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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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3 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

I think it's Bronn. Not because he and Jamie are friends, but because Bronn wants his money...and if Jamie and his sister won't pay up, Tyrian will pay to ensure his brothers' safety and give Dany a prisoner.

Agreed. Think it's Bronn. 

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Jamie weighs over 250 lbs with his armor and sword. That's a lot for one man in the water. Especially since Bronn wouldn't know how to untie his armor to make him lighter. Also wasn't Bronn sinking in his light armor? I need to watch again to be sure.

Why even have a drowning scene when it's just Bronn saving him. He could have just pushed him out of the way.

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16 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

He was hit by the dragon flames. And flung into a salty waterway.

"Reborn of smoke and salt." Im hoping the armor shatters. Goes to drive WW through Cersais heart. Azor Ahai is on his way.


He is still sinking and has a heavy steel hand. If the armor falls off, he needs his good hand to carry his sword.

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Anyone see the trailer for the next episode and think that they are trying to be slightly misleading with the varys part where he's telling Tyrion he's got to get Dany to listen? I feel like they are setting it up to appear that they are concerned with her being the mad queen, but there's a part of me that thinks what he's talking about is joining Jon in the fight against the white walkers. At the end of the teaser, when Jon is talking about the white walkers, you can clearly see Varys in the room as well. I'm thinking maybe he's convinced that Jon speaks true and he's trying to get Dany to join that fight. It would fit with his show profile of protecting the realm.

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