienne, and Pod fight for over 30 minutes by themselves. Its really turned into a joke compared to what it was. 

It just doesn't feel like the books or the early seasons of the show anymore. The writers have really shown their lack of talent without source material to base things off of. 

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