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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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22 minutes ago, Leader said:

That would be cool. I'm hearing whispers of some kind of spin offs? Dont know to believe any of them but it would keep the "Drogon character" alive for another day......

None of the proposed spin offs will have anything to do with the current characters (whoever survives) they are all earlier the Westeros history. Also it's not just whispers... Pilot has already been ordered for one and several characters have been cast... Another was turned down by HBO...I think there is at least one more being considered as well.

So question for everyone....

"Light of the seven" vs "The night King" for best song in the series.... Whatcha got?

Personally I prefer the night King but both were amazing songs and easily the two best in the series by far imo.

Edited by rob_shadows
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14 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

She lost alot in previous seasons as well. She didn't go off the rails like she did in this one. Also she knew Jon was going to do that, he told her he would and after that display with Cersei he made that abundantly clear that's just who he is. So how was she somehow surprised by what he did? She completely ignored part of his character that he's famous for? Jon did what he's always done she had to expect that.

This is not even my biggest gripe about the episode. But for her just to give into that urge with no tact it is not Dany.

She lost a lot in previous seasons? Sure, but she literally lost the only two people she would let close to her in Jorah and Missandei, two of her three dragons, and her rightful claim to everything she's ever wanted in a short time span. Comparing that to things she's lost in the past is just a weak attempt to mask the severity that her state of mind was actually in. 

Where do you get that Dany was surprised by what Jon did? I'm going to need an example of that one. Her crying when she asked him to hide the truth was part of her begging, not being surprised. Hell, when Tyrion walks in and says she's been backstabbed, she asks right away if it was Jon very calmly as if she already knew the answer. It's getting to be a stale and impossible debate with you, as you just dance around all of the evidence throughout the series that people are throwing out and change the subject to points that either have very little to do with what she did or are just flat out reaches. There's really no point in continuing this volley. 

9 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Opposite here, it has become “cool” for diehards to defend anything that is written/produced. I do consider myself a diehard, although not a blind one. 

You don't have to be a blind one to see the evidence that has been planted throughout the entire series. Remember, this is likely the ending for GRRM as well, the only difference is the set up and how they got there (which even us defending it admit that it was rushed towards the end). Are you saying GRRM didn't plant any seeds of his eventual ending when he had a say in the show? I'm still waiting on your response to this as well:

22 hours ago, JonStark said:

So we aren't allowed to put any stock in it because she "says it in a passionate moment"? First off, that's how she feels deep down. It doesn't come out of no where. In a proper state of mind, that feeling is easier to suppress, which leads me to my second point. Do you think she was in a proper state of mind when the bells rang? After all she had lost recently, sitting there looking at the building her father brought to King's Landing, are you saying that THAT wasn't a passionate moment? 

None of the quotes are that bad? "Burn cities to the ground" is literally what everyone is upset that she did! 

I've been pretty unbiased throughout this season. I ripped episode 4 to shreds, as it was probably my most hated episode of the series. It just seems like the people who are hating on it won't listen to any of the evidence that the rest are presenting, and continue to rehash the same complaints over and over again. 

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37 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

None of the proposed spin offs will have anything to do with the current characters (whoever survives) they are all earlier the Westeros history. Also it's not just whispers... Pilot has already been ordered for one and several characters have been cast... Another was turned down by HBO...I think there is at least one more being considered as well.

So question for everyone....

"Light of the seven" vs "The night King" for best song in the series.... Whatcha got?

Personally I prefer the night King but both were amazing songs and easily the two best in the series by far imo.

Light of the Seven is one of the best composed pieces I’ve ever heard. And it’s fit with the show was superb. I could argue that was one of the great scenes in TV history. 

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38 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

Light of the Seven is one of the best composed pieces I’ve ever heard. And it’s fit with the show was superb. I could argue that was one of the great scenes in TV history. 


The Light of the Seven music was well "edited in" and played throughout the entire episode - whereas the Night King was begun and cut in with the slow motion fighting scenes of carnage towards the end of that episode leading up to the final moments. Both well done and both contributed to the visuals really well IMO.

Edited by Leader
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9 hours ago, thrILL! said:

Feel like there’s a spin-off in all of this- Westeros Law & Order.  $$$$

Certainly enough rape for a Westeros SVU.

Light of the Seven is great, but Night King is a better piece of music, IMO.  One of the things that The Long Night absolutely nailed.

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1 hour ago, rob_shadows said:

None of the proposed spin offs will have anything to do with the current characters (whoever survives) they are all earlier the Westeros history. Also it's not just whispers... Pilot has already been ordered for one and several characters have been cast... Another was turned down by HBO...I think there is at least one more being considered as well.

So question for everyone....

"Light of the seven" vs "The night King" for best song in the series.... Whatcha got?

Personally I prefer the night King but both were amazing songs and easily the two best in the series by far imo.

I like "The Night King" just slightly more. I also really like "The Red Woman."

But my favorite piece if music is the intense part of the Stark theme. When Jon is revealed to be the baby and it cuts to his face after the Battle of the Bastards...breathtaking.

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1 hour ago, seminoles1 said:

My favorite piece if music is the intense part of the Stark theme. When Jon is revealed to be the baby and it cuts to his face after the Battle of the Bastards...


Agree - although I cant recall the music involved, I always thought that an excellent bit of editing.

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14 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Episode 5 scored a 47% Critic Score on RT, 6.5 score on IMDB, and a 6.9 fan score on FanGraph. 

Episode 4 and 5 are the two lowest rated episodes in the shows history. I don’t think I agree with that, S1 E3, S1 E4, and quite a few episodes in S5 and S6 were not very good. 

But as you see, majority of people have not taken a liking the past two episodes. 

It's a thin-skinned world of quitters and crybabies. I actually applaud the disgruntled that have the integrity to step off the ledge... see what awaits them elsewhere on some other channels. No surprise in the least.

I mean, there's no doubt that the writers are wrapping this up more quickly than fans desire... and the development of crucial events has been forced too quickly as a result. Oh well. That is what is left. 

... but it's still, IMO, so much better than most garbage out there. It comes down to taking what good you can get.. being a grown up and accepting that whatever happens from most tv is just more fiction that's... really not all that life impacting after all. 

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6 minutes ago, oldman9er said:

It's a thin-skinned world of quitters and crybabies. I actually applaud the disgruntled that have the integrity to step off the ledge... see what awaits them elsewhere on some other channels. No surprise in the least.

I mean, there's no doubt that the writers are wrapping this up more quickly than fans desire... and the development of crucial events has been forced too quickly as a result. Oh well. That is what is left. 

... but it's still, IMO, so much better than most garbage out there. It comes down to taking what good you can get.. being a grown up and accepting that whatever happens from most tv is just more fiction that's... really not all that life impacting after all. 

I like how you follow up a statement that the world is full of crybabies and that a fictional show isn't life impacting at all by whining that everyone else isn't as stoked on GOT as you.

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3 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I like how you follow up a statement that the world is full of crybabies and that a fictional show isn't life impacting at all by whining that everyone else isn't as stoked on GOT as you.

I'm not even stoked. Just taking what is givin and enjoying the ride for what it is. I don't know why that is so hard for some. It's a strange display. :/ 

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I'm glad this is the final season cuz GoT would be the Zombie Peyton of television if it wasn't.

Outside of the Cleganebowl, the episode sucked and is a microcosm of how the show has fallen apart without Martin.

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10 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

"Dany has been written 50/50 for a long time" => great way to describe her

I'm not so sure about that.....
Seemed that Lara of the Iron Islands gave Dany some signals, but Dany didnt reciprocate  :)

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