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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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6 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

ummm. I think not. As far as I can tell there are only like 4 of you that didnt see this as plausible/likely. The other 10+ people posting in here saw it as in line with her character and the only complaint is that the season (and this part of it) is rushed.

Like we said, this forum is a minority. Anywhere else you nobody liked the Danny situation or it’s execution. 

I enjoyed Episode 5 overall just not the execution of Dannys Mad Queen arc. Rushed, poorly written, and non believable. You won’t be convinced otherwise so going back and forth here is pointless and endless. You have your opinion I have mine. 

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5 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Literally what else would you have needed to see? Her chop off a kids head in season 3? Would that have been enough?

Which - y'know - she kinda did order before:

Not exactly a child, but clearly a young guy begging for mercy.

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Just now, BayRaider said:

Like we said, this forum is a minority. Anywhere else you nobody liked the Danny situation or it’s execution. 

I enjoyed Episode 5 overall just not the execution of Dannys Mad Queen arc. Rushed, poorly written, and non believable. You won’t be convinced otherwise so going back and forth here is pointless and endless. You have your opinion I have mine. 

You said this the yesterday. So I went to the GoT reddit. You had to go to page 3 before there was a thead bashing the episode.

And on page 1 there was a thread with 18,000 people discussing all the foreshadowing that GRRM and D&D did up to this point about Dany.

Again, you are the 20%. The vocal minority.

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A lot of thoughts about "The Bells".  All in all I thought it was.......ok.  Wasn't a ****show like the haters say, wasn't an all time great episode to me either.  

The Pros

  • Major props to Miguel Sapochnik.  That episode was beautifully shot, editing, and squeezed every last ounce of what they could get out of that plot.  Not up to par with his other classic episodes, but that was purely because the material wasn't as good.
  • The music was really good too, probably top 5 in the show's run.  Fit the mood and tone of the episode pitch perfectly.
  • Arya and Sandor.  Their sendoff with the Hound convincing her to live was my favorite part of the episode.  Arya calling him by his actual name and the look he gives her after she says thank you was just perfect and a great way to end their storyline together.
  • I liked the Clegane fight, especially his comments of "that's you, that's always been you" when seeing how hideous and deformed he became from Qyburn's machinations.  
  • Jon's horror at realizing what Dany is truly.  She's worse than Tywin, worse than Cersei, worse than Ramsey.
  • Tyrion and Jamie saying goodbye to each other was a great moment, tied together by Tyrion telling Jamie all that he meant to him and Jamie returning that love despite the fact his love for Cersei was his own undoing.

The Cons

  • WTF was Cersei doing?  She was basically the "This is fine" meme and did nothing else.
  • Grey Worm just becoming a straight butcher because he experienced personal loss was a bit disappointing.  I get it, but I thought his character was better than that.
  • The Euron/Jamie fight was just dumb and a waste of valuable screen time.  Just let Drogon roast Euron and go from there.  Being stabbed twice in the side didn't even really slow Jamie down, so what was the point?
  • Dany going full genocidal maniac.  I get burning your enemies and destroying the power that fought against her, but randomly burning everyone is just straight up insane.  She killed more kids than anyone in the show, likely more than all of them combined.  If there are a million people in the city, then she likely just killed several hundred thousand
  • Now I get that i'm being nitpicky, but I found it odd that Drogon has essentially unlimited ammo.  He spit out many times his own mass in fire and seemingly never needed to recharge.  I know it's magic, blah blah blah, but cmon, at least have him eat some people or rest a minute or do something to reload.  Seems like he just spit fire for about 30 minutes straight.

The Meh

  • Pretty unsatisfying conclusion to Jamie and Cersei.  Appreciate them getting to go out together, but getting buried in rubble was the biggest meh part.  I liked how Cersei broke down and her façade crumbled at the end, but it seemed an odd ending to me.
  • Qyburn getting straight murked by the mountain was kind of funny, but it was such an afterthought for a character they've built up over several seasons.
  • What was the point of the Golden Company?  Seemingly just to make it seem like it might be an even fight I guess.  When Grey Worm kills Homeless Harry there was maybe the worst CGI of the series behind him with the smoke and ruins of the GC.  Bad enough that I noticed it in the moment.
  • I get using Arya as a tool to care about the devastation on the ground, but it didn't really pay off for me.

What I'd like to see in the finale

  • Drogon has got to go.  Whether it's a convenient ballista that Arya finds, Jon going action hero with his Valyrian Steel sword to Drogon's head, some sort of points, something.  No way can any dragon survive this series.
  • Jon needs to be the one to kill Dany, even if he dies in the attempt.
  • Bran needs to do....something, anything.  Warging Drogon seems the obvious, but it would at least be a satisfying obvious, especially if he made Drogon eat Dany.
  • I'd like to see some sort of prologue that hints at how things end up after the series.  With the amount of characters and houses involved in this show, I don't think an ambiguous ending would be that satisfying.
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8 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

Like we said, this forum is a minority. Anywhere else you nobody liked the Danny situation or it’s execution. 

I enjoyed Episode 5 overall just not the execution of Dannys Mad Queen arc. Rushed, poorly written, and non believable. You won’t be convinced otherwise so going back and forth here is pointless and endless. You have your opinion I have mine. 

Everywhere else? Get out of here. Is “everywhere else” the whiny little pansies on reddit?

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

You said this the yesterday. So I went to the GoT reddit. You had to go to page 3 before there was a thead bashing the episode.

And on page 1 there was a thread with 18,000 people discussing all the foreshadowing that GRRM and D&D did up to this point about Dany.

Again, you are the 20%. The vocal minority.

I am not the 20%, I am the 80% which you even said yesterday. Did you not see all the threads on the matter after the episode aired? Of course you are not gonna argue with the 20% for an extremely long time. I’m just about done with this myself because you are a person who must always have the last word and we are never gonna convince each other. So what’s the point?

But yes you’re nuts of you think you’re the 20%. Laughable, really. Do you live in the real world or are you a hermit?

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1 minute ago, sammymvpknight said:

Everywhere else? Get out of here. Is “everywhere else” the whiny little pansies on reddit?

Real life, reddit, youtube, Twitter, facebook. All of which are 10000000000000x bigger than this forum. I don’t see overall joy anywhere I visit, mostly disdain. 

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21 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

ummm. I think not. As far as I can tell there are only like 4 of you that didnt see this as plausible/likely. The other 10+ people posting in here saw it as in line with her character and the only complaint is that the season (and this part of it) is rushed.

It's the worst reviewed episode of GoT in the history of the show, by a massive margin. 

Not a single person has said they didn't see it in her character's arc potentially. The complaint is that they didn't develop that side other than some words and phrases. People aren't associating her killing to gain the throne to her committing genocide because according to the writers "it became personal." Sorry I don't buy that. If they wanted to end the story by making her character controversial I don't think anyone would argue that the story set up the potential for that to occur, they made her a villian, and the story absolutely failed to set her up as that. The writers went for shock and awe and a gut punch to the fans because they knew she was the most popular character and it would be talked about, but you can't tell me they set up Dany to be the most evil character on the show by its end.

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I really need to get out of this thread. I'm completely fine if people weren't a fan of how it went down. Let your opinion be known, move on, and I can respect that. I agree it was rushed and that was a huge reason it wasn't as great as it could have been.

When people need to bring the ones who did enjoy it down, it's annoying. When people say it didn't fit her character, they're wrong. That's not opinion. Jon walking right by his best friend without saying goodbye is something that does not fit his character. Everything Dany did was set up over the entire series and was a part of her character whether people choose to see it or not. 

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Do people think Dany has permanently gone mad and is gonna try to kill Jon for betraying her (and to solidify her power), or is she going to come back to her senses and realize what she has become?

My guess is once she settles down and sees the destruction, she will tell Jon she is too dangerous to rule, and Jon will let her live in exile with Drogon.

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1 minute ago, sammymvpknight said:

The reason is simple: bias. Misery likes company. 

Ah you're one of those people who think they're more entitled to an opinion than others, fun.

Look if you're one of the folks that completely buy what the writers did awesome, I envy you because it'd be easier to accept the ending of my favorite show. Don't be a jag to those who don't. There's no right answer to how to respond to the episode.

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7 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

I am not the 20%, I am the 80% which you even said yesterday

No I didnt. You misread it and I left it alone. Reread it.

5 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

Real life, reddit, youtube, Twitter, facebook. All of which are 10000000000000x bigger than this forum. I don’t see overall joy anywhere I visit, mostly disdain. 

People will always find what they want too. 


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2 minutes ago, JonStark said:

I really need to get out of this thread. I'm completely fine if people weren't a fan of how it went down. Let your opinion be known, move on, and I can respect that. I agree it was rushed and that was a huge reason it wasn't as great as it could have been.

When people need to bring the ones who did enjoy it down, it's annoying. When people say it didn't fit her character, they're wrong. That's not opinion. Jon walking right by his best friend without saying goodbye is something that does not fit his character. Everything Dany did was set up over the entire series and was a part of her character whether people choose to see it or not. 

I think people are just debating because we're on a forum for that purpose, whether it be sports or TV shows. There's no right answer to how you should feel about a TV episode.

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2 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Ah you're one of those people who think they're more entitled to an opinion than others, fun.

Look if you're one of the folks that completely buy what the writers did awesome, I envy you because it'd be easier to accept the ending of my favorite show. Don't be a jag to those who don't. There's no right answer to how to respond to the episode.

Your one of those people who think that everyone thinks the same way you do because you saw it liked on Facebook. 

You’re being dramatic and making arguments that are nonsense. I haven’t loved the season but it appears that there is a ton of hate momentum and that’s creating an overwhelming about of bias. 

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