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Week Whatever Game Day Commiseration Destination: Packers Versus Lions


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Just now, Striker said:

And then this week your young guys are getting smoked, your QB gets concussed, and your offense looks all sorts of out of sorts.

It was a short term feel good, long term mistake. That's not on the coaches or players. That's on the FO.

I think you are overreacting a bit. Winning last week is going to cost us a whopping like 3 draft slots. I'd rather see some development and see who we can build around vs just tanking. This week sucks, but it happens.


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I don’t understand tanking. I will never cheer for it. With that attitude every team that’s not in playoff contention should tank after 6 weeks because in all honesty your not gonna win it all. I wish they did a lottery like basketball to avoid bad football.

If your for tanking your not a real fan. You probably earn a living under the table, don’t report your proper taxes, take what you find instead of turning it in and tell white lies on a daily basis.

Your a bad person.

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7 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Rodgers isn't concussed, it's just an easy way for him to miss the rest of the game as well as avoid a press conference. You can't say he's out with the knee because then you look like idiots for trotting him out there in the first place.

Wait, Murphy and Gute are geniuses??!!!!


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