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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 minutes ago, mse326 said:

Letting an overwhelming force right up to your castle is not a good strategy.

Neither is exposing your dragons without knowing where the White Walkers are since you already know they have the capability of killing them.

No, but having several lines of flaming trenches and lines and lines of archers firing from and over your own walls is, especially when you signal the Dorthraki to charge from the sides just as the wights are breaking through the first trench line so you have time to repair it. 

We saw the dragons make several scorching passes as is? How is the storm a problem when those passes would have taken place near the wall?

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32 minutes ago, Leader said:

No "radar guided sidewinder missiles exist....." or have ever been depicted in this GOT saga.
They've established the existence of flying dragons - in a fantastical, fictional universe - and you've apparently accepted them as a viable part of the story. They've also established previous generations of dragons were killed off using earlier versions of this weapon. You have qualms the weapon exhibited "unrealistic" accuracy?  Thats fine, but you're splitting some really, really fine hairs. Its a work of fiction. All of it. You cant accept some of it as acceptable fiction - the most fantastical aspect of it in fact (flying dragons) - yet others as outright unrealistic. Thats a left brain / right brain perspective that can only exist in a lobotomized world.

Dragons are magical creatures. Radar guided sidewinder missiles aren’t 

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4 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Exactly. It’s really bad writing and basically stating things that aren’t true to “tie up” the marriage plothole. Jon would certainly keep Danny in check or handle business. 

The last few seasons of the show have addressed over and over again that Dany is not someone you can counsel, influence, or negotiate with. At the end of the day, she has a code and will pursue what she thinks is just without regard for the cost.

Sansa, Arya, and Sam have all expressed this in some form to Jon directly. Varys and Tyrion discuss this specifically in this episode ("she would bend him to her will"). 

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If I wanted to pick a bone with the story writers - in the week 3 episode - it would be for the following........

During the siege of Winterfell - when the dead army was standing around keeping themselves warm in front of the burning trenches - our hero Jon was depicted as sitting on his (now deceased....) dragon (a moment of silence please......) on the outer walls of the fortress.

Now - personally - I think he might have made better use of his time if - rather than parking himself on the wall - he was flying up and down the zombie lines and disintegrating them up into the after life they've been denied :)

Didnt happen. Oh well.

Tell you the truth......

If I have ANY bone to pick with GOT - its not in fact with GOT (or HBO) at all. No. That would be with the cable company (that I was already paying handsomely) deciding - in the middle of the GOT final season - to advise me some "non-existent" promotional things they say were in my deal had expired and they'd be picking my pockets for more money. More than ANY twist of writing in GOT itself - thats got SCAM written all over it.


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1 hour ago, oldman9er said:

I get the feeling Tormund and Co. will show up late and at a convenient time to help turn the tide.

I'm still confused on Jamie's last discussion with Brienne prior to leaving Winterfell. Was he trying to fake her/us out by what his plan was? :/ 

The Jamie scene was really well done. My fiancé took it the way most did that he's going back to defend and be with Cersei. I took it as "I did all of these awful things for her, and she still turned her back on me" and he's going to do the right thing (which he's shown to do even when it's the hardest possible option). He says he's hateful like she is, but the hate is for her now.

And if I'm wrong and his intent is to defend her, hearing that she's claiming the baby is Euron's will surely make the difference.

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7 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Tormund is like me at Mardi Gras.

Me: Woo. Gonna drink and party nonstop all week.

Tormund: Ill follow this little guy forever!

Next morning for both us: "Ugh, my buzz is wearing off. Im goin home."

I'm fully convinced they wrote this section of his character w/ South Park's "The Red Badge of Gayness" in mind lol. It describes him so perfectly.

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I'll never forgive Jon for not giving Ghost some love on the way out. I'll defend him on anything else, but that's such a weak ending.

I try not to complain about the writing too much, but they butchered the direwolves and bran. Maybe I just read too many theories and am just annoyed at the potential these arcs had.

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Jon trips me out anytime I see him standing in front a war table.

Jon: OKay. They have 30k troops or so, the city watch, and have hired the GC.

Dany: What should we do?

Jon: We should surround them. Shut them off from food and the people will turn on them.

Dany: Great! How many men do we have to be doing that?

Jon: 147.


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26 minutes ago, JonStark said:

The Jamie scene was really well done. My fiancé took it the way most did that he's going back to defend and be with Cersei. I took it as "I did all of these awful things for her, and she still turned her back on me" and he's going to do the right thing (which he's shown to do even when it's the hardest possible option). He says he's hateful like she is, but the hate is for her now.

And if I'm wrong and his intent is to defend her, hearing that she's claiming the baby is Euron's will surely make the difference.

Im with you. I didnt buy it for a second. Think there would be any way he could keep Brienne from going if he didnt say that? Like when following Sansa, and brawling the Hound for Arya. Shes relentless. Jaime knows hes going off to likely die, and last thing he wants is her death from his deeds.

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55 minutes ago, mse326 said:

You do know that when the wights are risen they aren't as strong as the individual that died. Other than Viserys they are pretty empty shells. They weren't handing over the "best"

And they didn't have to win it all. They had to do enough damage so that it wasn't overwhelming numbers approaching the castle.

Your idea of letting this massive army right up to your walls is pretty dumb. And saying then the dragons can burn them doesn't work because there wouldn't be enough room to hit the dead without taking out the living.

What ratio of kills/deaths makes that charge a success? 10/1? considering what you're giving up? 

What the hell is the purpose of walls if not to repel Intruders? Those Dorthraki are a helluva lot more effective charging in from the sides against an army that's already bogged down trying to advance through the flaming trenches than it does charging in against one with nothing else to do except kill and turn them. 

The dragons can't burn enemies near the wall? By what reasoning?


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Fantastic episode. Rhaegal and Missandei dying because Dany underestimated the Iron Fleet are exactly the type of consequences that we missed from last episode and what made the early seasons great.

I wish they would have done a better job in previous seasons to develop Euron as twisted and evil (in the books he is truly terrifying) instead of just a horny pirate, because this Euron-Cersei combo is great. I love that Qyburn was busy and has improved scorpions installed all around the castle and fleet. That makes things interesting.

Dany following the same pasth as Viserys (impatient, obsessed with the throne) and Aerys (wanting to burn King's Landing to the ground) is perfect. 

The mention of a new prince in Dorne is interesting... Daario? Young Griff? I have a feeling Dany is going to be getting some reinforcements from the south. We all know the armies are meaningless though; it is going to be all about Arya. 

I think Ghost whining as Jon left is pretty clear foreshadowing that he isn't coming back (like every other Stark man that left Winterfell). It was nice to get a proper send-off for Sam and Tormund now that their stories are finished. Does Brienne follow Jaime?

I'm really disappointed they didn't address the NK/3ER story AT ALL, but I guess we still have two more episodes...? They need to close that loop and make Bran have some sort of purpose otherwise the entire story north of the wall is sort of meaningless. 

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